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They are going to cut SS because of oabmacare

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PACEDOG#1 wrote:Yeah ,,,,,,we're to the bone already Teo

Today's military is spoiled. You should have been around during the Post-Vietnam to Pre-Reagan period. That was 'to the bone' and that is where things likely are headed in the new post-war fiscal environment.


The contribution limit is now $117,000. btw

The last time it applied to me it was 113k, and the first time it applied to me it was 54k, so we did not rape the wealthy when this doubled. I listened to a columnist from the LA times who is an expert of SS.,0,489874.story#axzz2wTR7kCtZ

I listened to a the author of this article who reiterated the common knowledge I already have.....this is not rocket science, and we will have medicare for all by 2018 with a sales tax revenue source combined with the current payroll contribution.......this is simple stuff, but if you continue to post the same lies that Abby discusses, you are either a liar or completely incompetent. Losing 25% of my benefits if nothing is done is nickles and dimes for people who have alternatives, and this is why the contributions need to be expanded.

This is about the 10th time I have given you clear links to the truth......are your arguments so fallow and immature that you forgot? Getting old is a bitch, but worse than that is getting old with no integrity.......



They are going to cut SS because of oabmacare - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1GiV24UJzEe7sPpEdHz-nOtMo0xKMMjJ4JlIIYlj9KLlfYqDcDg

As far as I'm concerned before they cut SSI or military benefits all the frakking civil government employees and authorities, at all levels of government (local, state, and federal), that screwed everything up on the home front can take a 20-25% cut in their pay and benefits... that includes the retirement benefits for all of them now receiving and working towards retirement.

Better yet we'll just dump all that money into the SSI pot and the problem is solved... Call it a tax that's not a tax on civil government employees and authorities.





2seaoat wrote:The contribution limit is now $117,000. btw

The last time it applied to me it was 113k, and the first time it applied to me it was 54k, so we did not rape the wealthy when this doubled. I listened to a columnist from the LA times who is an expert of SS.,0,489874.story#axzz2wTR7kCtZ

I listened to a the author of this article who reiterated the common knowledge I already have.....this is not rocket science, and we will have medicare for all by 2018 with a sales tax revenue source combined with the current payroll contribution.......this is simple stuff, but if you continue to post the same lies that Abby discusses, you are either a liar or completely incompetent.  Losing 25% of my benefits if nothing is done is nickles and dimes for people who have alternatives, and this is why the contributions need to be expanded.

This is about the 10th time I have given you clear links to the truth......are your arguments so fallow and immature that you forgot?  Getting old is a bitch, but worse than that is getting old with no integrity.......

first of all. that's speculation and gives no real hard data. second of all, you hardly ever give links, you just expect people to take your word. your link sucks.

and I must have hit a nerve, you went right into a hissy fit trying to demean me.

You have no integrity yourself, and you have no reasonable data to back up what you claim. I want HARD CORE NUMBERS seaoat. not someone spewing out this will be this % etc. I want to know how many people have to pay what % to pay for how long. Do YOU UNDERSTAND real data?

Have a good day trying to find it. LOL



A much better solution would've been to get medicare and medicaid out of the private market. Set up govt clinics, labs, hosps... etc. Open competition nationwide for the paying ins market and providers... the govt can regulate a real level playing field.


The answer is medicare for simply is a budget priority .


I was talking to Markle........He posts the same nonsense to my telling the truth. The author gives the worse case with ss and it does not involve anything worse than benefit drops in the 20% range if nothing is done......with 20 years this is an easy fix.

Medicare for all is a simple budget priority.



2seaoat wrote:I was talking to Markle........He posts the same nonsense to my telling the truth.  The author gives the worse case with ss and it does not involve anything worse than benefit drops in the 20% range if nothing is done......with 20 years this is an easy fix.

Medicare for all is a simple budget priority.

You are really naïve when it comes to this topic. sorry but you are.

We cant even afford the current amount of Medicare we have and we couldn't even afford a Medicaid for all program. And even if we did go to a Medicaid for all program The country would go belly up faster than a speeding bullet. More hospitals would close, doctors bailing like a sinking titanic.

And the AUTHOR is quoting the Congressional Budget office.  Neutral 



2seaoat wrote:I was talking to Markle........He posts the same nonsense to my telling the truth.  The author gives the worse case with ss and it does not involve anything worse than benefit drops in the 20% range if nothing is done......with 20 years this is an easy fix.

Medicare for all is a simple budget priority.

Your generation has been kicking the can down the street for years. You've got yours and to hades with everyone else...



There are now over 20,000 pages of obamacare including the law, rules and all of the proposed regulations.

It's basically a bureaucratic nationalism... with the obligatory pretense of a market to blame upon failure.

Gawd we're dumb... we've ceded over our very bodies.



This is the same shit over and over and over again w/ the same people over and over and over again. Unbelievable.



