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My nephew ---I just wanted to let yall know what the judge did

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It was like going to his funeral all over again --Its over now -Time to let go and relaxe now .

I am glad its over unless he apeals or whatever---while Robert Chapmans friends and brothers mother was on one side we were oppisite, My brother was told by his lawyer she could get 2 years probation on this guy for him -He told her you do that and your going to have one upset bunch.

started out with lawyers going back and forth --anyway the judge said what weve been saying It was an accident until you got out of your car and looked at Ricky Weldon and decided to drive off.

His mother wrote a letter--he was going to school -he had a job-he is a nice person -it was an accident.

Our Lawyer said I dont think so Robert Chapman was kicked out of school for causing to much trouble--yes he had a job for 1 month and got fired -yes an accident -and he chose to drive off and leave Ricky there no accident when he chose to leave.

The mothers letter said he ran home and told someone --Our lawyer disputed that -and had 911--call time and everything

Everything his Lawyer tried to do was disputed---facebook posts came out with his postings -judge read them -he tried to say he didnt write filthy and mean stuff--the judge said you want to see it ! He said yes mam--then they took him the face book postings --and this is what she said you have no enphany something like that -she said Juvi--cant teach you that --then he started to cry -she told him I feel sorry for you -that you dont have that .

FB was mostly just racist things --
she told him -I dont care if your racist thats not what your here for--She told our side I cannot take this mans life away from him and it wont bring Ricky back.

So this is what im going to do 2 years prison--with time served--so he will do 1 year Yep but there is more --restitution $9,000 for lil Ricks funeral--He will have to do 500 hours at diff--schools letting them know what he did and this is what happned to me-----sort of thing !

This is the part we are glad about 15 years probation-$52 a month--This is where the family thinks he may screw up ! He will be say 18 when he gets out something like that -If he hasnt learned by then and screws up back to prison he goes so its all up to this kid now what happens to his future .

He was tried as an adult --the judge told him I could give you 30 years I hope you learn something -you have no enphany at all--I know im spelling that word wrong lol---anyway

My brother got upset and walked out but later we all talked to him and told him --If the boy dont do right he will go back meaning its going to be hard for that boy comming out at 18 and have to stay straight for 15 years .

I prayed before I left -I prayed while I was there---very emotional to watch my brother and wife while reading their letters very hard very sad and its over now --He cant come around the family at all !

IM GLAD ITS OVER------ Smile I hope he dont Apeal -we cant go through this again no way No

I think he got off pretty dang good 1 year in prison--the 15 year probation well thats up to the young man what he does with his life now.

sorry I dont write as well as some of you but I try to get my point across anyway Im tired

On a good note I havent started selling my worms yet and one of my old customers came by to see if I moved back---heehee he wants a 1000 on Sat--for a trip he is taking ---yikes ok I said lol I will have them ready heehee I have been digging some and well I will dig the rest of the week lol! 50 bucks yea I dig it lol!



Hi Cool,

Thanks for letting us know the outcome. I've thought about that case often, and I've followed it in the news.

I am glad your family has a least a bit of closure now. I know seeing him get only two years must have been hard, but as you wrote, 15 years is a long time to go without screwing up.

My condolences to you, your brother and the rest of your family.....




15 Yrs probation will make his life miserable that's for sure.. I'm glad they didn't give him a slap on the wrist..



It's not my business but it seems like a slap on the hand to me. If the boy is as much trouble as you say though, he'll violate his probation and end up spending some serious time behind bars.
I'm sorry for your pain, and I hope this helps being some closure. I know nothing can bring back your loved one though.



I forgot the boy was ordered to watch 500 hours in hospital E.R watching car crash victims comming into E.R--Trama



PB-Lurch -Blue Moon Thank you ! If it were up to my brother he would have gotten LIfe . But his heart is broken ---we left I bought him a beer and talked to him and hes fine now !

