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Burned alive while unarmed.... Christians.

Hospital Bob
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For all you Christian haters this is what Muslims with guns did to unarmed Christians ...they used gasoline and just burned them alive.....merciless you want to give anyone all the power and you have none ? Yes this could be you someday laying on the ground if you don't stand for your rights while you can....

" This is a brutal example of how far the struggle between muslims and catholics in Nigeria has reached.
Muslims are determined to impose their 'religion' all over Africa as well as in other continents and countries
of the world. Islam has but one goal: rule the world at any cost ! "

"And where are the International Human Rights Organizations ?
Christians are burnt alive in Nigeria: a horrific Holocaust right in front of International indifference !
As denounced by Father Juan Carlos Martos, on behalf of the Missionari Clarettiani, via del Sacro Cuore
di Maria, Rome, Italy."

Warning very graphic image follows.....from Nigeria....

Burned alive while unarmed.... Christians. Att00010



TEOTWAWKI wrote:For all you Christian haters this is what Muslims with guns did to unarmed Christians ...they used gasoline and just burned them alive.....merciless you want to give anyone all the power and you have none ? Yes this could be you someday laying on the ground if you don't stand for your rights while you can....

" This is a brutal example of how far the struggle between muslims and catholics in Nigeria has reached.
Muslims are determined to impose their 'religion' all over Africa as well as in other continents and countries
of the world. Islam has but one goal: rule the world at any cost ! "

"And where are the International Human Rights Organizations ?
Christians are burnt alive in Nigeria: a horrific Holocaust right in front of International indifference !
As denounced by Father Juan Carlos Martos, on behalf of the Missionari Clarettiani, via del Sacro Cuore
di Maria, Rome, Italy."

Warning very graphic image follows.....from Nigeria....

Burned alive while unarmed.... Christians. Att00010

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is the worse thing I have ever seen in my life. Including when I took humanities.

This is very upsetting. Sad



No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.



Burned alive while unarmed.... Christians. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6t4-inEtJI9Ve9yDe00BZ-9OeV8meiNUnJJcyVEi7oKvAZn3iOQ

Very sad.

*****SAD SMILE*****




All of that from the RELIGION of PEACE.



I think we learned in Lebanon that the world no longer cares if Muslims carry out atrocities on Christians and Jews or even other Muslims.

Last edited by Ironsights on 2/1/2013, 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total



Yep, October 23, 1983.



I don't know how to post a pic, but click on the link and see Christians protecting Muslims while they pray. Taken in Feb. 2011.

"On Twitter, Nevine Zaki linked to a picture she said she photographed on Wednesday of Christians protecting Muslims during their prayers in Tahrir Square. The square in Cario continues to be a scene of violence between pro- and anti-Mubarak supporters who were wielding sticks and throwing rocks. She tweeted:

Bear in mind that this pic was taken a month after z Alexandria bombing where many Christians died in vain. Yet we all stood by each other".

These are mostly the kind of Christians that I have known throughout my life, thank God! Kind, compassionate, and helpful.



jose balu wrote:I don't know how to post a pic, but click on the link and see Christians protecting Muslims while they pray. Taken in Feb. 2011.

"On Twitter, Nevine Zaki linked to a picture she said she photographed on Wednesday of Christians protecting Muslims during their prayers in Tahrir Square. The square in Cario continues to be a scene of violence between pro- and anti-Mubarak supporters who were wielding sticks and throwing rocks. She tweeted:

Bear in mind that this pic was taken a month after z Alexandria bombing where many Christians died in vain. Yet we all stood by each other".

These are mostly the kind of Christians that I have known throughout my life, thank God! Kind, compassionate, and helpful.

... so are you trying to say that while Muslims (the religion of peace) slaughters Christians for praying, Christians will still protect Muslims and their religious exercise.



How have Muslims helped the world? I have never seen a Muslim charity that helps all people regardless of faith, never seen Muslims feeding the poor, never seen Muslims providing shelter for the homeless, never seen Muslims care for the sick. About all you see from the Muslims is the murder of innocent men, women, and children.



alecto wrote:How have Muslims helped the world? I have never seen a Muslim charity that helps all people regardless of faith, never seen Muslims feeding the poor, never seen Muslims providing shelter for the homeless, never seen Muslims care for the sick. About all you see from the Muslims is the murder of innocent men, women, and children.

well i have to disagree here as i have seen in fact many instances of Islamic assistance and kindness to others




... Muslims (the religion of peace) quote]

Do you honestly believe this??



Looks to me like a good case to continue takng out militant Muslims with our drones.



[quote="jose balu"]
Ironsights wrote:

... Muslims (the religion of peace) quote]

Do you honestly believe this??
HELL NO, but that is what it is billed as.



America "home of the free"

Burned alive while unarmed.... Christians. 5c04a610



Christians Were Not Mass Murdered in Nigeria During 2012:

Please read this article, the picture posted is from an accidental tanker explosion in Congo. It is very disrespectful to the people in the picture that someone would try to portray it as an intentional mass murder, or anything else. You must do some research before believing everything you read.






I am sure those people just laid down in a nice neat row and allowed other folks to pour gasoline all over them and then light them up. Surely a few would get up and run, or try to.

Anyone who believes this story has been had...... Sorry that HelloFlorida spoiled the party for others who were ready to get their 'hate' on.



How the hell did this post get 10000+ views ????



TEOTWAWKI wrote:How the hell did this post get 10000+ views ????

where do you see that at?



holy shit, I see that omg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you win , most views ever award...let me go find a trophy


If this was the first time this hateful post and photograph was here......that might be chalked off to ignorance and stupidity. The second time it has been posted in about 6 months can only fall within intentional hateful acts.......



2seaoat wrote:If this was the first time this hateful post and photograph was here......that might be chalked off to ignorance and stupidity.   The second time it has been posted in about 6 months can only fall within intentional hateful acts.......

I agree with you seaoat..damned Nazis !



2seaoat wrote:If this was the first time this hateful post and photograph was here......that might be chalked off to ignorance and stupidity.   The second time it has been posted in about 6 months can only fall within intentional hateful acts.......

this thread got bumped up by this new person.  Rolling Eyes 

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:How the hell did this post get 10000+ views ????

Let that be a gauge for exactly how stupid your posts are.

I approve this message.

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