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Obama, Mickelson,and Sir Charles

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1Obama, Mickelson,and Sir Charles Empty Obama, Mickelson,and Sir Charles 10/17/2014, 4:21 pm



Obama walks into a bank to get some cash, but he has no I.D. The teller says "Is there any way you can prove you're the president ? A guy came in claiming to be Phil Mickelson and he putted a golf ball into a cup all the way across the floor. Another guy came in claiming to be Charles Barkley and he fired a rolled up piece of paper into a trash can on the other side of the room, so we knew they were both who they claimed to be, is there anything you can do to prove who you are ?" Obama thought for a minute and said "I don't have a clue." The teller said "Do you want large bills or small, Mr. President?"



Second time this week.

Is this making the rounds in a chain email or something?



I'm sorry...I didn't see it posted.


At least this one was funny.



lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

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