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Shrinking the army to pre WWII levels..why so it can't compete with DHS ?

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Where are all these young people going to get jobs ?

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001.

The proposal, described by several Pentagon officials on the condition of anonymity in advance of its release on Monday, takes into account the fiscal reality of government austerity and the political reality of a president who pledged to end two costly and exhausting land wars. A result, the officials argue, will be a military capable of defeating any adversary, but too small for protracted foreign occupations.



Bout time . . . .



Yes knot head and everytime we've beaten our swords into plowshares, we've paid a price in American lives and blood. Remember that little thing in Korea? Yeah... There was never a peace treaty ever signed.



It doesn't matter to knot head, he won't have to put his azz ok the line



If JCOS signed off on it, why would I not follow their recommendation?


Earth to Pace........your french fries have been downsized. Why do you think Hagel is the SOD? This was a known commodity and in the President's platforms from day one. If you think boots on the ground are going to be our first line of defense, I would start digging the Maginot line starting in Pace over to Houston......because it makes as much sense to the defense of this country to carry a personnel heavy bloated military as it does digging the Maginot line. Fighting the next war with the strategies of the last war makes no sense if the GDP is being dragged down. Military power correlates with GDP, and the investment in infrastructure and industrial production will guarantee we will be technology wise for the the next battle which will be fought from drones more than it will be fought with cumbersome troop movements to North Korea or elsewhere.



The wingnuts only want to cut government spending on the social side of things, and want to keep the bloated military budget going full tilt.

Wingnuts complain about too much government spending, but fail to realize that they themselves are a part of the problem. The government needs to shrink from all sides of the compass, to include the military side. Social programs, special interests, and the military--only then will we get our deficits under control.



Do you think these cuts could effect Pensacola?

they probably got the idea from seaoat, he probably told one of his leftist gov buddies how to get payback.

I mean they did recently do some major cuts to the military hospital there, that could have been designed preemptively.

there are some army and air force there if I recall.



Dot wrote:Do you think these cuts could effect Pensacola?
they probably got the idea from seaoat, he probably told one of his leftist gov buddies how to get payback.

I mean they did recently do some major cuts to the military hospital there, that could have been designed preemptively.

there are some army and air force there if I recall.

Oh, absolutely it could affect Pensacola. There is not one mission performed at NAS Pensacola and NAS Whiting Field that could not be done elsewhere. About the only base in Northwest Florida that is essential is the Eglin/Hurlburt complex, and even it likely could be trimmed.

Everyone thought the world would end when NADEP was shut down at NASP--It didn't. NADEP was nothing but a jobs program that put out very shitty work. I would know, because I ran the maintainance department for a helicopter squadron back in the day, and NADEP reworked our aircraft. All we ever got back from them was barely-flyable shit with a new paint job on it. I smiled when that place finally got the ax.

Last edited by ZVUGKTUBM on 2/25/2014, 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total



Shrinking the army to pre WWII levels..why so it can't compete with DHS ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgvGs-r_e7WtePM0ZENxOZa_eKHkhSWOwVaWIp80_Z06uxLLs8_A

Shrinking the army to pre WWII levels..why so it can't compete with DHS ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQosQxZPEZapxxM_oqkk2W1_V4XKrDNWrbqJEDYdRyHSYCc9JHT

Shrinking the army to pre WWII levels..why so it can't compete with DHS ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOdXe3ws0In91VnB5U-rmxoPj-ocGFKWCwfigvKSszRUmLD53lmg

So more money can be allocated to DHS since there's so many dissidents who refuse to give up their 2nd Amendment rights...





by ZVUGKTUBM Yesterday at 2:30 pm
The wingnuts only want to cut government spending on the social side of things, and want to keep the bloated military budget going full tilt.

Wingnuts complain about too much government spending, but fail to realize that they themselves are a part of the problem. The government needs to shrink from all sides of the compass, to include the military side. Social programs, special interests, and the military--only then will we get our deficits under control.
And left wingers only want to cut mil
Spending and take those cuts and add them to social
Spending . The military was over 70% of sequestration cuts initially. It will be your grandkids that end up with the short end of the stick fighting the next war



Z said:

Oh, absolutely it could affect Pensacola. There is not one mission performed at NAS Pensacola and NAS Whiting Field that could not be done elsewhere. About the only base in Northwest Florida that is essential is the Eglin/Hurlburt complex, and even it likely could be trimmed.

Everyone thought the world would end when NADEP was shut down at NASP--It didn't. NADEP was nothing but a jobs program that put out very shitty work. I would know, because I ran the mainteneance department for a helicopter squadron back in the day, and NADEP reworked our aircraft. All we ever got back from them was barely-flyable shit with a new paint job on it. I smiled when that place finally got the ax.
So you admitted to crappy work while making above average wages? No wonder why you never got past 1lt



And no, whiting field training cannot be duplicated for the cost to the services and is a multi service mission isn't gonna get cut



PACEDOG#1 wrote:And no, whiting field training cannot be duplicated for the cost to the services and is a multi service mission isn't gonna get cut

what about corry station?



Corey would be vulnerable because a lot of navy intel is already done at Goodfelllow AFB in Texas.



Corry is a skeleton staff as it is I believe



knothead wrote:If JCOS signed off on it, why would I not follow their recommendation?

They signed off on it to keep their jobs..unlike the many men who have been forced out of the service in recent years for not kowtowing to the CINC.



What can go wrong with turning over leadership of the world to Russia and China?



Markle wrote:What can go wrong with turning over leadership of the world to Russia and China?

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it require the United States to police the whole world?

Secretary Hagel is taking the most prudent approach to downsize the military after 13 years of continuous warfare. We will still spend more money on defense than most other wealthy nations combined; just not as much as wingnuts like.



Markle wrote:What can go wrong with turning over leadership of the world to Russia and China?

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it require the United States to police the whole world?

Secretary Hagel is taking the most prudent approach to downsize the military after 13 years of continuous warfare. We will still spend more money on defense than most other wealthy nations combined; just not as much as wingnuts like.

Shrinking the army to pre WWII levels..why so it can't compete with DHS ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzc2HwdnDGJVGWlArloMYkR9ymazZlLKupAv2AuEXPgshJFSc2hA

Then have your hero bring our guys and gals home, like he said he would, and make our support of the UN only 5% of the costs.

*****EVIL CHUCKLE*****

 Twisted Evil 

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