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I'd just like to give you obamacare lovers and voters a big fat FUCK YOU!

boards of FL
Hospital Bob
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Are you talking about me? I've had the same name since the PNJ days...changed my avatar only once...when I came here. I've never used a sock or another ID in all that time. I'm not interested in running anyone down...just tired of the lies...and in this case...the hate.



Floridatexan wrote:Are you talking about me?  I've had the same name since the PNJ days...changed my avatar only once...when I came here.  I've never used a sock or another ID in all that time.  I'm not interested in running anyone down...just tired of the lies...and in this case...the hate.

Im not sure who you are talking to, but if you are asking by my comment, are you starfish? if not then no for me.

I actually don't hate you, im sure youre not aware of this. you and I have some things in common, we just cant get over the huge peer pressure in here.

I got stuff I need to do now...

may big giant yummy hamburgers chase you to bed.



Dot wrote:
ppaca wrote:Only fitting to play a song from the godfather

ppaca, how long have you been with us?

dreams and the left here have been trying to ruin me for 8 years.

Its been a great form of growth for me. Its made me stronger and I have learned so much about myself.  Cool 

She and some here would do anything to keep me occupied so as I don't show my femme side, which really angers them.

So you don't show your femme side? WTF? What do I give a shit about your femme side? I don't like you because you're a nasty,trashy revengeful bitch who will turn on anybody in your rages. You're proven that. You delude yourself that people are jealous of you when actually you come on here and make a fool of yourself saying stupid nasty things drunk or sober. You have no class whatsoever and degrade yourself. I actually feel sorry for you at times because you think you're being clever. You can't even spell or write properly yet call other people dumb? Now who would be jealous of that?



ppaca wrote:I see you moved this boards, it's certainly hard to find threads when they are changed quickly, but it is political.

Try putting your threads in the right forum to begin with and they won't have to be moved. How would that work for you?



Dreamsglore wrote:If we had the chance we vote him in again so just keep on suffering Skanky.

Not enough folks are with you. More people have learned their lesson. A Community Organizer cannot run the greatest nation the world has ever seen.



He was reelected by a landslide and would be again. Especially now w/ the GOP in a mess. LOL!



Dreamsglore wrote:He was reelected by a landslide and would be again. Especially now w/ the GOP in a mess. LOL!

I missed that landslide.

But now, enough people regret having voted for him that he would LOSE the election today.  ESPECIALLY as more and more information comes out about the Benghazi scandal along with all President Obama's other growing, massive scandals.

From The Hill

One in 10 people who voted for President Obama in 2012 now regret it, according to a new poll.

A little more than a year after Obama's reelection victory, 10 percent regret their vote for the president, while another 89 percent do not, a Fox News poll released Wednesday found.

Six percent of people who voted for his opponent, Mitt Romney, said they now regret it.

Obama’s approval rating has changed little in the last month after taking a dive during this fall. Forty-one percent of people said they approve of him, a single point higher than last month. Another 53 percent of people disapprove of him, down two points since last month.

Read more:



"A little more than a year after Obama's reelection victory, 10 percent regret their vote for the president, while another 89 percent do not, a Fox News poll released Wednesday found."

If you were trying to make a point you failed. Obama got like 5 million more votes than Romney so if ten percent regret their votes how many does that leave who didn't? LOL! Pitiful Markle Pitiful.



Dreamsglore wrote:
Dot wrote:
ppaca wrote:Only fitting to play a song from the godfather

ppaca, how long have you been with us?

dreams and the left here have been trying to ruin me for 8 years.

Its been a great form of growth for me. Its made me stronger and I have learned so much about myself.  Cool 

She and some here would do anything to keep me occupied so as I don't show my femme side, which really angers them.

So you don't show your femme side? WTF? What do I give a shit about your femme side? I don't like you because you're a nasty,trashy revengeful bitch who will turn on anybody in your rages. You're proven that. You delude yourself that people are jealous of you when actually you come on here and make a fool of yourself saying stupid nasty things drunk or sober. You have no class whatsoever and degrade yourself. I actually feel sorry for you at times because you think you're being clever. You can't even spell or write properly yet call other people dumb? Now who would be jealous of that?

Ill have you know that when I want to, which is when I am being paid to do it, I am one of the most detailed prolific writers you have ever witnessed.

I am here, I have fun. you are a jealous fucking hateful bitch who has been chasing my ass for 8 fucking years. give it a god damn rest. Im tired of it, I know the room is tired of it.

why don't you just stop posting your shit to my threads? do you think you could manage a little self control?

btw, you are one of the most hateful people I have ever seen in my life. no wonder you have to force that poor dog of yours to fuck you, you lonely old stink hag.



