Bystander with Carry Permit Shoots and Kills Suspect With Headshot Who Was Attacking a Police Officer in Baton Rouge
2012 August 27
state: LA
Incident originally happened in 2006, but was not previously published on this site.
Brian Harrison, with the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s department, was escorting a funeral procession when he pulled George Temple over to write him a ticket for interrupting the procession.
According to East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s spokesman Greg Phares, Temple then attacked Officer Harrison. Perry Stevens happened to be walking nearby when he heard Officer Harrison yelling for help. Stevens saw Officer Harrison on his back with Temple on top of him.
Stevens knew he had to act to save the officer, so he retrieved a .45 caliber handgun from his nearby vehicle. Stevens issued verbal commands to Temple, but they were ignored. Stevens then fired four shots at Temple, all of which struck him in the torso. During the struggle, Officer Harrison was also able to shoot Temple once in the abdomen. With the suspect wounded by five gun shot wounds, Stevens tried once again to order the man, who was still struggling with the officer, to stop. Temple still refused to comply, so Stevens fired one more shot into Temple’s head, killing him.
Police say the shooting was justified and no charges are expected against Mr. Stevens, who has a permit to carry in LA.