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Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It?

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1Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? Empty Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? 10/7/2014, 3:23 pm



The book has been recommended to me. And the movie is now showing. I don't know if I can read the book before the movie stops being shown.  My opinion is that usually a book is better than its movie version.

My question is whether the movie is any good? What's the opinion of those who have read the book and then saw the movie?  

2Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? Empty Re: Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? 10/26/2016, 10:32 pm



Interesting movie

3Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? Empty Re: Gone Girl - Anyone Seen It? 11/2/2016, 6:15 am



Good mystery. Rosamund Pike deserved her Oscar nomination.

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