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Tell the government to collect every penny from that thieving cowboy bastard ...

no stress
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Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?



PkrBum wrote:Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?

What are you really saying here, that Mexicans should be tossed in prison for their illegal presence, but cowboy thieves should get a free pass?

How white of you ... LOL

no stress

no stress

Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?

What are you really saying here, that Mexicans should be tossed in prison for their illegal presence, but cowboy thieves should get a free pass?

How white of you ...  LOL
Boom! Racecard...the argument is lost lol



My first wife was hispanic and my daughter from that marriage is mixed of course... you racist pos.

Here's a novel concept... we are citizens of the united states of america... they are citizens of mexico. Questions?

no stress

no stress




I hope the Feds crush him . . . . damn the torpedoes . . . .



Just wow... you do know the grass grows back every year... right? The citizen even improved to water supply.

In a few years you'd never know the cows were ever there. You leftist are getting hardcore. It reminds me of the soviets starving off farmers. They would take all the food produced and wouldn't even allow them to eat their own animals...

while children and all starved before each others eyes.



Tell the government to collect every penny from that thieving cowboy bastard ... Screen23



Gunz wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?

What are you really saying here, that Mexicans should be tossed in prison for their illegal presence, but cowboy thieves should get a free pass?

How white of you ...  LOL
 Boom! Racecard...the argument is lost lol

OK, eliminate the racial aspect. What we're left with are two types of criminals -- one a Mexican immigrant, the other a multi-millionaire cowboy who steals from the public trough.

That suit you better? LOL


There will be lawyers and judges fighting to convict Bundy but NONE to send the ILLEGAL aliens to prison or back where they came from.......

Where does the meat from his cattle go to?? How many people does it feed?? How many people have jobs because of his cattle??



PkrBum wrote:Just wow... you do know the grass grows back every year... right? The citizen even improved to water supply.

In a few years you'd never know the cows were ever there.  You leftist are getting hardcore. It reminds me of the soviets starving off farmers. They would take all the food produced and wouldn't even allow them to eat their own animals...

while children and all starved before each others eyes.

Oh, good grief. Only you would grasp at a reference to Stalin. This man is a thief, no matter how you want to spin it.



PkrBum wrote:Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?

A cowboy stole his wife I bet.



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Just wow... you do know the grass grows back every year... right? The citizen even improved to water supply.

In a few years you'd never know the cows were ever there.  You leftist are getting hardcore. It reminds me of the soviets starving off farmers. They would take all the food produced and wouldn't even allow them to eat their own animals...

while children and all starved before each others eyes.

Oh, good grief.  Only you would grasp at a reference to Stalin.  This man is a thief, no matter how you want to spin it.  
Why don't you go after all thieves and not just this one then?



Wordslinger wrote:
Gunz wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Wonderful... we have millions illegally invading our country importing drugs and crime and tapping our economy...

and you want to use the force of govt to squash a cowboy because his cows are eating public land grass... that grows back.

This is what gets you worked up?

What are you really saying here, that Mexicans should be tossed in prison for their illegal presence, but cowboy thieves should get a free pass?

How white of you ...  LOL
 Boom! Racecard...the argument is lost lol

OK, eliminate the racial aspect.  What we're left with are two types of criminals -- one a Mexican immigrant, the other a multi-millionaire cowboy who steals from the public trough.

