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Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010

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Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010 Pew_History_Middle_Class_Families_Income_History

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DAMN YOU NEED A PARACHUTE JUST TO LOOK AT THAT CHART....Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010 Pew_History_Middle_Class_Families_Income_History


At some point cutting taxes and not paying our bills has a diminishing return. The absurdity of the logic that all we need to do is cut taxes to have prosperity, makes as much sense as a five year old deciding to have nothing but banana splits for food. The truth is that the supply side economics and trickle down has been a disaster for the average american, and they are now being fooled by the idea that some people are getting something for nothing.........yep.....the middle class is being decimated, and too many will vote against their economic interests because they have been fooled like is a sad day in America when people do not wake up and realize that we all need to be paying more taxes, cutting the size of government, and giving real tax credits for the creation of American jobs.




raising taxes

boards of FL

boards of FL

raising taxes

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Robert Reich: It's Inequality, Stupid

"The most troubling economic trend facing America this Labor Day weekend is the increasing concentration of income, wealth, and political power at the very top - among a handful of extraordinarily wealthy people - and the steady decline of the great American middle class.

Inequality in America is at record levels. The 400 richest Americans now have more wealth than the bottom 150 million of us put together.

Republicans claim the rich are job creators. Nothing could be further from the truth. In order to create jobs, businesses need customers. But the rich spend only a small fraction of what they earn. They park most of it wherever around the world they can get the highest return.

The real job creators are the vast middle class, whose spending drives the economy and creates jobs.

But as the middle class's share of total income continues to drop, it cannot spend as much as before. Nor can most Americans borrow as they did before the crash of 2008 - borrowing that temporarily masked their declining purchasing power.

As a result, businesses are reluctant to hire. This is the main reason why the recovery has been so anemic.

As wealth and income rise to the top, moreover, so does political power. The rich are able to entrench themselves by lowering their taxes, gaining special tax breaks (such as the "carried interest" loophole allowing private equity and hedge fund managers to treat their incomes as capital gains), and ensuring a steady flow of corporate welfare to their businesses (special breaks for oil and gas, big agriculture, big insurance, Big Pharma, and, of course, Wall Street).

All of this squeezes public budgets, corrupts government, and undermines our democracy. The issue isn't the size of our government; it's who our government is for. It has become less responsive to the needs of most citizens and more to the demands of a comparative few.

The Republican response - as we saw dramatically articulated this past week in Tampa - is to further reduce taxes on the rich, defund programs for the poor, fight unions, allow the median wage to continue to fall, and oppose any limits on campaign contributions or spending.

It does not take a great deal of brainpower to understand this strategy will lead to an even more lopsided economy, more entrenched wealth, and more corrupt democracy.

The question of the moment is whether next week President Obama will make a bold and powerful rejoinder. If he and the Democratic Party stand for anything, it must be to reverse this disastrous trend."




obama already lost the civil service vote by anouncing no raise for them 3 of his 4 years in office. Some say it's not his call. But he made the anouncement. And no, I'm not civil service.



Yes, the cleaver retort often heard on right wing talk radio is the statement (supposedly based in common sense?) that "a poor man has never given me a job!"

Actually, that's the only person who has ever given anyone a job because if the poor man or middle class family isn't going out and buying things there is no need to hire more people to build more things and that's what runs 70% of our economy.

No amount of "reducing uncertainty" or roll back of "strangling government regulations" will stimulate a company to expand if there is no demand and that comes from the poor and/or middle classes.



othershoe1030 wrote:Yes, the cleaver retort often heard on right wing talk radio is the statement (supposedly based in common sense?) that "a poor man has never given me a job!"

Actually, that's the only person who has ever given anyone a job because if the poor man or middle class family isn't going out and buying things there is no need to hire more people to build more things and that's what runs 70% of our economy.

No amount of "reducing uncertainty" or roll back of "strangling government regulations" will stimulate a company to expand if there is no demand and that comes from the poor and/or middle classes.

So lets take money from the rich man, give it to the poor man so he can buy something that the rich man paid someone to make and sell.

No thanks. I'll keep my money that is wasted on the poor.



