Illegals are bringing in things that America hasn't seen for years...mostly because we have sanitation....and they shit in their drinking water...
Pollution. Water pollution is a problem that has given rise to concern in Mexico. Its health costs have been estimated in 1992 at around US$3,600 million [4]. The estimates in Ref. 4 include the cost of diarrhoeal diseases caused by water and soil pollution, as well as by the lack of sanitation and by food poisoning. The pollution load is concentrated in a few catchment areas. According to studies conducted by the National Water Commission, 89 per cent of the total pollution load arises in 20 of all the country's catchments. Similarly, 50 per cent of wastewater discharges have been recorded in a total of four catchments: Panuco, Lerma, San Juan, and Balsas, which receive discharges from the main cities of the central region [5].
Treatment Capacity. Despite the importance of recovering treated wastewater to satisfy increasing water needs, the treatment capacity in Mexico is very limited and is not fully exploited. Only 10 per cent of the effluents are properly treated [1].