That suit you better?  LOL
"Mexican illegal immigrant"....fixed it for you



The ecological costs of livestock grazing exceed that of any other western land use. In the arid Southwest, livestock grazing is the most widespread cause of species endangerment. By destroying vegetation, damaging wildlife habitats and disrupting natural processes, livestock grazing wreaks ecological havoc on riparian areas, rivers, deserts, grasslands and forests alike — causing significant harm to species and the ecosystems on which they depend.
Despite these costs, livestock grazing continues on state and federal lands throughout the arid West. Livestock grazing is promoted, protected and subsidized by federal agencies on 270 million acres of public land in the 11 western states. Federal-lands livestock grazing enjoys $100 million annually in direct subsidy; indirect subsidies may be three times that. On the Tonto National Forest in Arizona in 2004 and 2005, ranchers were subsidized under just one federal program to the tune of $3.5 million for “range improvements.”
Cattle destroy native vegetation, damage soils and stream banks, and contaminate waterways with fecal waste. After decades of livestock grazing, once-lush streams and riparian forests have been reduced to flat, dry wastelands; once-rich topsoil has been turned to dust, causing soil erosion, stream sedimentation and wholesale elimination of some aquatic habitats; overgrazing of fire-carrying grasses has starved some western forests of fire, making them overly dense and prone to unnaturally severe fires.
Keystone predators like the grizzly and Mexican gray wolf were driven extinct in southwestern ecosystems by “predator control” programs designed to protect the livestock industry. Adding insult to injury — and flying in the face of modern conservation science — the livestock industry remains the leading stodgy opponent to otherwise popular efforts to reintroduce species like the Mexican gray wolf in Arizona and New Mexico.
It isn’t simply the direct subsidies and federal assistance programs that public lands livestock operators rely on. The federal grazing fee is unreasonably low, creating a de facto subsidy for cattle owners. The western livestock industry would evaporate as suddenly as fur trapping if it had to pay market rates for the services it acquires free of charge from the federal government.
Private, unirrigated rangeland in the West rents out for an average of $11.90, while monthly grazing fees on federal lands are currently set at a paltry $1.35 per cow and calf. Despite the extreme damage done, western federal rangelands account for less than 3 percent of all forage fed to livestock in the United States. If all livestock were removed from public lands in the West, in fact, beef prices would be unaffected.
Since our founding, the Center has led efforts to reform overgrazing on public lands in the West. Our work protecting endangered species has removed cattle from hundreds of vulnerable riparian areas in national forests in Arizona, New Mexico and California over the years; in 1999 and 2000 alone, we brought pressure and lawsuits resulting in cows and sheep being removed or restricted on more than 2.5 million acres of habitat for the desert tortoise, southwestern willow flycatcher and least Bell’s vireo in the vast California Desert Conservation Area. We’re now in court to increase the federal fee for livestock grazing on public lands to an amount that’s fiscally responsible and less ecologically harmful. Center legal action has compelled the Forest Service to do an environmental impact statement on the impacts of grazing on more than 13 endangered species; in the late 1990s, our work persuaded the Bureau of Land Management to remove cattle from all or part of 32 allotments along the middle Gila River and the Forest Service to remove cattle from 250 miles of streams on 52 allotments in the upper Gila.
The Center also played a leading role in the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, including drafting of a report criticizing the proposed “Ranch Conservation” element of Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan and promoting alternative recommendations to stop grazing in critical habitat for imperiled species. In 2010, Center work helped stop domestic sheep grazing on 7,500 acres in and around the greater Yellowstone ecosystem to protect grizzly bears, lynx, wolves and bighorn; we also halted grazing on a quarter-million acres of Oregon’s Malheur National Forest to protect steelhead trout. In 2011, Center appeals stopped grazing on 33,000 acres of national forest land in Arizona.
The Center and allies sued the federal government to compel it to fix agency budget woes by reforming or eliminating the grazing program, which loses money just as rapidly and consistently as it destroys habitat. Unfortunately, in 2011 the Obama administration announced it was refusing to increase grazing fees to levels reflecting grazing’s true financial and environmental costs.




And there we finally have it... the kernel of the agenda that plays to the left... and the solution is always govt controls.

Guess how long animals have been grazing on grasslands? It's a hell of thing when a person can be lead to believe bs.

Yea govt..!!



How does overgrazing cause desertification?
By Lauren Carlson on Friday, Jan 24th, 2014
Tags: sustainabilitydesertificationovergrazing

In the film, “Hope in a Changing Climate,” reviewed last month, there is a discussion of overgrazing leading to soil desertification. But how does this happen? When livestock eat plants down to the roots, the plants grow short, unsustainable roots and eventually, the plants will stop growing altogether. This leaves large open areas with no vegetation where the soil is exposed to the elements. The soil becomes very dry and desertification occurs; the land ostensibly becomes a desert. It can change the landscape, destroy the productivity of the land, and it is extremely harmful to the biodiversity of an ecosystem.

