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Bounty on Veterans...$3000 per your government

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Your Government: Now Paying Shrinks $3,000 For Every Veterans Gun They Confiscate

April 16, 2013 10:17pm PST

An anonymous New York psychiatrist (Dr. X) who works for the VA has come forward to state that “things have been getting a little bit uneasy . . . for veterans.” That’s an understatement. We already know that New York State is going after veterans who have sought any kind of treatment for mental health. Dr. X reveals that, when veterans come to the VA for help, they’re often treated by ultra-liberal interns and residents who think of them as baby-killers; the VA actively seizes guns from any veterans treated for mental health issues, not matter how minor or stable the problem; veterans who refuse to give up their weapons are institutionalized; and psychiatrists get a $3,000 incentive whenever a veteran loses his guns.




Your Government: Now Paying Shrinks $3,000 For Every Veterans Gun They Confiscate

April 16, 2013 10:17pm PST

An anonymous New York psychiatrist (Dr. X) who works for the VA has come forward to state that “things have been getting a little bit uneasy . . . for veterans.” That’s an understatement. We already know that New York State is going after veterans who have sought any kind of treatment for mental health. Dr. X reveals that, when veterans come to the VA for help, they’re often treated by ultra-liberal interns and residents who think of them as baby-killers; the VA actively seizes guns from any veterans treated for mental health issues, not matter how minor or stable the problem; veterans who refuse to give up their weapons are institutionalized; and psychiatrists get a $3,000 incentive whenever a veteran loses his guns.

this pisses me off.

this is EXACTLY what they want to use obummercare for.. POWER OVER the people.



Bounty on Veterans...$3000 per your government Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM2nvqhmku116NXiGbog7tJENYx8dr5MCgao9tMn9ocp_41VK3Cg

What can one expect from someone who's a brain washed educational system graduate with a sheepskin that supposedly proves they are so much better than others?





Teo, even back in the '60's, I didn't think that way. I had a handful of friends who had already come back and returned to school. One told me he had gone in with 150 men and he was one of 7 that returned...don't ask me where that was...I either don't know or don't remember. Another had a 4-year-old son he was seeing for the first time. I have known so many Vietnam vets through the years...and of course I'm married to one...and they're always close friends.

Who thought up this stupid, stupid program? That person should be horsewhipped in Times Square.



Floridatexan wrote:Who thought up this stupid, stupid program? That person should be horsewhipped in Times Square.

Bounty on Veterans...$3000 per your government Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfZudFT2FTPtNHfGmR-vkboan2uUDl2jdztqcQauHzK2cH8Id0lA

Yeah... r.r.r.right...





Teo, I find this article difficult to believe. I don't think it's happening, at least not the way the article states.

I have to wonder if this article is based on personal anecdotes of only a few vets who may have ended up in the hospital due to suicidality. If a vet is actively suicidal, then yes, he or she may be hospitalized. But the VA going in to a vet's home and seizing guns? Uh-uh. I don't believe it. And forced hospitalization of a vet with mild depression because he or she won't give up their guns? No. That's illegal.

In most cases, it is the family that is responsible for rounding up the guns of a person who is actively suicidal, including veterans. Usually, those guns are taken by a family member or friend until the person is stabilized. They aren't "seized" by the VA!

And offering a $3000.00 bonus to a psychiatrist for taking away a vet's guns? No. This would amount to grossly unethical behavior on the part of the psychiatrists. It would also be a conflict of interest.

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