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1JIM JORDAN???? Empty JIM JORDAN???? 10/6/2023, 2:07 am


All I have to say is, heaven help us.

Floridatexan, Telstar and zsomething like this post

2JIM JORDAN???? Empty Re: JIM JORDAN???? 10/6/2023, 4:31 pm


I'm starting to think Republicans are allergic to integrity. Like it makes them itch or something... so they immediately default to, "What's the thing that'll make us look the most corrupt and idiotic? Whatever it is, that's what we'll do!"

Gym "Bad Case of the Mange" Jordan is probably the worst possible move they could make... I mean, I get why Trump likes him -- he's predisposed to help out rapists ( ) and a guy like Trump ALWAYS needs a guy like that on his team. But you'd think that all the Trump voters, who are obsessed with made-up stuff like "Pizzagate" and "Biden sniffs children" would decide, "Hey, we better stop having tolerance for sex offenders on our side." Instead, they've got enabler Gym, being put up there by Matt "Shorteyes" Gaetz, and it doesn't make 'em pump their brakes at all...

Sometimes I feel like I'm piling on 'em a little harshly, but they keep going out of their way to prove, beyond any doubt, that they are every horrible thing I call 'em, and worse. Not just their elected officials, either, but the people who support 'em. At some point Trump voters can be expected to finally say "Okay, this is all too stupid and criminal for me, I give up trying to defend it, I'm out"... but they never reach that point.

I mean, it gets confirmed that Trump calls dead soldiers a bunch of losers. Republican voters don't care.

They screamed and screamed about Hillary Clinton's e-mails, then it comes out that Trump just told nuclear submarine secrets to some random foreign jag-off just 'cuz he wanted to impress him with a game of "I know something you don't know!" and then that guy went and told forty-some other people, including journalists, all the details. This stuff could imperil the United States and its military, and Republicans are like, "Leave Donald alone, you know he likes to brag! So what if he gives away secrets, it's not like he'll go to war with anybody. If we're ever faced with a hostile dictator Donald's gonna lick their shoes and give them the keys to the White House, anyway, so why not tell them our secrets? They're going to be our rulers, not our adversaries! Gah!"

I mean, damn, what is the freakin' limit? How much stuff do they have to see before they go, "Okay, I believed in this guy, maybe I'm walloping fucking stupid and shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions beyond what color Popsicle I want."

If I was some kind of secret agent, trying to get the Republican party to sabotage itself... I honestly can't think of anything I'd do differently than what they're doing to themselves already. How embarrassing does it all have to get before they admit it's embarrassing? Right now they're waddling down the street with their pants around their ankles, bare-assed to the wind, because they'd rather pretend nobody can see it than admit that they couldn't keep their britches up...

Floridatexan, Telstar and RealLindaL like this post

3JIM JORDAN???? Empty Re: JIM JORDAN???? 10/7/2023, 3:58 pm


Couldn't have said it better myself. Ha.

I still find it un-blanking-believable that I live in a country filled with complete and utter blooming idiots.

Floridatexan, Telstar and zsomething like this post

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