It was like going to his funeral all over again --Its over now -Time to let go and relaxe now .
I am glad its over unless he apeals or whatever---while Robert Chapmans friends and brothers mother was on one side we were oppisite, My brother was told by his lawyer she could get 2 years probation on this guy for him -He told her you do that and your going to have one upset bunch.
started out with lawyers going back and forth --anyway the judge said what weve been saying It was an accident until you got out of your car and looked at Ricky Weldon and decided to drive off.
His mother wrote a letter--he was going to school -he had a job-he is a nice person -it was an accident.
Our Lawyer said I dont think so Robert Chapman was kicked out of school for causing to much trouble--yes he had a job for 1 month and got fired -yes an accident -and he chose to drive off and leave Ricky there no accident when he chose to leave.
The mothers letter said he ran home and told someone --Our lawyer disputed that -and had 911--call time and everything
Everything his Lawyer tried to do was disputed---facebook posts came out with his postings -judge read them -he tried to say he didnt write filthy and mean stuff--the judge said you want to see it ! He said yes mam--then they took him the face book postings --and this is what she said you have no enphany something like that -she said Juvi--cant teach you that --then he started to cry -she told him I feel sorry for you -that you dont have that .
FB was mostly just racist things --
she told him -I dont care if your racist thats not what your here for--She told our side I cannot take this mans life away from him and it wont bring Ricky back.
So this is what im going to do 2 years prison--with time served--so he will do 1 year Yep but there is more --restitution $9,000 for lil Ricks funeral--He will have to do 500 hours at diff--schools letting them know what he did and this is what happned to me-----sort of thing !
This is the part we are glad about 15 years probation-$52 a month--This is where the family thinks he may screw up ! He will be say 18 when he gets out something like that -If he hasnt learned by then and screws up back to prison he goes so its all up to this kid now what happens to his future .
He was tried as an adult --the judge told him I could give you 30 years I hope you learn something -you have no enphany at all--I know im spelling that word wrong lol---anyway
My brother got upset and walked out but later we all talked to him and told him --If the boy dont do right he will go back meaning its going to be hard for that boy comming out at 18 and have to stay straight for 15 years .
I prayed before I left -I prayed while I was there---very emotional to watch my brother and wife while reading their letters very hard very sad and its over now --He cant come around the family at all !
IM GLAD ITS OVER------ I hope he dont Apeal -we cant go through this again no way
I think he got off pretty dang good 1 year in prison--the 15 year probation well thats up to the young man what he does with his life now.
sorry I dont write as well as some of you but I try to get my point across anyway Im tired
On a good note I havent started selling my worms yet and one of my old customers came by to see if I moved back---heehee he wants a 1000 on Sat--for a trip he is taking ---yikes ok I said lol I will have them ready heehee I have been digging some and well I will dig the rest of the week 50 bucks yea I dig it
I am glad its over unless he apeals or whatever---while Robert Chapmans friends and brothers mother was on one side we were oppisite, My brother was told by his lawyer she could get 2 years probation on this guy for him -He told her you do that and your going to have one upset bunch.
started out with lawyers going back and forth --anyway the judge said what weve been saying It was an accident until you got out of your car and looked at Ricky Weldon and decided to drive off.
His mother wrote a letter--he was going to school -he had a job-he is a nice person -it was an accident.
Our Lawyer said I dont think so Robert Chapman was kicked out of school for causing to much trouble--yes he had a job for 1 month and got fired -yes an accident -and he chose to drive off and leave Ricky there no accident when he chose to leave.
The mothers letter said he ran home and told someone --Our lawyer disputed that -and had 911--call time and everything
Everything his Lawyer tried to do was disputed---facebook posts came out with his postings -judge read them -he tried to say he didnt write filthy and mean stuff--the judge said you want to see it ! He said yes mam--then they took him the face book postings --and this is what she said you have no enphany something like that -she said Juvi--cant teach you that --then he started to cry -she told him I feel sorry for you -that you dont have that .
FB was mostly just racist things --
she told him -I dont care if your racist thats not what your here for--She told our side I cannot take this mans life away from him and it wont bring Ricky back.
So this is what im going to do 2 years prison--with time served--so he will do 1 year Yep but there is more --restitution $9,000 for lil Ricks funeral--He will have to do 500 hours at diff--schools letting them know what he did and this is what happned to me-----sort of thing !
This is the part we are glad about 15 years probation-$52 a month--This is where the family thinks he may screw up ! He will be say 18 when he gets out something like that -If he hasnt learned by then and screws up back to prison he goes so its all up to this kid now what happens to his future .
He was tried as an adult --the judge told him I could give you 30 years I hope you learn something -you have no enphany at all--I know im spelling that word wrong lol---anyway
My brother got upset and walked out but later we all talked to him and told him --If the boy dont do right he will go back meaning its going to be hard for that boy comming out at 18 and have to stay straight for 15 years .
I prayed before I left -I prayed while I was there---very emotional to watch my brother and wife while reading their letters very hard very sad and its over now --He cant come around the family at all !
IM GLAD ITS OVER------ I hope he dont Apeal -we cant go through this again no way
I think he got off pretty dang good 1 year in prison--the 15 year probation well thats up to the young man what he does with his life now.
sorry I dont write as well as some of you but I try to get my point across anyway Im tired
On a good note I havent started selling my worms yet and one of my old customers came by to see if I moved back---heehee he wants a 1000 on Sat--for a trip he is taking ---yikes ok I said lol I will have them ready heehee I have been digging some and well I will dig the rest of the week 50 bucks yea I dig it