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FBI: the number of murders by hammers and clubs consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle.

boards of FL
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Well, I start with my AR loaded, shotgun on a sling around my shoulder and a .40 cal Sig on my thigh. Empty the AR and drop it to your side, go to the shot gun next. And finally that high cap sig gets to play afterwards.

That gives me 50 rounds before I have to reload any magazine at all.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:My only concern is which weapon do I start many guns so many calibers...what's a man to do ? Probably my semiauto shotgun..

Tough talk for a dude hiding in the woods.

boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:More people are killed each year by motorcycles than by 18th century muskets!  

Wow who said fluoride damages young brains, they certainly never met you..

Apparently a lack of fluoride damages your ability to detect sarcasm. Painfully obvious sarcasm.



Sal wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:My only concern is which weapon do I start many guns so many calibers...what's a man to do ? Probably my semiauto shotgun..

Tough talk for a dude hiding in the woods. just enjoying nature and peace and quiet...but I do have a perimeter alarm system that lets me know who's coming up the drive and where they are at all prepared...boy scout motto..information removes fear and allows one to make a proper response.. I wave at the meter reader every time she comes by...



boards of FL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:More people are killed each year by motorcycles than by 18th century muskets!  

Wow who said fluoride damages young brains, they certainly never met you..

Apparently a lack of fluoride damages your ability to detect sarcasm.  Painfully obvious sarcasm.

Aw man that wasn't sarcasm in the true sense just a poor strained exaggeration in my opinion..

boards of FL

boards of FL

Sal wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:My only concern is which weapon do I start many guns so many calibers...what's a man to do ? Probably my semiauto shotgun..

Tough talk for a dude hiding in the woods. just enjoying nature and peace and quiet...but I do have a perimeter alarm system that lets me know who's coming up the drive and where they are at all prepared...boy scout motto..information removes fear and allows one to make a proper response.. I wave at the meter reader every time she comes by...

Yeah, Sal. Clearly he isn't a big pussy hiding out in a bunker/weapons cache. This is proven by the fact that he has installed a perimeter alarm system that lets him know whose coming and where they are at all times.

Way to counter Sal's suggestion there, TEO.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:by Floridatexan Today at 11:52 am
See the image

OOPS...forgot something...

See the image
The piston or AK version of that Sig is a fine weapon. Of course, you wouldn't know that as you are demonizing anything with a trigger.

Nope...I had 5 to choose from...I just picked one classed as an "assault weapon".



Classed? There is no assault weapons class. It is a boogie man term used by liberals to fear monger.



That’s what Glenn Beck said on his morning radio show Thursday as he discussed AR-15s. But why? Is an AR-15 not an assault rifle? Does the “AR” in AR-15 not stand for “assault rifle”?

A man with an AR-15, which is a semi-automatic rifle allowed for civilian ownership. (Photo:
It doesn’t. In fact, it doesn’t mean “automatic rifle” either, as many might think. AR actually stands for ArmaLite rifle, which is the company that first developed it in the 1950s.

It seems that there is a lot of confusion as to the difference between military rifles and those designed for civilian ownership, especially because of the language often used to describe the latter. The most popular terms to describe the weapons at the center of the recent gun control debate are “military-style” and “assault.” These words have long been used to to describe civilian firearms like the AR-15, but some consider it an inappropriate association that is deliberately being made to “demonize” the guns.



Sen Feinstein said "I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation. It will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons that fall outside the bill’s scope. We must take these dangerous weapons of war off our streets."
Then why do we have a militarized police force equipped with MRAPs from Afghanistan?



Wordslinger wrote:It might be a little tougher for a killer with a hammer or club to take out a dozen moviegoers in a theater at night, than it is for one with an M4 and a 30 round mag.

It's time to do away with pistol mags over five rounds and rifle mags the same.

Change the 2nd amendment. Just shoot any of the bastards who insist on being killed in defense of their right to wipe out entire neighborhoods whenever they feel like it.

Pacedog ... get ready.  We're a comin' ... LOL

FBI: the number of murders by hammers and clubs consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle.  - Page 2 GunControl



boards of FL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:More people are killed each year by motorcycles than by 18th century muskets!  

Wow who said fluoride damages young brains, they certainly never met you..

Apparently a lack of fluoride damages your ability to detect sarcasm.  Painfully obvious sarcasm.

Translating sarcasm to the written page is an art. Hemmingway had that talent. You are not Hemmingway.



boards of FL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:More people are killed each year by motorcycles than by 18th century muskets!  

Wow who said fluoride damages young brains, they certainly never met you..

Apparently a lack of fluoride damages your ability to detect sarcasm.  Painfully obvious sarcasm.

Translating sarcasm to the written page is an art. Hemmingway had that talent. You are not Hemmingway.



That wasn't sarcasm...that was cynicism. See ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES.



Why does the left hate guns so much? Is it because its just another agenda by their puppet masters and they really don't know but just follow along like zombies?

FBI: the number of murders by hammers and clubs consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle.  - Page 2 Gun-co10



Okay let's see if there is a clue you non- preppers might find has to why I live in the country and take precautions...TEOTWAWKI is my has been my forum name for years and years...I don't think these United States will remain peaceful, calm and orderly in the years to come, so I prep..if you don't want to prep and think that Hillary will save you then by all means whistle a happy tune and move along. I will remember you as you starve in your cold dark urban and suburban houses being raided, robbed and raped by desperate "entitled" mobs of democrats...remember it ain't yours if you can't keep it...



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Okay let's see if there is a clue you non- preppers might find has to why I live in the country and take precautions...TEOTWAWKI is my has been my forum name for years and years...I don't think these United States will remain peaceful, calm and orderly in the years to come, so I prep..if you don't want to prep and think that Hillary will save you then by all means whistle a happy tune and move along. I will remember you as you starve in your cold dark urban and suburban  houses being raided, robbed and raped by desperate "entitled" mobs of democrats...remember it ain't yours if you can't keep it...

yep, and according to sal, they are organizing by way of facebook.  Wink 



Noah was an optimist...

no stress

no stress

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Okay let's see if there is a clue you non- preppers might find has to why I live in the country and take precautions...TEOTWAWKI is my has been my forum name for years and years...I don't think these United States will remain peaceful, calm and orderly in the years to come, so I prep..if you don't want to prep and think that Hillary will save you then by all means whistle a happy tune and move along. I will remember you as you starve in your cold dark urban and suburban  houses being raided, robbed and raped by desperate "entitled" mobs of democrats...remember it ain't yours if you can't keep it...
 cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers 

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