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threadbear emailed and asked me to pass a message along to three forum members

Hospital Bob
10 posters

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Dreamsglore wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not defending TB at all but Peedog himself posted he worked at Pace High School. I remember that during all our PHS- Frank Lay discussions about the ACLU. My granddaughter attends PHS and I hoped she never had him for a teacher ...but he posted that. I am 100% certain.
You lie like Obama. Never posted where I worked and you didn't have to work at PHS to support Frank. The day he and Robert Freeman went to court, half the district called in sick to go be at the courthouse for both of them.
Oh yes you did you unmitigated liar! You even said you coached a team there.
Link? Hate getting caught in your lies again?



I'm not lying. I also remember you discussing the religion classes taught there stating it was the history of the bible taught and not christianity. Typical lying wingnut.



Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not lying. I also remember you discussing the religion classes taught there stating it was the history of the bible taught and not christianity. Typical lying wingnut.

Argue with a stop sign

29threadbear emailed and asked me to pass a message along to three forum members - Page 2 Empty get over it 10/10/2013, 11:07 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Bob wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Then he must still be snooping around on here.   Why does he care what we think and why does he think we'd believe anything he says?
He still likes to read the forum.  I know if I got banned from posting I would still want to read it and I imagine most of us would.

Actually I don't think you have to take his word for it that he's not Carl Sagan.  When he tried to post as a sock,  bds banned those accounts immediately.  bds knows that Carl Sagan and he are not the same or he would have banned Carl Sagan long ago.
Carl has a nasty streak.....funny how a new member knows where a poster on the forum was employed and felt the need to share his knowledge. Suspicious....hell yes. We need to move past that shit. Personal information is personal and it's no ones god damn business.
If Mr. Markle has on his page that he is from Tallahassee, it is not personal anymore.
If p-dog states in his posts he is a teacher, it is not personal anymore.
Your obsession with whomever you think I am is not healthy.
Thanks for getting over it.



Psycho and Nutso all in one thread.Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz 



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not defending TB at all but Peedog himself posted he worked at Pace High School. I remember that during all our PHS- Frank Lay discussions about the ACLU. My granddaughter attends PHS and I hoped she never had him for a teacher ...but he posted that. I am 100% certain.
You lie like Obama. Never posted where I worked and you didn't have to work at PHS to support Frank. The day he and Robert Freeman went to court, half the district called in sick to go be at the courthouse for both of them.
Only people at Pace High supported Lay, Freeman, et al, when they were illegally and unconstitutionally proselytizing public school students. The rest of the country has moved past the church and state separation decades ago. Only ultra-conservatives like those in Santa Rosa still think it is OK to preach to public school students.
Thanks for your time.

32threadbear emailed and asked me to pass a message along to three forum members - Page 2 Empty maybe so.... 10/10/2013, 11:22 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Bob wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Then he must still be snooping around on here.   Why does he care what we think and why does he think we'd believe anything he says?
He still likes to read the forum.  I know if I got banned from posting I would still want to read it and I imagine most of us would.

Actually I don't think you have to take his word for it that he's not Carl Sagan.  When he tried to post as a sock,  bds banned those accounts immediately.  bds knows that Carl Sagan and he are not the same or he would have banned Carl Sagan long ago.
Carl has a nasty streak.....funny how a new member knows where a poster on the forum was employed and felt the need to share his knowledge. Suspicious....hell yes. We need to move past that shit. Personal information is personal and it's no ones god damn business.
I bite back when I am bitten.  
So sorry that constitutes a 'nasty streak' according to you, Miss Manners.  The hate/filth/crap that is typed on this little forum daily by you and your ilk can be described as a 'nasty streak,' as well.
Please get over obsession with whomever you think I am. It is unhealthy.



CarlSagan wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Bob wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Then he must still be snooping around on here.   Why does he care what we think and why does he think we'd believe anything he says?
He still likes to read the forum.  I know if I got banned from posting I would still want to read it and I imagine most of us would.

Actually I don't think you have to take his word for it that he's not Carl Sagan.  When he tried to post as a sock,  bds banned those accounts immediately.  bds knows that Carl Sagan and he are not the same or he would have banned Carl Sagan long ago.
Carl has a nasty streak.....funny how a new member knows where a poster on the forum was employed and felt the need to share his knowledge. Suspicious....hell yes. We need to move past that shit. Personal information is personal and it's no ones god damn business.
I bite back when I am bitten.  
So sorry that constitutes a 'nasty streak' according to you, Miss Manners.  The hate/filth/crap that is typed on this little forum daily by you and your ilk can be described as a 'nasty streak,' as well.
Please get over obsession with whomever you think I am. It is unhealthy.
You're not making your case very well with this post. Rolling Eyes

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Since nobody will believe me anyway, I might as well confess that I'm threadbear and carl sagan both. Even with the admission I can still get away with the hoax. Suckers. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You just cannot believe how much fun it was to be in the bear's den and posting as threadbear, at the same time I was bitching about not being able to get in the "secret room". lol



You couldn't be threadbear if your life depended on it....Say what was it like being a preachers kid ?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:You couldn't be threadbear if your life depended on it....Say what was it like being a preachers kid ?
It was a very good upbringing.  My dad was the most honest and sincere person I have ever known.  Just because I chose not to share his beliefs never made me love or respect him any less.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'm giving you a chance to believe the truth by not posting as "carl sagan" to deny what I'm telling you. If "carl sagan" was actually somebody else and not my sock, he would not be sitting still for this.
That should be your evidence that he's my puppet. And if you remember anything from the pnj forum you should remember that I posted many times about how the real Carl Sagan was one of my all-time heros.
But I now realize that I can actually confess and still get away with it because you still won't believe me. You can't imagine what a rush this is. lol



