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The Census Bureau's Racial Straitjacket

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Earlier this month at a meeting of the Population Association of America, researchers presented preliminary findings that more than two million Hispanics changed their racial classification to "white" in the 2010 census from "some other race" in 2000. Overall, according to official data, 53% of Hispanics classified themselves as white in 2010.

Yet for 2020 the Census Bureau is considering racializing the constellation of Hispanic ethnicities. The current population survey asks if a person is of "Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin" and states that "Hispanic origins are not races." Then another question presents individuals with a range of racial categories, including white, black, or "some other race" to choose from. For the 2020 survey, the Census Bureau proposes a single question about a person's race or origin. Among the racial categories to choose from is "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin

How do y'all feel about this move?

Ill keep my opinion to myself for now.  Wink 


Hispanic is a broad and very loose fitting definitional tool. It is not a racial classification. Yes, there are white Mexicans. When I lived in Mexico, it was surprising to see the number of the same without the Mestizo influence of the native populations. Spanish speaking black cultures also consider themselves Hispanic.



2seaoat wrote:Hispanic is a broad and very loose fitting definitional tool.   It is not a racial classification.   Yes, there are white Mexicans.  When I lived in Mexico, it was surprising to see the number of the same without the Mestizo influence of the native populations.   Spanish speaking black cultures also consider themselves Hispanic.  

Pay attention, they are going to start treating Hispanic as a race in 2020.



Chrissy wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Hispanic is a broad and very loose fitting definitional tool.   It is not a racial classification.   Yes, there are white Mexicans.  When I lived in Mexico, it was surprising to see the number of the same without the Mestizo influence of the native populations.   Spanish speaking black cultures also consider themselves Hispanic.  

Pay attention, they are going to start treating Hispanic as a race in 2020.

Get real! "They've" been treating Latinos as a race for three hundred years!



Wordslinger wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Hispanic is a broad and very loose fitting definitional tool.   It is not a racial classification.   Yes, there are white Mexicans.  When I lived in Mexico, it was surprising to see the number of the same without the Mestizo influence of the native populations.   Spanish speaking black cultures also consider themselves Hispanic.  

Pay attention, they are going to start treating Hispanic as a race in 2020.

Get real! "They've" been treating Latinos as a race for three hundred years!

No they have not. They include them in with whites.

This is a new rule to start in 2020 for the next census. They probably need to put this information out there to try and hide how many illegals they are letting over here. So they can go oh, well it just looks that way because we changed how we asked the question. Wink 



Hispanics, unless they're mixed with other races, are Caucasians.



Floridatexan wrote:
Hispanics, unless they're mixed with other races, are Caucasians.

Well that has been the consensus for ages, but the census is about to change that.
The Census Bureau has embarked on a years-long research project intended to improve the accuracy and reliability of its race and ethnicity data

To address concerns about a rising share of “some other race” selections, a combined race and ethnicity question is under consideration for 2020, in which people would be offered all the race and Hispanic options in one place



Floridatexan wrote:
Hispanics, unless they're mixed with other races, are Caucasians.

The Census Bureau's Racial Straitjacket Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8SeGCSXU_3Eh5L8KSYQu2rXbzUWFv6xnIpdOPEgXlDmvoku21dQ




But then the question is how much of the other races are mixed in before they are considered part of that other race?

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