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Hospital Bob
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26Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:19 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

PkrBum wrote: at some point as you notice that the results are the same... you must determine that the players are same.
That's true. But according to Sal I need to forget that both are no good and do what we do at wrastlin matches. Pick one wrastler and cheer for him and boo the other. You have to sit on one side of the wrastlin ring or the other.
Sal says there aint no seats on the fence. lol

27Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:24 pm



TEOTWAWKI wrote:yeah and if we had elected Ron Paul the Fed and the IRS would be gone all our troops would be home and Detroit on it's way to recovery as we became a productive country again....sigh...
Maybe people ought to know more about the person they elect as president... rp was the only "other" choice.

28Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:31 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

What if we had President Bob instead of President Hayseed or President COWH.

The day after President Bob took office he would fly to the studios of Al Jazeera (and fly coach,  not in that battleship with wings).

And he would deliver this message to the entire world.

"Hey dickwads,  listen up and listen good because I'm only gonna say this one time.  
Starting tomorrow,  I am assembling the best minds of science and technology and business and every other of the best brains we have in my country.  And we WILL find a way to quit our addiction to raghead oil.  And we will do it before my term of office is completed.  We're gonna do it for the same reason Kennedy said we were going to the moon.  Not because it's easy,  but because it's hard.
And today I'm withdrawing every last personnel and asset my predecesor governments have squandered on the middle east.   I'm leaving you backwards ignorant religion fanatics to your own devices.  
BUT, at the same time I'm establishing the Gort Doctrine.

I came here to give you the facts. It is no concern of mine how you run your own countries,  but if you threaten to extend your violence to my country, this region of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder.

Your choice is simple. Join us and live in peace. Or pursue your present course -- and face obliteration. I will be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you."

29Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:34 pm



Bob wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
lol... how many people here think bush bombed more countries than obama has? Let's see a show of hands folks.
I don't know but determining that is what separates the great presidents from the shitty presidents.  It's just like determining which is responsible for more murders,  Ted Bundy or Charles Mason.  Because the one with the most murders is shitty and the other one is great.
Syria - Page 2 Th?id=H.4703509992702345&pid=1

Don't worry... There's plausible deniability for the Noble Peace Prize winner to blame it all on the right-wing warmongers.



30Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:35 pm



Sal wrote:With each passing day, the drumbeat grows louder and the march to war seems more inevitable.

It's like a recurrent nightmare.

The chemical attack does not pass the smell test.

The UN inspectors had just arrived in country, and the regime was doing well in and around Damascus.

Who would benefit from an attack there and now?

Only the rebels.

Kerry's remarks were a joke.

Watch the social media?


This is what passes for proof now?

The corporate media is again falling into line parroting the OBAMA administration's propaganda.

Congress is again abdicating its responsibilities.

The somnolent masses are outraged only by Miley Cyrus.

There will be no mass protest to this indefensible waste of national blood and treasure.

All this despite the fact that there is no evidence that the government is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, and we have no compelling reason to attack Syria.

The whole thing is just depressing as hell, and the only explanation I can find for any of it is the omnipotence of the MIC.
I have the answer to this question.

Who would benefit from an attack there and now?

The Military-Industrial-Complex is who. They have probably been working night and day with the CIA and private film companies to produce the videos needed to make everybody go apeshit and want to invade Syria. Those crazy people over there in the Middle East have been killing each other for thousands of years, long before Mohammad reared up. Its a tribal thing. We should let them kill each other off. To think any side would remain friends with the US after being helped out is a joke. The hatred there is thick with blood spilled over turf.


31Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:39 pm



Bob wrote:What if we had President Bob instead of President Hayseed or President COWH.

The day after President Bob took office he would fly to the studios of Al Jazeera (and fly coach,  not in that battleship with wings).

And he would deliver this message to the entire world.

"Hey dickwads,  listen up and listen good because I'm only gonna say this one time.  
Starting tomorrow,  I am assembling the best minds of science and technology and business and every other of the best brains we have in my country.  And we WILL find a way to quit our addiction to raghead oil.  And we will do it before my term of office is completed.  We're gonna do it for the same reason Kennedy said we were going to the moon.  Not because it's easy,  but because it's hard.
And today I'm withdrawing every last personnel and asset my predecesor governments have squandered on the middle east.   I'm leaving you backwards ignorant religion fanatics to your own devices.  
BUT, at the same time I'm establishing the Gort Doctrine.

