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Poor People and Rich people

Hospital Bob
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26Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 8:56 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Thanks, Joani. I had a feeling the butter was the thing because the best grits are always swimming in butter.

27Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 10:25 pm



well I lived in New Orleans for many years our thing is a big pot --steaming shrimp-crabs-crawfish -onions -corn - potatoes -- yip-yeeeee I guess that's what I call my BBQ---Id rather keep my Cajun food --put news paper down on about 3 long tables and pour it down the center in a long line -put chairs all around table and dig in -I don't BBQ much -Oh no cant forget my raw -and fried oysters  Laughing 

After I get my house worked on - im going to do this and invite all of you  Laughing 

28Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 10:32 pm



Not much I like more than a cajun boil and cold beer.

29Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 10:45 pm



I love it.

30Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 10:46 pm



2seaoat wrote:You still have difficulty with concepts. Especially the simple ones.  An antibiotic taken in France, or an appendix removed in Germany are still the best health care in history, and the state of medical science does not have national really do think leeches applied 200 years ago will take the place of modern medicine, which in your simple world can only exist in the United is no wonder we have lost that honor.....we are still floating on the genius and hardwork from fifty years ago while other nations get the best and brightest and are leading in health innovations.....well it is becoming crystal clear......mediocrity and superstition have supplemented our medical curriculum.

I think I have mentioned this before.My mother got sick during a vacation in Germany several years ago and had to be rushed to a German hospital for emergency surgery. She stayed 8 days. She said the care was phenomenal compared to the US and she goes to UCSD in Lajolla,Ca.

31Poor People and Rich people - Page 2 Empty Re: Poor People and Rich people 1/13/2014, 11:14 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
2seaoat wrote:You still have difficulty with concepts. Especially the simple ones.  An antibiotic taken in France, or an appendix removed in Germany are still the best health care in history, and the state of medical science does not have national really do think leeches applied 200 years ago will take the place of modern medicine, which in your simple world can only exist in the United is no wonder we have lost that honor.....we are still floating on the genius and hardwork from fifty years ago while other nations get the best and brightest and are leading in health innovations.....well it is becoming crystal clear......mediocrity and superstition have supplemented our medical curriculum.

I think I have mentioned this before.My mother got sick during a vacation in Germany several years ago and had to be rushed to a German hospital for emergency surgery. She stayed 8 days. She said the care was phenomenal compared to the US and she goes to UCSD in Lajolla,Ca.

My sister's sister in law called me from a hospital in France years ago....she described her symptoms and I told her she had a kidney stone. She called back several days later and reported she had had an appendectomy and felt better. A week or so after her surgery she flew home. While in flight she developed the same symptoms she had before surgery...when the plane landed she went to SHH.....she had a kidney stone and more than likely a normal appendix remove in France.

On the other hand my brother had a complete diagnostic work up ($250.00 US dollars) in Thailand. During one of the three scans they spotted a microscopic tumor on his bladder...he was asymptomatic. He returned to the States and had surgety a week later. The doctors at Tripler Hospital could not believe they found that small of a tumor on the scan.

So it's a crap shoot.

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