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Made a spicy penne last night

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1Made a spicy penne last night Empty Made a spicy penne last night 8/17/2012, 11:26 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Made a spicy penne last night EALv8

2Made a spicy penne last night Empty Re: Made a spicy penne last night 8/17/2012, 11:39 am



boards of FL wrote:Made a spicy penne last night EALv8

Looks delicious, Will.

Captn Kaoz

Captn Kaoz

Looks good. How about a recipe?



Hello Guys Delicious Penne is somewhat like mostacholi which is a empty pipe noodle. It performs well in this French design formula because the marinade and tastes actually get within the dinner providing an additional rush of taste!

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