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Beautiful moon tonite

4 posters

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1Beautiful moon tonite Empty Beautiful moon tonite 6/12/2014, 10:03 pm

no stress

no stress

2Beautiful moon tonite Empty Re: Beautiful moon tonite 6/12/2014, 10:05 pm

no stress

no stress

3Beautiful moon tonite Empty Re: Beautiful moon tonite 6/12/2014, 10:07 pm



Gorgeous moon.

4Beautiful moon tonite Empty Re: Beautiful moon tonite 6/12/2014, 10:36 pm




Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 6/13/2014, 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just because)

5Beautiful moon tonite Empty Re: Beautiful moon tonite 6/12/2014, 10:39 pm


My wife took a picture on her phone and brought it in to me as I was watching the game.....I will sneak out later and take a peak.

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