I walked by the other family and heard a man say he would have rather Robert got 10 years in prison than what he got so they to think 15 years probation is to long --That tells me his family thinks he will screw up evidently Rolling Eyes

I think I would just be happy to get my kid back in a year. Rolling Eyes


I hope your brother and your family will find peace. My wife's family lost her cousin to a drunk driver in the early 80s and he never served a day in jail. The family anger was almost as destructive as the loss. She left a one year old child. However, time will help heal, and the 15 year probation may actually turn this young man into a different person who will contribute and do the right thing. If he does not........15 years of the jail door clinking in the background will give him plenty of incentive. We need to stop drunk driving........we need people who have an accident not to run.....but help, however each day we read in the paper about a person fleeing an accident, or driving becomes even more painful when we see how horribly wounded folks were, but people did not run away.....they helped......I do not know if you can teach that, but we need more of it. Your family is in my prayers.



glad to hear things worked out.

I have to say though, I know some chapmans there and they are really good people. Id stand behind them in a minute.

seriously cool, id toss you under the bus for the chapmans I know there. sorry, I just don't know you and I know them.



He won't do 15 yrs. probation. It will be shortened to maybe five max. I don't think the sentence was light considering it was an accident. One year in prison for a 16 yr. old is pretty tough unless it's going to be in the county jail. I don't know why they allowed FB postings to be considered.


I don't know why they allowed FB postings to be considered.

I would think it was a sentencing hearing which does not have the same restrictions on introduction of evidence. People put all kinds of things into play in regard to enhancement and mitigation.



I hope it's indeed over coolio... I'm sure it's been hell. Never worry about your writing... you get your message out fine.



Thanks everyone and I couldnt sleep last night thinking about it I thought about that kid getting a year it bothered me I talked to my husband and well for something like this they did the right thing --the judge said what ever that word is lol empathy --she said if your parents havent taught you that though your life she feels sorry for him.

Crissy if you were the sister of Robert lets say-----I would feel really bad , You dont think we feel bad for that family , If my daughter had done this she would have gotten the same and like I said I would have told her you screwed up and I will visit but what you did was wrong .

1 year----and then he is back with his mother--lil Rick was 20 years old -he will never have a chance to see us ever again-have a family-have children .

I was just letting you know the results I tried --I was pretty upset at the time I know he got all this stuff but I dont want to look it up I would like to see it though-

The judge said thank god all 16 year olds arent like you then she looked out at everybody and said we would be in mess wouldnt we?
My daughter was there she just shook her head -on the way home she told me mom why did he do that ----just run home and try to hide it , why didnt he just stay -then he wouldnt have his life screwed up and Ricky dead-she said if he had only stayed there all this would have been diff---I told her I just dont know hun.

the judge said when you get DL----Its a privledge and you at that time decided to be an adult with your DL.

I dont know everybody has there opinion on this and thats fine --Im happy the guy didnt get 30 years 10 or even five -I think the judge did the right thing for his age

and lil Ricky was alive when ambulance got there they worked on him -he died while they worked on him --The judge told the boy because of you this man was hit again and dragged around 30 feet something like that
because of you this man is dead if you had emphany you would have stayed to help and he may have lived .

oh well I have to get to work-------if anyone can find all that somewhere Id like to see it.

god bless us all and I hope to god these children and adults learn Seaoat that drinking and driving and being just so un thoughtful twords others will only lead to destruction of there lives .

I am thankful he didnt hit my daughter -If he had I think they would have had to put me in the looney bin --just from crying and crying and crying

work now is on my mind - yall have a great day.



sorry I forgot to tell you about face book ---It showed his charicter--calling people the n--word over and over and just really bad racist stuff --and he tried to explain himself but the judge said I dont care if your racist or not .



Chrissy wrote:glad to hear things worked out.

I have to say though, I know some chapmans there and they are really good people. Id stand behind them in a minute.

seriously cool, id toss you under the bus for the chapmans I know there. sorry, I just don't know you and I know them.

Demonstrating once more that you're an imbecile.