Why was your dad's last name Moore and yours Wood ? Also what was it you said to me 5 years ago in that PM you sent me ?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Why was your dad's last name Moore and yours Wood ?  Also what was it you said to me 5 years ago in that PM you sent me ?
My name's not Wood, I made that up. And I have no clue what I might have told you in a PM 5 years ago. But it was probably a pack of lies whatever it was. lol



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Why was your dad's last name Moore and yours Wood ?  Also what was it you said to me 5 years ago in that PM you sent me ?
My name's not Wood,  I made that up.  And I have no clue what I might have told you in a PM 5 years ago.  But it was probably a pack of lies whatever it was.  lol
So you are an admitted liar, So nothing you say should be trusted in any way. Your whole am is deception and mind games...well that's honest.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

So you are an admitted liar, So nothing you say should be trusted in any way. Your whole am is deception and mind games...well that's honest.
Call it that if you wish. I call it performance art.

Don't you remember all the times I talked about another one of my heroes who also had an alternate persona?
I'll give you a clue. He wrastled women. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he
asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money
from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was
pleased and left the shop. When the barber went to open his shop
the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses
waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his
bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you , I'm
doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left
the shop. The next morning when the barber went to open up, there
was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his
bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm
doing community service this week.' The Congressman was very happy
and left the shop. The next morning, when the barber went to open up,
there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.



Bob wrote:
So you are an admitted liar, So nothing you say should be trusted in any way. Your whole am is deception and mind games...well that's honest.
Call it that if you wish.  I call it performance art.  

Don't you remember all the times I talked about another one of my heroes who also had an alternate persona?  
I'll give you a clue.  He wrastled women.  lol
Yeah he lip synced Mighty Mouse and Elvis and died young from Lung Cancer if i remember punched out by a real wrassler on Letterman...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:got punched out by a real wrassler on Letterman...
from wiki

Later, after a challenge from professional wrestler Jerry “The King” Lawler, Kaufman would step into the ring (in the Memphis wrestling circuit) with a man—Lawler himself.[6] Kaufman taunted the whole city of Memphis, sending “videos showing residents how to use soap” and proclaiming it to be “the nation’s redneck capital.”[6] Their ongoing feud, often featuring Jimmy Hart and other heels in Kaufman’s corner, included a broken neck for Kaufman as a result of Lawler’s piledriver and a famous on-air fight on a 1982 episode of Late Night with David Letterman. For some time after that, Kaufman appeared wearing a neck brace,[6] insisting that his injuries were worse than they were. Kaufman would continue to defend the Inter-Gender Championship in the Mid-South Coliseum and offered an extra prize, other than the $1,000: that if he were pinned, the woman who pinned him would get to marry him and that Kaufman would also shave his head.[18]

Kaufman and Lawler’s famous feud and wrestling matches were later revealed to have been staged, or a “work,” as the two were actually friends. The truth about its being a work was not disclosed until more than 10 years after Kaufman’s death, when the Emmy-nominated documentary A Comedy Salute to Andy Kaufman, aired on NBC in 1995. Coincidentally, Jim Carrey, the one who revealed the secret, later went on to play Kaufman in the 1999 film Man on the Moon. In a 1997 interview with the Memphis Flyer, Lawler claimed he had improvised during their first match and the Letterman incident. Although officials at St. Francis Hospital[disambiguation needed] stated that Kaufman’s neck injuries were real, in his 2002 biography It’s Good to Be the King . . . Sometimes, Lawler detailed how they came up with the angle and kept it quiet. Even though Kaufman’s injury was legitimate, the pair pretended that the injury was more severe than it was. He also said that Kaufman’s explosion on Letterman was Kaufman’s own idea, including when Lawler slapped Kaufman out of his chair. Promoter Jerry Jarrett would later recall that for two years, he would mail paychecks to Kaufman, with payments comparable to what other main-event wrestlers were getting at the time, but Kaufman never cashed any of them [19]



CarlSagan wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Bob wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Then he must still be snooping around on here.   Why does he care what we think and why does he think we'd believe anything he says?
He still likes to read the forum.  I know if I got banned from posting I would still want to read it and I imagine most of us would.

Actually I don't think you have to take his word for it that he's not Carl Sagan.  When he tried to post as a sock,  bds banned those accounts immediately.  bds knows that Carl Sagan and he are not the same or he would have banned Carl Sagan long ago.
Carl has a nasty streak.....funny how a new member knows where a poster on the forum was employed and felt the need to share his knowledge. Suspicious....hell yes. We need to move past that shit. Personal information is personal and it's no ones god damn business.
I bite back when I am bitten.  
So sorry that constitutes a 'nasty streak' according to you, Miss Manners.  The hate/filth/crap that is typed on this little forum daily by you and your ilk can be described as a 'nasty streak,' as well.
Please get over obsession with whomever you think I am. It is unhealthy.

Me and my "ilk".....interesting choice of words. Sure you don't want to throw in your over-used choice words......vacuous or guttersnipe?

lol! lol! lol! 

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob



I saw Lawler fess up after Andy died...That was the best acting job Jim Carey ever did. Of course Man on the Moon is a dead give away that all this is one big illusion......

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Have you watched a theatrical movie in 3D yet?   If not you will want to see Gravity in 3D.  You'll like it. It's a really good film and the best 3D made yet.



has to be better than that hoaxed up stinking moon landing farce...

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