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You go, girl!

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1You go, girl! Empty You go, girl! 11/23/2018, 6:22 pm

Deus X

Deus X

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Trump is "Saudi Arabia's bitch" in tweet

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, a National Guard veteran who did two tours in the Middle East, said in a tweet that President Trump is "Saudi Arabia's bitch" for announcing the U.S. will stand with Saudi Arabia, regardless of any intelligence community assessment on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's involvement in the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

"Hey @realdonaldtrump: being Saudi Arabia's bitch is not "America First,"" Gabbard tweeted. Mr. Trump has justified his stance on Saudi Arabia by saying that the country is a key partner in national security and a large buyer of U.S. weapons.

Last week, Gabbard also called for an end to any U.S. involvement in the Saudi intervention in the war in Yemen which has caused a humanitarian crisis. "It is long overdue that we end U.S. complicity in Saudi Arabia's atrocities," said Gabbard. "We must end all U.S. support for Saudi Arabia's genocidal war in Yemen now."

2You go, girl! Empty Re: You go, girl! 11/23/2018, 7:53 pm




We oughta disentangle ourselves from those bastard Israelis too. And I don't really care if Bashar Assad runs Syria.

3You go, girl! Empty Re: You go, girl! 11/24/2018, 12:41 am

Deus X

Deus X

EmeraldGhost wrote:Agreed.

If you agree with something I posted, then I did it wrong.

4You go, girl! Empty Re: You go, girl! 11/24/2018, 3:45 am


Deus X wrote:
EmeraldGhost wrote:Agreed.

If you agree with something I posted, then I did it wrong.


5You go, girl! Empty Re: You go, girl! 11/24/2018, 11:08 am



RealLindaL wrote:
Deus X wrote:
EmeraldGhost wrote:Agreed.

If you agree with something I posted, then I did it wrong.


Double lol!

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