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Bill Collectors new tactic

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1Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Bill Collectors new tactic 1/10/2014, 10:52 am



In the last 3 days this is what has been going on , say you live in your house and I knew this lady 30 years ago that use to live here so a bill collector calls knowing she doesn't live here and says is Dawn there !!!!!what no lol--then I got 2 more calls for people that lived here years ago --so what they are doing now is ---If you have a house where someone lived before they are matching addresses up with phones that are connected there and they call you -----is so and so there and all I keep doing is saying I don't know that person lol I know for a fact they are doing this and they know already the number they are calling does not belong to the person they are calling --Ive gotten 3 in two days -not hard to figure out what they are doing -the next one I get im going to tell them how stupid they are  Shocked 

2Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/10/2014, 12:35 pm



That's the spirit!

Tell them you're going to report them as well.

3Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 11:27 am



From the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website:

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) says debt collectors may not harass, oppress, or abuse you or any other people they contact. Some examples of harassment are:
•Repetitious phone calls that are intended to annoy, abuse, or harass you or any person answering the phone
•Obscene or profane language
•Threats of violence or harm
•Publishing lists of people who refuse to pay their debts (this does not include reporting information to a credit reporting company)
•Calling you without telling you who they are

You can report them at:

4Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 11:34 am

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Cool1 if you have Caller ID, you can always do what I do and that is not answer the phone if you do not recognize the number. Afterward, I place a block on that particular number so that they do not bother me again.

5Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 11:42 am



Publishing list --sounds like that is what they are doing when they call a number knowing it isn't the person they are trying to get ahold ofs phone number --in a way they are publishing someone elses information when they do that.  
This is something they are doing that's new its odd to me . I thought at first someone gave my number out , But they didn't . They are going by addresses then finding phone number somehow they don't care they are calling the wrong person  Laughing

6Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 11:44 am



Ghost Rider wrote:Cool1 if you have Caller ID, you can always do what I do and that is not answer the phone if you do not recognize the number. Afterward, I place a block on that particular number so that they do not bother me again.

I had that about a month ago but I took caller ID off but I may put it back on---- Smile 

7Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 5:51 pm



Get your number registered with the do not call list.

8Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 5:58 pm



BirdyBack wrote:Get your number registered with the do not call list.

I wonder if that would even stop them  Shocked 

9Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 6:00 pm



Im going to do that Birdy I just looked at it.

10Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 6:08 pm



I have our cell phones subscribed. We don't have a land line any more.

11Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 6:12 pm



BirdyBack wrote:I have our cell phones subscribed.  We don't have a land line any more.

Im going to put all my numbers down if they let you--when I move I don't know if they will let me keep my land line phone no--so I shall wait to see--But when Katie gets out of school this year I think im going to do away with my land line phone.

12Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/11/2014, 7:54 pm



I was actually receiving calls for the daughter of my next-door neighbor. I don't know whether she ever lived with her parents in that house or not, but obviously they checked my address against her parents' address and started calling ME looking for her. I did threaten to report them and they never called me again. The unbelievable nerve. I'm on the DO NOT CALL list, but that doesn't seem to stop the telemarketers. Caller ID saves me a lot of hassle.

13Bill Collectors new tactic Empty Re: Bill Collectors new tactic 1/12/2014, 1:58 am



yep im going to get my caller ID back for sure .

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