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1,000,000 lose healthcare in California

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261,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Empty Thank you. 11/15/2013, 7:53 pm



Damaged Eagle wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Awesome DE!!!
1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUxL2V7tPXfrPkvJrp9xmD8WSyRgXxbt-VeDE0tXI3DpPVf678cg


Very Happy 
Oh, you must be doing good if you get a 'big thumbs-up' from the village idiot. (pee-dog/KarlRove, whomever he is today) You must be sooo proud.
Keep arguing against whatever the black guy did. It suits you. It also shows that you have no care for this country and its citizens. You would be gloriously tickled if the whole country went back into recession, just so you could say, "Look what the black guy did!!" I care more about our country than that. I know the healthcare reform will work despite your party's best efforts to sabotage it.
See, I do get it, better than you think I do. Obama made the mistake of calling the PPACA his 'signature achievement.' What all you frighty-righties heard him say was, "This is what you all need to shit all over."
And, it worked. You ultra-conservatives hopped all over it, no matter how it could or would affect regular Joes and their lives.
Making the black guy look bad is all that matters.
The fact that we needed the reform does not matter.
The fact that scrapping the entire law will cost billions does not matter.
The fact that people are getting their health care for free while you, me, the hospitals, and the government pay does not matter.
The fact that it will reduce future healthcare costs does not matter.
All that matters is taking the black guy's signature legislation and dumping a huge pile of shit all over it.
Sadly pathetic how you can rationalize your positions on this, but you will!!
Thank you, sir, may I have some more?



CarlSagan wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Awesome DE!!!
1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUxL2V7tPXfrPkvJrp9xmD8WSyRgXxbt-VeDE0tXI3DpPVf678cg


Very Happy 
Oh, you must be doing good if you get a 'big thumbs-up' from the village idiot. (pee-dog/KarlRove, whomever he is today) You must be sooo proud.
Keep arguing against whatever the black guy did. It suits you. It also shows that you have no care for this country and its citizens. You would be gloriously tickled if the whole country went back into recession, just so you could say, "Look what the black guy did!!" I care more about our country than that. I know the healthcare reform will work despite your party's best efforts to sabotage it.
See, I do get it, better than you think I do. Obama made the mistake of calling the PPACA his 'signature achievement.' What all you frighty-righties heard him say was, "This is what you all need to shit all over."
And, it worked. You ultra-conservatives hopped all over it, no matter how it could or would affect regular Joes and their lives.
Making the black guy look bad is all that matters.
The fact that we needed the reform does not matter.
The fact that scrapping the entire law will cost billions does not matter.
The fact that people are getting their health care for free while you, me, the hospitals, and the government pay does not matter.
The fact that it will reduce future healthcare costs does not matter.
All that matters is taking the black guy's signature legislation and dumping a huge pile of shit all over it.
Sadly pathetic how you can rationalize your positions on this, but you will!!
Thank you, sir, may I have some more?
1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZ8UZdd8G9TnEGKC6gbjnBl3D2eBqC4TkyIXbBLEKFRBju_dCR

So what you're saying here is that you've got nothing left but insults and whining to sooth your insecurity and social inadequacies.






Damaged Eagle wrote:
CarlSagan wrote: But, recently you have shown a nasty and hateful side.
Let's hear more about my nasty and hateful side.

Please do expand on this.


1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 9k=





PACEDOG#1 wrote:Joanie, when people have to choose between food, place to live and obamacare there's gonna be an issue. The analogy about car insurance and obamacare is not even the same because with car insurance I can pick and choose my plan based on the risk I want to take. Not with obamacare!!!!

WOW! Pacedog awakens!

Perhaps President Obama's chess moves are indeed correct. Just perhaps, Americans are starting to talk about the issues that have faced fellow Americans for decades.

Lack of choice in doctors/hospitals, high deductibles, soaring medication prices. Being forced to choose between obtaining necessary medication, such as insulin, and paying the rent or feeding the children. Three month waits for appointments with specialists. Medical bankruptcy.

The list goes on, but at least Americans are starting to engage in honest dialog.



Markle wrote:
CarlSagan wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRq4XhWscWg_IhlscsTrx3mHnTKgQiiDryWv5eYEJB2H9MyeJCl


Very Happy  
If the Republicans had no impact on the PPACA at all, there would be a single payer system. They were so busy crying and whining about socialized medicine and death panels (thanks Silly Sarah), they scared the ignorant and the elderly enough to get the Dems to scrap it. That was a huge mistake, in my opinion. That is when the Republicans tried to step back and say that the Dems did it all on their own which is a lie. Just because they voted against it does not mean they had nothing to do with it. So sad your memory fails you.
I certainly can help myself. I have since I was 15. I am not defying logic and reason arguing against my core beliefs just because the black President agreed with me. That is what you and your ilk are guilty of, though. (Google: blacktrack)
I must have hit a nerve, Mr. D. Eagle. You are usually quite 'matter of fact.' But, recently you have shown a nasty and hateful side.
So sorry if I have upset you Mr. D. Eagle.
So sorry you have trouble handling all my logic and reason.
Thanks, anyway.
IF there were no Death Panels which former Governor Sarah Palin correctly exposed.  Why then did the administration REMOVE the Death Panels and then RETURN them to ObamaCare by REGULATIONS?

You really need to catch up.

As you know, Barack Hussein Obama’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Ezikel Emmanuel, is a strong proponent of Death Panels as is Obama’s recess appointment of radical Donald Berwick, MD to head Medicare and Medicaid.  

New York Times
Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir
Published: December 25, 2010

WASHINGTON — When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1.

Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.

From President Barack Hussein Obama to Jane Sturm:  Here take a pill.

You do only read or view anything that is far left Progressive and intentionally skip all those troublesome FACTS don't you?
End of life counseling has been in place for years. I won't bore forum readers yet again with the particulars.

But you already knew this, didn't you Markle? Very Happy 



CarlSagan wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Awesome DE!!!
1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUxL2V7tPXfrPkvJrp9xmD8WSyRgXxbt-VeDE0tXI3DpPVf678cg


Very Happy 
Oh, you must be doing good if you get a 'big thumbs-up' from the village idiot. (pee-dog/KarlRove, whomever he is today) You must be sooo proud.
Keep arguing against whatever the black guy did. It suits you. It also shows that you have no care for this country and its citizens. You would be gloriously tickled if the whole country went back into recession, just so you could say, "Look what the black guy did!!" I care more about our country than that. I know the healthcare reform will work despite your party's best efforts to sabotage it.
See, I do get it, better than you think I do. Obama made the mistake of calling the PPACA his 'signature achievement.' What all you frighty-righties heard him say was, "This is what you all need to shit all over."
And, it worked. You ultra-conservatives hopped all over it, no matter how it could or would affect regular Joes and their lives.
Making the black guy look bad is all that matters.
The fact that we needed the reform does not matter.
The fact that scrapping the entire law will cost billions does not matter.
The fact that people are getting their health care for free while you, me, the hospitals, and the government pay does not matter.
The fact that it will reduce future healthcare costs does not matter.
All that matters is taking the black guy's signature legislation and dumping a huge pile of shit all over it.
Sadly pathetic how you can rationalize your positions on this, but you will!!
Thank you, sir, may I have some more?
1,000,000 lose healthcare in California - Page 2 ShoutRacist



Defending the indefensible all things Obama. The rats are going to go down with the ship.

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