I came here to give you the facts. It is no concern of mine how you run your own countries,  but if you threaten to extend your violence to my country, this region of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder.

Your choice is simple. Join us and live in peace. Or pursue your present course -- and face obliteration. I will be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you."
Syria - Page 2 Th?id=H.4905051306199884&pid=1

That's the Reagan playbook and he didn't have to fly over there to tell them he was putting money into researching synthetic oils.

Funny thing... Oil prices dropped.



32Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:39 pm



PkrBum wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
Bob wrote:Oblamer is bad enough,  but if John Wayne McCain and lipstick on a pig had got elected,  we would be in World War 3 by now.
John Bolton would be the secretary of state.  And Light in the Loafers Lindsay from south carolina would be the secretary of defense.
God help us.  I'd probably be drafted,  cancer, geezer and all.
Syria - Page 2 Th?id=H.4846609712941054&pid=1

Syria - Page 2 Th?id=H.4577323865409379&pid=1

Yeah. You know those damn right-wing warmongers would have carpet bombed at least five or more countries by now and be looking to get us into a shooting war with Syria.

Thank God with have our Noble Peace Prize winner to bridge the gap and bring about the...


lol... how many people here think bush bombed more countries than obama has? Let's see a show of hands folks.

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.

33Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 3:41 pm



Bob wrote:What if we had President Bob instead of President Hayseed or President COWH.

The day after President Bob took office he would fly to the studios of Al Jazeera (and fly coach,  not in that battleship with wings).

And he would deliver this message to the entire world.

"Hey dickwads,  listen up and listen good because I'm only gonna say this one time.  
Starting tomorrow,  I am assembling the best minds of science and technology and business and every other of the best brains we have in my country.  And we WILL find a way to quit our addiction to raghead oil.  And we will do it before my term of office is completed.  We're gonna do it for the same reason Kennedy said we were going to the moon.  Not because it's easy,  but because it's hard.
And today I'm withdrawing every last personnel and asset my predecesor governments have squandered on the middle east.   I'm leaving you backwards ignorant religion fanatics to your own devices.  
BUT, at the same time I'm establishing the Gort Doctrine.

I came here to give you the facts. It is no concern of mine how you run your own countries,  but if you threaten to extend your violence to my country, this region of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder.

Your choice is simple. Join us and live in peace. Or pursue your present course -- and face obliteration. I will be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you."
CEO of Fossil Fuel Corporation: Who is this guy President BOB?
Corporate flunky:He's the new POTUS
CEO:I don't like his mouth. Get somebody to waste him and dump the body in the Marianas Trench!
Corp.Flunky: No probleemo, Boss.


34Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 4:05 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.
Why would that shut me up, dingbat?

Let me spell it out for you ...

I am against our intervention in the Syrian conflict ...

I am against the expansion and the scope of the Obama administration's drone program ...

I was against the surge in Afghanistan ...

I was against the invasion of Iraq ...

See, I'm against these military adventures regardless of which party's wrassler (as Bob puts it) is in office.

Now, are you for our military intervention in Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?

35Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 4:11 pm



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.
Why would that shut me up, dingbat?

Let me spell it out for you ...

I am against our intervention in the Syrian conflict ...

I am against the expansion and the scope of the Obama administration's drone program ...

I was against the surge in Afghanistan ...

I was against the invasion of Iraq ...

See, I'm against these military adventures regardless of which party's wrassler (as Bob puts it) is in office.

Now, are you for our military intervention in Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
The difference is that I wouldn't vote for bush the second time... and he didn't even make bs campaign promises about foreign policy conflict avoidance. I don't think a two time voter for obama has any room to talk or much credibility for that matter.

36Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 4:13 pm



][/quote]The difference is that I wouldn't vote for bush the second time... and he didn't even make bs campaign promises about foreign policy conflict avoidance. I don't think a two time voter for obama has any room to talk or much credibility for that matter.[/quote]
Sal, a man barely alive.....

Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 8/27/2013, 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

37Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 4:14 pm



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.
Why would that shut me up, dingbat?

Let me spell it out for you ...

I am against our intervention in the Syrian conflict ...

I am against the expansion and the scope of the Obama administration's drone program ...

I was against the surge in Afghanistan ...

I was against the invasion of Iraq ...

See, I'm against these military adventures regardless of which party's wrassler (as Bob puts it) is in office.

Now, are you for our military intervention in Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Syria - Page 2 Th?id=H.4936395985192849&pid=1

It doesn't look like you have a plan either idiot.