One thing that would help would be to pay people a living wage so they'd have enough money left over to buy something besides the bare essentials. That is not taking money from the rich it is paying someone a living wage. It worked for Henry Ford. The workers bought his cars, he sold more, the company grew and everyone was getting ahead. what's wrong with that idea?



othershoe1030 wrote:One thing that would help would be to pay people a living wage so they'd have enough money left over to buy something besides the bare essentials. That is not taking money from the rich it is paying someone a living wage. It worked for Henry Ford. The workers bought his cars, he sold more, the company grew and everyone was getting ahead. what's wrong with that idea?

Like crack and some 40's?

Get me some 32" rims and a gold tooth?






othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.



ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.
Some do that to be sure but if the middle class only has enough money to get by they can't buy those other things that make the economy grow. Saying what you said is not a solid argument when we know that the 70% of the economy is consumer driven.

There is no justification for not paying a living wage for a full time job other than greed on the part of the business owners.
The problem is they are shooting the economy and themselves in the proverbial foot because this practice is undermining the entire economic recovery.



othershoe1030 wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.
Some do that to be sure but if the middle class only has enough money to get by they can't buy those other things that make the economy grow. Saying what you said is not a solid argument when we know that the 70% of the economy is consumer driven.

There is no justification for not paying a living wage for a full time job other than greed on the part of the business owners.
The problem is they are shooting the economy and themselves in the proverbial foot because this practice is undermining the entire economic recovery.

When did minimum wage go down? I missed that one. The same time that the economy went in the toilet? Or was it when unemployment went above 8%?

Lack of workers and tax payers is the problem. Not what the workers are buying.



ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.



2seaoat wrote:At some point cutting taxes and not paying our bills has a diminishing return. The absurdity of the logic that all we need to do is cut taxes to have prosperity, makes as much sense as a five year old deciding to have nothing but banana splits for food. The truth is that the supply side economics and trickle down has been a disaster for the average american, and they are now being fooled by the idea that some people are getting something for nothing.........yep.....the middle class is being decimated, and too many will vote against their economic interests because they have been fooled like is a sad day in America when people do not wake up and realize that we all need to be paying more taxes, cutting the size of government, and giving real tax credits for the creation of American jobs.

So let me see if I have this right.

We all need to be paying more taxes? Poor people do not pay taxes they get refunds, 46% of the tax payers in this country pay NO taxes. Are you suggesting we should stop giving refund checks and poor people should actually have to pay taxes? How do we force 20+ million illegals who use our schools, hospitals roadways, utilities, etc to pay taxes?

Cut the size of government? Yes this needs to happen unfortunately only the lowest paid federal employees get cut NOT the management who recklessly waste tax payer money. Cut defense spending sure, sounds good but do you think that money will go to pay down the deficit, it will get spent on needless entitlement programs to expand our welfare culture or politicians pet projects.

Give real tax credits for the creation of American jobs. What would you consider a real tax credit 1k, 2k, 3k, 10k, 20k per job created. Doesn't this directly conflict with your first solution? If businesses get "real" tax credits doesn't that put more tax burden on the average tax paying citizen.

So who would serve the middle classes best interest economically? We only have two choices. First choice is Obama which has shown to be a complete failure for the middle class or Romney, which nobody can predict how he will do?



ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?



ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?

I already know but apparently you're not informed enough to know Clinton signed the "Wefare Reform Act" in 1995! !995, Ghandi! Guess what? You can only collect welfare for 5 years max lifetime. Two years at a time.



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?

I already know but apparently you're not informed enough to know Clinton signed the "Wefare Reform Act" in 1995! !995, Ghandi! Guess what? You can only collect welfare for 5 years max lifetime. Two years at a time.

5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You ain't very bright, are you?



ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?

I already know but apparently you're not informed enough to know Clinton signed the "Wefare Reform Act" in 1995! !995, Ghandi! Guess what? You can only collect welfare for 5 years max lifetime. Two years at a time.

5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You ain't very bright, are you?

No,you said they collected for a lifetime which is typical of your knowledge about most things. I realize you're not an informed or educated man no matter how much money you brag you have.You should at least try to make statements that are factual.



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?

I already know but apparently you're not informed enough to know Clinton signed the "Wefare Reform Act" in 1995! !995, Ghandi! Guess what? You can only collect welfare for 5 years max lifetime. Two years at a time.

5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You ain't very bright, are you?

No,you said they collected for a lifetime which is typical of your knowledge about most things. I realize you're not an informed or educated man no matter how much money you brag you have.You should at least try to make statements that are factual.

I'm forgetting who I'm talking to. Nevermind. You're right. 5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You win. Will you leave me alone now?

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