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Fewer than 1% of the 3.7 million comments on net neutrality received by the FCC were opposed to net neutrality enforcement

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Fewer than 1% of the 3.7 million comments on net neutrality received by the FCC were opposed to net neutrality enforcement. Our forum GOP supporters are in an incredibly small minority on this. This minority is even smaller than that which exists in the world of climate science.

boards of FL

boards of FL

This is literally happening right in front of your face. It's right out in the open. Read.

Now, we wait.

The window for the public to weigh in on how federal rule-makers should treat Internet traffic is closed, after a record 3.7 million comments arrived at the FCC. The Sunlight Foundation analyzed the first 800,000 and found that fewer than 1 percent were opposed to net neutrality enforcement.

The principle of net neutrality generally means that all Internet traffic is treated equally.

But whether the weight of popular opinion can overcome the significant lobbying heft of Internet service providers fighting against stronger net neutrality rules is a huge question mark. An analysis by San Francisco-based data firm Quid found that Verizon alone spent $100 million to lobby Congress on net neutrality since 2009. (That kind of money could buy you 793 houses or 4 million bottles of Maker's Mark.)

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