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This is a forum based out of Pensacola Florida.

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A real politics forum where there isn't any constant insults or pile on from the majority of posters

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

2seaoat that a counter opinion?



Hardley boards and there are actually rules to the forum



Looks like someone there got banned from a forum called "Warchant". Yep...can't wait.



Complaining about how much you are insulted on a public Internet forum will usually just result in more insults being dished your way......

Real men just man up and dish it out as much as they have to take it.



No balls to
Come to a real forum where debate and facts settle arguments and not an insultfest. Insults add nothing to a debate. It seems that insults fly from the left when fact are posted that cannot be refuted.



"It seems that insults fly from the left when fact are posted that cannot be refuted."

Ah, but first you must post actual facts and not just opinions......

I dare say that posting opinions claiming things like: "President Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya" is entirely refutable, and posts like that are going to not only bring you utter derision from your political opponents on the forum, but they will also actually question your sanity and IQ, to boot.



Floridatexan wrote:
Looks like someone there got banned from a forum called "Warchant". Yep...can't wait.

Read the forum as most there have been banned and more than once.



boards of FL wrote:I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

As you know, it does not happen on DailyKOS. They have rules, if you do not agree with them, you are banned. If you support someone they do not, you are banned. If you have any of their "CHOSEN" readers oppose your views you are banned. If to many readers in general oppose your view, you are banned.

They have a very simple system at DailyKOS. In the 2008 primaries, if you supported or posted anything in favor of Hillary Clinton, you were banned.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

As you know, it does not happen on DailyKOS.  They have rules, if you do not agree with them, you are banned.  If you support someone they do not, you are banned.  If you have any of their "CHOSEN" readers oppose your views you are banned.  If to many readers in general oppose your view, you are banned.

They have a very simple system at DailyKOS.  In the 2008 primaries, if you supported or posted anything in favor of Hillary Clinton, you were banned.

I've never been there, though if what you're saying is true, it sounds like the Hannity forum. I have actually been banned there several times.



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

As you know, it does not happen on DailyKOS.  They have rules, if you do not agree with them, you are banned.  If you support someone they do not, you are banned.  If you have any of their "CHOSEN" readers oppose your views you are banned.  If to many readers in general oppose your view, you are banned.

They have a very simple system at DailyKOS.  In the 2008 primaries, if you supported or posted anything in favor of Hillary Clinton, you were banned.

I've never been there, though if what you're saying is true, it sounds like the Hannity forum.  I have actually been banned there several times.

But you relish in using profanity and foul words. Go over to the DailyKOS, they'll tell you that you are the star of the world!

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

As you know, it does not happen on DailyKOS.  They have rules, if you do not agree with them, you are banned.  If you support someone they do not, you are banned.  If you have any of their "CHOSEN" readers oppose your views you are banned.  If to many readers in general oppose your view, you are banned.

They have a very simple system at DailyKOS.  In the 2008 primaries, if you supported or posted anything in favor of Hillary Clinton, you were banned.

I've never been there, though if what you're saying is true, it sounds like the Hannity forum.  I have actually been banned there several times.

But you relish in using profanity and foul words.  Go over to the DailyKOS, they'll tell you that you are the star of the world!

It is well understood that that doesn't fly over at the Hannity forum. I was banned for posting factual information that doesn't jive with Hannity's narrative.



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:I suspect you will be met with insults anywhere you post on the internet, PACEDOG.

As you know, it does not happen on DailyKOS.  They have rules, if you do not agree with them, you are banned.  If you support someone they do not, you are banned.  If you have any of their "CHOSEN" readers oppose your views you are banned.  If to many readers in general oppose your view, you are banned.

They have a very simple system at DailyKOS.  In the 2008 primaries, if you supported or posted anything in favor of Hillary Clinton, you were banned.

I've never been there, though if what you're saying is true, it sounds like the Hannity forum.  I have actually been banned there several times.

But you relish in using profanity and foul words.  Go over to the DailyKOS, they'll tell you that you are the star of the world!

It is well understood that that doesn't fly over at the Hannity forum.  I was banned for posting factual information that doesn't jive with Hannity's narrative.

I've never posted on the site but my guess is that like most Progressives, what you consider FACT isn't even close. You know, like the haters here who continue to swear that Brown was shot in the back.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Liberals are haters

Really? Having been on this forum for quite a long time I think you would have a very hard time justifying that statement but hey times they are a changin' . . .



Liberals are haters?

It is very hypocritical for one of the biggest haters on this forum to call other posters "haters."
 Twisted Evil



The hate is evident in the intolerance shown when differing opinions and ideas are put forth that liberals don't Agree with. The forum is chock full of examples



PACEDOG#1 wrote:The hate is evident in the intolerance shown when differing opinions and ideas are put forth that liberals don't Agree with. The forum is chock full of examples

Then you really need to think before you post, PeeDawg. PPCA ripped your latest Obamacare thread to pieces. Don't expect other posters to just roll over and accept it when someone proves you are putting up total BS. It just shows how is not a reliable source for information. It is perhaps good for stirring-up the wingnut base, but not good for much else.



Pdog: Stop whining. If you don't like it here ... bye, and don't let the door hit you in the ass.



Y'all are worse than school yard bullies... grow up.



Yep they are real BAs behind a PC screen



There's no debate or back and forth here. Liberals never debate, they just insult.




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