Cool, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. And I admire you for your strength...and for your empathy.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol



Bob wrote:Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol

There wasn't any alcohol involved in this accident. The victim was walking in the middle of the road.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol

There wasn't any alcohol involved in this accident. The victim was walking in the middle of the road.
I apologize to cool for making that mistake. I didn't know any of the story until reading this thread. And someone in this thread mentioned drunk driving so I thought that's what was being talked about.
Thanks for setting me straight.



Facebook...myspace...never had either one and am glad about it.



Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol

There wasn't any alcohol involved in this accident. The victim was walking in the middle of the road.

How do you know that?



Floridatexan wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol

There wasn't any alcohol involved in this accident. The victim was walking in the middle of the road.

How do you know that?

Cool stated in was in the police report. And it was at night.8pm.



I was refering to someones elsels post and being thoughtful when I said drunk driving they lost there family member --seaoat I think ----and the the part of it I said unthoughtful--I ment Chapmen yes he was unthougtful .

Haha walking in the middle of the road ---prove that wont you lol

It was a 25 mile an hour zone -----sorry you dont hit people on the side of the road or if there crossing the road or the middle of the road , If you do let me know what ur driving lol

doesnt matter --he walked off thats the whole point .

My family is happy with the out come we have to live it and his family also has pain to go through , Im sorry he put is family through this with his bad decisions

came in for a break--back to work

Last edited by cool1 on 4/18/2013, 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total



Bob wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:Pkr beat me to it, cool. You communicated it very well.
In fact you communicated it so well that it will make me think twice about getting behind the wheel when I shouldn't.

1000 worms for one customer. Man that's a lot of worms. If only 10% of them catch a fish then he'll be putting a lot of fish in the freezer. lol

There wasn't any alcohol involved in this accident. The victim was walking in the middle of the road.
I apologize to cool for making that mistake. I didn't know any of the story until reading this thread. And someone in this thread mentioned drunk driving so I thought that's what was being talked about.
Thanks for setting me straight.

I was talking about seaoat lost family member from drunk driving !
NO Chapman was stoned cold sober - If he had been drunk I could understand how cloudy he would be at the time ---But no he knew what he did and just walked off

heehee Bob yea a 1000 he is going off for the weekend fishing with his buddys lol-----I sold to him a 1000 I wont to anyone else--my worms are cheaper so I have to watch out for people re-selling my worms --They will try to do this.So I wont sell but a couple of containers each so that I can keep my customers happy

darn he wanted to start telling everyone I said NO wait I will let u know when im ready lol

Last edited by cool1 on 4/18/2013, 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total



cool1 wrote:I was refering to someones elsels post and being thoughtful when I said drunk driving they lost there family member --seaoat I think ----and the the part of it I said unthoughtful--I ment Chapmen yes he was unthougtful .

Haha walking in the middle of the road ---prove that wont you lol

It was a 25 mile an hour zone -----sorry you dont hit people on the side of the road or if there crossing the road or the middle of the road , If you do let me know what ur driving lol

doesnt matter --he walked off thats the whole point .

My family is happy with the out come we have to live it and his family also has pain to go through , Im sorry he put is family through this with his bad decisions

came in for a break--back to work

You posted that,Cool, I didn't. The facts are it is very easy to hit someone walking on the side of the road or in the middle at night especially if they're wearing dark clothes..I've come close myself. No excuses for him leaving the scene,though.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Facebook...myspace...never had either one and am glad about it.

This facebook is getting out of hand --one case before ours --a cute girl up there just had a baby 1 year old and her husband and her had been arguing on facebook ----he had his lawyer show his facebook page well the judge said I will make another court date to give her a chance to bring her facebook paper in ---Its crazy --I dont post on my facebook to much not anymore I look to see how people are doing --and try to post on status just what I want them to know --like soon I will post say in 3 or 4 days that my daughter is being baptised yep and im happy about that-lol

Ive had family fighting on facebook -me included thats why I dont post much on my status ---I figure you got a problem with someone call them -you dont want your crap out there and now I think IRS can read your e-mail lol I still see people fight back and forth I just laugh and go on see how the rest of the family is doing lol

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