FU! You fat little POS w/ no top lip. I'm sick of you starting shit and then turning around and complaining you're picked on. There's a reason you get ass raped by the homeless. You probably got aids in your ass and god knows what else. My dog is a female, you illiterate freak show!



Dreamsglore wrote:FU! You fat little POS w/ no top lip. I'm sick of you starting shit and then turning around and complaining you're picked on. There's a reason you get ass raped by the homeless. You probably got aids in your ass and god knows what else. My dog is a female, you illiterate freak show!


I see youre true colors shining thru. LOL

You can always stop posting on my threads at any time now. After all you claim to be the stronger, smarter and more inteligent. You certainly must have more patients than a person of my lowly standing.  Wink 



"After all you claim to be the stronger, smarter and more inteligent. You certainly must have more patients than a person of my lowly standing."

What a damn prolific writer! LOL!



Dreamsglore wrote:"After all you claim to be the stronger, smarter and more inteligent. You certainly must have more patients than a person of my lowly standing."

What a damn prolific writer! LOL!

You just cant shut up.

do you think that I could be in my position and not be able to read, write and develop policy, procedures, spread sheets etc?

You are obsessed with ridiculing me. Your obsession speaks more about you than me honestly.



I'm not sure how you get away w/ it but no one comes on a forum and writes like that and then writes normally at work. Either you have the skills or you don't.Here's a little help for you.








Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not sure how you get away w/ it but no one comes on a forum and writes like that and then writes normally at work. Either you have the skills or you don't.Here's a little help for you.



Personally I dont think you can compare ones actions or skills off of a forum. If you are doing that, what that tells me is what we see from you is the best you got. You apparently think that being on a forum is to behave as one would at work or in public. I do not see it that way, just the oposit.

However, with that said: You go out of your way alot to try and humiliate me. It doesnt work dreams. I am proud of who I am. I am a sucessful individual. I am very highly sought after in my profession. In the last 10 years I have personally written and re-written entire SOP's for 2 major hospitals and one large organization, amongst other very technical programs, strategies and implimentations of specialized testing.

Now while I do not need to explain myself to you, I try to give a sample and trust me, it is only a small shadow of my expertise of what I mention here.

as far as the idea you think spell check = intelligence, well it does not. I can tell you that when I respond at work such as now, my spell checker does not work and I dont bother to worry if I mis spelled something, why? because I have nothing to prove here. Ive already proven it in REAL life and I get paid a good amount of money for that.

So keep on trying to belittle me, humiliate me and prove that somehow I am stupid. Because it only makes you look even more moronic than you are.

Why dont you stop responding to my post? Ive asked this twice in this thread now. Why cant you do it? You claim to be the superior intellect and most compassionate person, prove it by not responding anymore to my threads. Smile 




Try your bullshit on somebody who would be dumb enough to believe it. I'm not. You are a moron.



Dreamsglore wrote:oposite=opposite

Try your bullshit on somebody who would be dumb enough to believe it. I'm not. You are a moron.

LOL, I knew you couldn't do it.  Laughing 

You keep telling yourself that I'm stupid, I'm sure it makes you feel better about yourself. I think most people here with half a brain cell here know better.

I know also what a power hog you are and how you love to get the last word. Somehow you think if you get the last word, you win some online forum prize that it makes you victorious LOL

It doesn't

I'll tell you what. I'll step up to the plate and be the adult here for a little while, until I get bored anyway.... and Ill ignore you.

You are officially "ignored".  Very Happy 



I'm certain that the vast majority of posters on this forum are fully aware that you are a moron ....

... and, your employer has ridiculously low standards. 



Dreams you were a bus driver sheesh



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Dreams you were a bus driver sheesh

I've never driven a bus in my life. I don't know wth you get that?



Dot wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:oposite=opposite

Try your bullshit on somebody who would be dumb enough to believe it. I'm not. You are a moron.

LOL, I knew you couldn't do it.  Laughing 

You keep telling yourself that I'm stupid, I'm sure it makes you feel better about yourself. I think most people here with half a brain cell here know better.  

I know also what a power hog you are and how you love to get the last word. Somehow you think if you get the last word, you win some online forum prize that it makes you victorious LOL

It doesn't

I'll tell you what. I'll step up to the plate and be the adult here for a little while, until I get bored anyway.... and Ill ignore you.

You are officially "ignored".  Very Happy 

I don't tell myself anything. I just observe what everyone does. I don't see a person on this forum that has the lack of writing and spelling skills you have. Not one. I'm not talking about the occasional typo or misspelling. I'm talking about every day and every post. I see today you spelled everything correctly so you either used spell check or made an effort. If you're not a moron or stupid why do you make yourself appear so? Are you that incredibly lazy? Why would someone come on a public forum and express themselves like that unless they are a moron? I don't get it? Oh and I hope you keep my ignored status. Thank you.

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