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You cannot handicap stupidity

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1You cannot handicap stupidity Empty You cannot handicap stupidity 3/28/2014, 1:03 pm




Bill Newcomer voted against the measure, telling NBC News, “I believe we as a country have succumbed to making decisions based on emotion, as opposed to logic and critical thinking.”

Yeah . . . . ok . . . . . critical thinking? I don't think so . . . stupid is as stupid does as Forrest would say.



I hope they vote that guy off the school board. He doesn't belong there.



It's easy to be officious and arbitrary when you believe you have the machinery and bureaucracy of govt behind you.

Someday soon public outrage will be ineffectual.


Someday soon public outrage will be ineffectual.

Nonsense, and that is why all of your theories fall into the trash can.



2seaoat wrote:Someday soon public outrage will be ineffectual.

Nonsense, and that is why all of your theories fall into the trash can.

It's not my theory poindexter... it's a simple matter of fact about life and rights under an authoritarian regime.

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