Bob at least has a plan I can partially agree with.



38Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 5:00 pm



PkrBum wrote:
The difference is that I wouldn't vote for bush the second time...
Who did you vote for the second time?

Cause I'm not big on empty symbolic gestures.

I saw what happened with Ralph Nader.

I'll take the lesser of two evils every single time.

And, make no mistake about it, as opposed to McCain and Romney, Obama is definitely the lesser of two evils when it comes to foreign affairs.

39Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 5:01 pm



I like Bob's plan and when they give COWH another Nobel Prize I hope DE gets the honor of presenting it since he is so fixated on it . . . .

40Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 5:25 pm



Fanning a false flag into wanton murder...

41Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 5:32 pm



42Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 5:55 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:He's your POTUS
You have a good point. But if he was Romney we'd be boots on the ground in the entire mid-east, excepting, of course, those countries run by dictators who sell us oil.

Did you listen to Romney's campaign promises to increase our military forces and use them aggressively to achieve our foreign goals?

Can we get a candidate who's for peace, please?!!!!



Sensing a political vacuum when Assad falls, Al Quaida is working to achieve leadership among the rebel forces.

So, we cancel Assad's air power and his ability to deliver WMD, he's forced out, and Al Quaida and the other insane Islamic Fundamentalists take over.

Great. We're managing the same program for Egypt and Libya and Afghanistan too. Toss in Pakistan whose on the same path ...

Whoopie. Our MIC gorges.

44Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 6:33 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Wordslinger wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:He's your POTUS
You have a good point.  But if he was Romney we'd be boots on the ground in the entire mid-east, excepting, of course, those countries run by dictators who sell us oil.

Did you listen to Romney's campaign promises to increase our military forces and use them aggressively to achieve our foreign goals?

He campaigned as one of the biggest chickenhawk invade and occupy neocons of them all.  Light in the Loafers Lindsay and John Wayne McCain and Chickenhawk John (Bolton) creamed their pants every time Romney talked.
And every time he talked,  Sarah Pig with Lipstick Palin could see Russia from her front porch while she read EVERY newspaper.

45Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 6:46 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If we're gonna get off the fence as Sal insists and cheer for one side or the other of this pussified political wrastlin match, then don't expect me to cheer for the democrat tag team or the republican tag team. I'll get off the fence and start cheerleading when we can get a real wrastler in the ring like this.

46Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 8:19 pm



Wordslinger wrote:Sensing a political vacuum when Assad falls, Al Quaida is working to achieve leadership among the rebel forces.

So, we cancel Assad's air power and his ability to deliver WMD, he's forced out, and Al Quaida and the other insane Islamic Fundamentalists take over.

Great.  We're managing the same program for Egypt and Libya and Afghanistan too.  Toss in Pakistan whose on the same path ...

Whoopie.  Our MIC gorges.  

Whoopie! another victory for ofuckers bff's the muslim brotherhood.Wink 

47Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 8:23 pm

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.
Why would that shut me up, dingbat?

Let me spell it out for you ...

I am against our intervention in the Syrian conflict ...

I am against the expansion and the scope of the Obama administration's drone program ...

I was against the surge in Afghanistan ...

I was against the invasion of Iraq ...

See, I'm against these military adventures regardless of which party's wrassler (as Bob puts it) is in office.

Now, are you for our military intervention in Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers 

48Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 8:32 pm



TEOTWAWKI wrote:yeah and if we had elected Ron Paul the Fed and the IRS would be gone all our troops would be home and Detroit on it's way to recovery as we became a productive country again....sigh...
You are nuts. Ron Paul is a FAKE.

49Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 8:37 pm



Ghost Rider wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:

You shut Sal up....and FT is probably having a stroke.
Why would that shut me up, dingbat?

Let me spell it out for you ...

I am against our intervention in the Syrian conflict ...

I am against the expansion and the scope of the Obama administration's drone program ...

I was against the surge in Afghanistan ...

I was against the invasion of Iraq ...

See, I'm against these military adventures regardless of which party's wrassler (as Bob puts it) is in office.

Now, are you for our military intervention in Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers 
Any rational person would've known obama's policies and inclinations before voting for him the second time.

I knew within two years what bush was really about... whereas most who voted for obama twice... would vote for him a third.

50Syria - Page 2 Empty Re: Syria 8/27/2013, 8:47 pm



PkrBum wrote:

 whereas most who voted for obama twice... would vote for him a third.
Depends on the opposition. 

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