However, sustainable agriculture and responsible livestock grazing practices, such as limiting the number of animals grazing in a certain area or rotating grazing lands can help prevent overgrazing in the first place. Additionally, the reintroduction of plant species can help curb its effects and start to reverse desertification in some areas.



He is the last rancher with cattle in gold butte. The govt slowly drove the other dozen or so off the land... even though these ranches were enticed to move there in the 1800's by the promise of free grazing. But slowly the area was reduced by whatever means at hand... grazing fees... solar here... a tortoise there... whatever anywhere... then came the restrictions on numbers... see where this is going?

No... I didn't think so.




PkrBum wrote:He is the last rancher with cattle in gold butte. The govt slowly drove the other dozen or so off the land... even though these ranches were enticed to move there in the 1800's by the promise of free grazing. But slowly the area was reduced by whatever means at hand... grazing fees... solar here... a tortoise there... whatever anywhere... then came the restrictions on numbers...  see where this is going?

No... I didn't think so.



From what I understand the mans family homesteaded their ranch in 1877

then the turtle thing, grazing fees etc all took place and has not been settled.

I wonder how much federal tax dollars has been poured into the running off and purchasing all those partials for a tortoise.  Wink 



Smile wrote:
PkrBum wrote:He is the last rancher with cattle in gold butte. The govt slowly drove the other dozen or so off the land... even though these ranches were enticed to move there in the 1800's by the promise of free grazing. But slowly the area was reduced by whatever means at hand... grazing fees... solar here... a tortoise there... whatever anywhere... then came the restrictions on numbers...  see where this is going?

No... I didn't think so.



From what I understand the mans family homesteaded their ranch in 1877

then the turtle thing, grazing fees etc all took place and has not been settled.

I wonder how much federal tax dollars has been poured into the running off and purchasing all those partials for a tortoise.  Wink 

It gets more ridiculous... they designated the grazing area an escape route for the tortoise due to solar development.



PkrBum wrote:
PkrBum wrote:He is the last rancher with cattle in gold butte. The govt slowly drove the other dozen or so off the land... even though these ranches were enticed to move there in the 1800's by the promise of free grazing. But slowly the area was reduced by whatever means at hand... grazing fees... solar here... a tortoise there... whatever anywhere... then came the restrictions on numbers...  see where this is going?

No... I didn't think so.



From what I understand the mans family homesteaded their ranch in 1877

then the turtle thing, grazing fees etc all took place and has not been settled.

I wonder how much federal tax dollars has been poured into the running off and purchasing all those partials for a tortoise.  Wink 

It gets more ridiculous... they designated the grazing area an escape route for the tortoise due to solar development.

Hahahahaah.......... an escape route for a turtle, love it! How clever of them.

Did they place little signs along the path near all the solar panels to insure the tortious could find there way out quickly?



It's interesting how many right wing forum members have leapt to the defense of this thieving, millionaire cowboy whose cattle suck from the public trough for free.

If it was some teenaged kid in Brooklyn or Carson, who was miss-using foodstamps or fraudulently using welfare cash, these same forum members would be ready to hold a lynching ... LOL



Cliven Bundy a fraud? Who would have ever guessed that in a million years.

via KLAS

His cattle, until recently, roamed freely on land managed by the federal Bureau of Land Management. Before the roundup that sparked protests, confrontations and gunmen taking a bridge, Bundy explained his "ancestral rights" to the I-Team.

"I've lived my lifetime here. My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley here ever since 1877. All these rights that I claim, have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and the water and the access and range improvements," Bundy said.

Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy's parents moved from Bundyville, Arizona and bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.

Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it. Court records show Bundy family cattle didn't start grazing on that land until 1954.

The Bureau of Land Management was created 1946, the same year Cliven was born.

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