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Documented proof of illegal immigrants voting in South Florida

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Yep and it is rampant, So we have some liars posting here.


Sorry, the examples which were given were tenuous, but if correct they were three in nearly a million. Please show me the convictions for voter fraud in Collier and Lee County if the "reporter" actually had proof of a violation of the law.

Please see where a statewide attempt to convict all voter fraud resulted in the following:

Of the five guilty pleas, three of them involved felons who had completed their prison terms but whose voting rights had not yet been restored when they went to vote.

In another case, a woman cast an absentee ballot for her daughter, who had recently moved to Minnesota and told her mother that she had missed the registration deadline there. After learning her daughter ultimately did vote in Minnesota, the mother self-reported the double-voting incident to the local county auditor’s office, resulting in a $147.75 fine, according to The Des Moines Register.

In the fifth guilty plea, a man was incidentally charged with voter fraud after a drunk driving arrest revealed that he had stolen his dead brother’s identity to obtain a driver’s license.

Almost two million voters and five convictions.....yep we do have a liar.



Guess you didn't watch it at all and of course if Seaoat doesn't think it, then it must not be true .....


Guess you didn't watch it at all and of course if Seaoat doesn't think it, then it must not be true .....

I think it is true when folks are convicted of the crime. It is a crime. Zero convictions. What States Attorney would not jump at an opportunity to get a headline by getting a conviction. Your so called proof never even rendered a criminal indictment, let alone a conviction. More hot air and no substance which is exactly why the voter id push is nothing more than a modern poll tax or literacy test intended to restrict the rights of people to vote. Most honest people understand this my friend are delusional if you first think that illegal aliens are risking criminal prosecution by illegally voting and drawing attention to themselves, but the most important part of all studies is that we are talking about less than 1/100th of one percent.........which if there actually was such a would not make a difference in 99.9999% of elections.



I vote and live here I can assure you it's rampant


I vote and live here I can assure you it's rampant

I thought you said you were an American?



Dot wrote:I vote and live here I can assure you it's rampant

How would you even know?

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