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FOX News - Obama Approval Rating - 46% approve - 46% Disapprove - Tie

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boards of FL

boards of FL

FOX better step up their propaganda!

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I don't know if you noticed but that page lists the results of eleven different polls,  not just the Fox News poll.   And Obama has a better disapproval rating in the Fox poll than in any of the other ten polls,  including the ones conducted for liberal news outlets!!
Quite astounding.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Bob wrote:I don't know if you noticed but that page lists the results of eleven different polls,  not just the Fox News poll.   And Obama has a better disapproval rating in the Fox poll than in any of the other ten polls,  including the ones conducted for liberal news outlets!!
Quite astounding.

Correct. Heads are exploding over at FOX News.

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Likewise, an earlier CNN poll that found 57% of voters did not consider Clinton to be “honest,” including 87% of Republicans — and 61% of independents. Can Clinton fix that kind of “trust” problem after more than 25 years in the public eye?



boards of FL wrote:
Bob wrote:I don't know if you noticed but that page lists the results of eleven different polls,  not just the Fox News poll.   And Obama has a better disapproval rating in the Fox poll than in any of the other ten polls,  including the ones conducted for liberal news outlets!!
Quite astounding.

Correct.  Heads are exploding over at FOX News.


Obviously it is still a shocking change and a huge adjustment for Progressives to see both sides of an issue presented on ONE SHOW. Who knew that was possible.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
Bob wrote:I don't know if you noticed but that page lists the results of eleven different polls,  not just the Fox News poll.   And Obama has a better disapproval rating in the Fox poll than in any of the other ten polls,  including the ones conducted for liberal news outlets!!
Quite astounding.

Correct.  Heads are exploding over at FOX News.


Because they have spent the last 6 1/2 years attempting to destroy Obama's reputation.  Think of all of the heavily edited videos, think of all of the quotes taken out of context, think of all of the write-offs of positive economic data...basically...think of all of the bullshit that FOX news has produced with respect to Obama over the last 6/12 years.

It turns out that after all of that, they have a tied approval rating to show for it.  That's it.  A tied approval rating.

FOX News - Obama Approval Rating - 46% approve - 46% Disapprove - Tie Head-explodes-o

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I just love the notion that anything on FNC or MSNBC is "balanced".
What a hoot.
And the funniest of all is O'Reilly claiming he's the "no spin" zone. That's like somebody accusing others of farting when it's his own fart gas he's smelling. lol

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