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What is acceptable?

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1What is acceptable? Empty What is acceptable? 8/13/2012, 9:12 pm



As a person on the receiving of personal attacks again today(or as one of the attackers calls it, ridicule) how am I allowed to reply without being banned. As I see it, they have already done what I thought I was banned for.

And I'm speaking of dreams and salinsky. One of them says I have thin skin for not accepting the attacks.

2What is acceptable? Empty Re: What is acceptable? 8/14/2012, 1:46 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

ghandi wrote:As a person on the receiving of personal attacks again today(or as one of the attackers calls it, ridicule) how am I allowed to reply without being banned. As I see it, they have already done what I thought I was banned for.

And I'm speaking of dreams and salinsky. One of them says I have thin skin for not accepting the attacks.

Show me some examples.

3What is acceptable? Empty Re: What is acceptable? 8/14/2012, 3:26 pm



boards of FL wrote:
ghandi wrote:As a person on the receiving of personal attacks again today(or as one of the attackers calls it, ridicule) how am I allowed to reply without being banned. As I see it, they have already done what I thought I was banned for.

And I'm speaking of dreams and salinsky. One of them says I have thin skin for not accepting the attacks.

Show me some examples.
It was just a couple people with nothing better to do than try to get a response out of me.
I'm trying my best to stay above it.

4What is acceptable? Empty Re: What is acceptable? 9/8/2012, 11:10 am



ghandi wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
ghandi wrote:As a person on the receiving of personal attacks again today(or as one of the attackers calls it, ridicule) how am I allowed to reply without being banned. As I see it, they have already done what I thought I was banned for.

And I'm speaking of dreams and salinsky. One of them says I have thin skin for not accepting the attacks.

Show me some examples.
It was just a couple people with nothing better to do than try to get a response out of me.
I'm trying my best to stay above it.


5What is acceptable? Empty Re: What is acceptable? 9/9/2012, 5:20 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
ghandi wrote:As a person on the receiving of personal attacks again today(or as one of the attackers calls it, ridicule) how am I allowed to reply without being banned. As I see it, they have already done what I thought I was banned for.

And I'm speaking of dreams and salinsky. One of them says I have thin skin for not accepting the attacks.

Show me some examples.
It was just a couple people with nothing better to do than try to get a response out of me.
I'm trying my best to stay above it.


It took you almost a month to come up with the appropriate response?
Nice work. Dummy. Talk about a day late and a dollar short....

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