2seaoat wrote:Well, Social Security is in trouble too.
More people collecting benefits with fewer paying into these programs is just unsustainable, long term.
With each year that passes which does not address the earning limit, you are correct. However, if in 2016 they simply raise earning limits to 250k, the fund will be solvent through next century. President Reagan had no problem raising slightly the medicare tax contribution......it used to be Republicans were Republicans and worked for solutions and good government.
Even if nothing was done, benefits would flow at 75% in perpetuity......so this idea of an entire collapse of the Social Security system is pure fantasy.
Yes PRESIDENT REAGAN had no problem although they did not work for the good of the GOVERNMENT but rather for the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. Which is why we have a CONSTITUTION.
As you know, President George Walker Bush worked tirelessly to beef up Social Security. Who fought him with venom and just as tirelessly? Democrats of course.
Who has stated that there will be NO CHANGES WHATSOEVER to Social Security? Your good friend and former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
Like virtually every Progressive program, it has GREAT INTENTIONS...but ALWAYS with other people's money. Which runs out.
Social Security started out as a great, well laid out plan. It was a small payment for the last few years of someone's life. Life expectancy was only a couple of years longer than the age you could begin to receive benefits. What came in exceeded what was paid out.
Now it makes Bernie Madoff look like an innocent baby. Now Social Security is the biggest Ponzi Scheme in history.
How many Social Security recipients could afford a cut in their benefits of 25 percent without resorting to living in boxes and eating dog food?
Democrats and Progressives. They pride themselves on moving forward and innovative ideas. The trouble is they never look back at the chaos and destruction they have caused much less make any efforts to solve the problem.