And you are one of those people lol


I never spoke to anybody on medicare who was unhappy with it. Medicare for all. Simple budget priorities.

we've ceded over our very bodies.
The random internet guy has ceded over his body.....who would have thought.



2seaoat wrote:I never spoke to anybody on medicare who was unhappy with it.  Medicare for all.  Simple budget priorities.

we've ceded over our very bodies.
The random internet guy has ceded over his body.....who would have thought.

Ive never talked to anyone who was unhappy with a Mercedes. Its simply a budget priority LOL



Seaoat doesn't care what happens he has his and everyone else doesn't matter



Dreamsglore wrote:This is the same shit over and over and over again w/ the same people over and over and over again. Unbelievable.

They are going to cut SS because of oabmacare - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR65yY5u_2zm_ZyZETm9f_k2DvcMYMnQWmN3kMCNuACI9Qgb5A1

No. This time someone has put forth that all civil employees and authorities at the local, state, and federal, levels give up 20-25% of their pay and benefits and put it into the social security pot, instead of cutting SSI or the military. We'll just call it a tax that's not a tax.

You really should pay attention before you say something that makes you look dumb.





2seaoat wrote:I was talking to Markle........He posts the same nonsense to my telling the truth.  The author gives the worse case with ss and it does not involve anything worse than benefit drops in the 20% range if nothing is done......with 20 years this is an easy fix.

Medicare for all is a simple budget priority.

They are going to cut SS because of oabmacare - Page 2 LaughingDog

Simple budget priority? You just can't make these things up!

Where will this money come from PLUS tens of trillions MORE.

Unfunded Liabilities (money we have PROMISED, do not have, nor do we have it coming in)

Social Security. . . . $16.6 TRILLION (10,000 Baby Boomers RETIRE EVERY DAY) (How many workers are entering the job market daily?)

Prescription Drugs .$22.0 TRILLION

Medicare. . . . . . . . $87.5 TRILLION

Total Unfunded Liabilities $126.2 TRILLION!

Number of Households in 2010 = 112,611,029

Unfunded Liability Per Taxpayer $1,101,203.00

PLUS ObamaCare and Untold TRILLIONS more in TAXES



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Yeah ,,,,,,we're to the bone already Teo

We spend far more than all the other nations combined...who we getting ready to fight ? Evil dudes from krypton ?

They are going to cut SS because of oabmacare - Page 2 Country-distribution-2012

If you believe that you're a fool. Sorry, but nothing else would fit.

Do you really think China and Russia would disclose what they REALLY spend on defense?

Do either of them pay their military the salary and benefits we do? Does labor in either country cost but a fraction of what we pay? Even for products we buy from other countries. They sell it to us for a profit. Do we use slaves? How much does that add to their costs?

China's entire shipping company, second largest in the world comes under total control of the Red Army. They also control both ports, at each end of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. They have an underground submarine port and are building submarines at a frantic pace.

Russia has seen that President Barack Hussein Obama is a paper tiger. They are laughing at us and Iran has seen the weakness too. Russia will drop sanctions against Iran and continue helping them build their nuclear bomb.


Russia has seen that President Barack Hussein Obama is a paper tiger.

So it is clear that appearing not to be a paper tiger and going to war in Crimea with the soviet union is your choice. It is clear then that you believe that Crimea is a vital American interest which should commit American troops.

Tell us wise one, how would you win that war................and how many 100k would have to die to prove a president is not a paper tiger? You are clueless. We are bringing on record levels of natural gas and we have liquid facilities and the world has ample transport that Europe could by next winter cut out Russian NG imports where the Russians would literally have no market and no foreign capital. This illusion of the Russians having a mighty diversified economy is just one more of your was bankrupt in the 90s until oil and gas brought in foreign currency, and we can bankrupt them again, because our vulnerability on oil imports is dropping like a rock and intelligent Americans understand how to handle Russia.......let them lose the foreign capital.

But tell us about the War you propose. It should be interesting with you brilliance and foresight.



2seaoat wrote:Russia has seen that President Barack Hussein Obama is a paper tiger.

So it is clear that appearing not to be a paper tiger and going to war in Crimea with the soviet union is your choice.   It is clear then that you believe that Crimea is a vital American interest which should commit American troops.

Tell us wise one, how would you win that war................and how many 100k would have to die to prove a president is not a paper tiger?   You are clueless.  We are bringing on record levels of natural gas and we have liquid facilities and the world has ample transport that Europe could by next winter cut out Russian NG imports where the Russians would literally have no market and no foreign capital.  This illusion of the Russians having a mighty diversified economy is just one more of your was bankrupt in the 90s until oil and gas brought in foreign currency, and we can bankrupt them again, because our vulnerability on oil imports is dropping like a rock and intelligent Americans understand how to handle Russia.......let them lose the foreign capital.

But tell us about the War you propose.  It should be interesting with you brilliance and foresight.

wrong thread.

get back to digging up those hard numbers on how you want to place that extra tax and where to save the country. LOL

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