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60% of citizens want Obamacare repealed

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A new poll finds that three-fifths of likely voters support the repeal of Obamacare. A large plurality — 44 percent — wants to see Obamacare repealed and replaced with a conservative alternative. A much smaller group —16 percent — wants to see it repealed but not replaced. Less than one in three respondents — 32 percent — would like to keep Obamacare, whether in its current form or in amended form. So, with a conservative alternative in play, 60 percent of Americans support repeal, while only 32 percent oppose it.

Obamacare is like a house that’s built on a poor foundation by the world’s worst architect, with cost-overruns and maintenance expenses that make each year’s tab higher than the last. When confronted with such a monstrosity, one doesn’t change the placement of a closet or tweak the color scheme in the kitchen. One calls for a bulldozer and hires a different architect to build a better house on a strong foundation at a lower price. Such is how it is with Obamacare



Get it done




A government propaganda website LOL


Much better than a blog. LOL!



It's a blog from a nationally known magazine gumby



Vikingwoman wrote:Much better than a blog. LOL!

Obvious point missed - thanks.

On average, how many times a week do you get so angry at us that you can’t even finish your 3rd serving of Pizza Rolls?

And then there this...this thing will be crushed under its own weight.

Health coverage was never so costly until President Obama decided to make it “affordable.”

Bloomberg News has tallied up the total cost to taxpayers of Obamacare so far: $73 billion and counting. What Bloomberg didn’t do is compare that cost to the government’s latest estimate of the number of people who have obtained Obamacare coverage: 7.3 million, and possibly falling.

That means taxpayers have shelled out $10,000 per insured person.

Only a relatively small portion of that $73 billion went for actual subsidies to help people afford coverage, according to Bloomberg. The large majority of the money was spent on health IT, exchange grants to get the state websites up and running, and contractor spending. Most of those outlays have been miserable failures.

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