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Android phone apps

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1Android phone apps Empty Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 12:17 pm


I am starting to talk to people who are finding some incredible apps for their phones. I have cloud for google and MSN, but I am now using dropbox app on my samsung and it is really cool. I still use wordperfect when writing letters and for five bucks I got a app for wordperfect. Pretty cool.

Also, I am working on the scanner for the phone which creates PDF files. This is great for receipts and I can now read a letter, scan the same with my phone, throw the letter away and put the pdf in dropbox and it is on my home computer also. If I have a bid and I am in the field instead of going back to the car, or office, I just pull it up on dropbox..........I have been slacking not putting some of these apps on my phone. Does anybody else have recommendations on useful apps?

2Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 5:44 pm



I'm just beginning to explore apps on my phone. The first thing I looked for was an ICE app that makes it easy to list my medications. I'm still hoping to find one that can be accessed without my unlock screen code.

3Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 5:59 pm


I just went to a seminar where they were talking about all these cool apps. I will do the medication one later Sunday. The one I am excited to find is this one password app where you can load your passwords into the app and then it randomly creates complex passwords where you do not have to do a thing. They change the passwords dynamically and the only one you have to remember is the one to get in the app. You then put the app into your dropbox and put it on all your other computers. I will have to play with it, but I am wasting time with about 20 passwords and as I get lazy I am exposing my accounts to being hacked. I plan on spending the next month turning my smart phone into its full potential.

I tried the scanner app and pdf creation an took a document and a vanilla wafer box. It is really cool how the software will orient the object of the scan and square it up. Once I start loading this stuff I am going to have to find something to lock my phone tight because you do not want people using dropbox to go to your computers.

4Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 6:42 pm



5Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 6:53 pm


I was looking at that, and I am going next door to my friend who is seventy and still runs a one man garage which his father ran before him. He has windows 95 where he reads CD updates on cars.....this could be a powerful tool, but he is really set in his ways.

6Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:01 pm



7Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:03 pm



2seaoat wrote:I was looking at that, and I am going next door to my friend who is seventy and still runs a one man garage which his father ran before him.  He has windows 95 where he reads CD updates on cars.....this could be a powerful tool, but he is really set in his ways.

It really works.  Hard to believe but it does.  The adapters are very cheap. I think I paid less than 10 dollars for mine.  Buy him an adapter and set it up for him.. Use it your self if he doesn't like it. Very cool thing to have..

8Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:16 pm


I am going to set my wife's phone up with it and try it on her equinox and the prius.   Once he sees it working on the equinox, I will try to get him to get a cell phone........I am telling you he is old fashioned and set in his ways.  I have tried for years to get him to tie into my internet on his windows 95, and I think I am going to have to give him one of my old computers and have it on my network, and get all the favorites so all he has to do is click on the apps.   I know he can use this because he usually works on really old beaters, but now the old beaters are having some sophisticated electronics.  I am going to spend sunday trying to get some of these apps, but I need to visit their website and confirm the compatability with our cars.

Last edited by 2seaoat on 5/31/2014, 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:20 pm


I will try the waze download Sunday. I drive a few hours to Chicago on Monday for my monthly shots at Northwestern Hospital, and the traffic can be a bear. I will report on Tuesday how this application works.

10Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:31 pm



11Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 7:36 pm



I think you will like Waze. It works very well. Might want to keep your phone on charge as it seems to need a lot of power to operate all the functions. For your cars, almost all cars post 96 have a OB2 port. Pretty neat to watch all the gauges in real time as you go down the road. Best to have someone else drive while you play. LOL

12Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 5/31/2014, 8:00 pm


I think you need to get one of those dash mount phone holders. I am going to have to slow down because I am seeing all kinds of apps I like. I have even heard of people getting cheap android phones and attaching them to their dogs collar to track their is getting to be crazy.

13Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/1/2014, 9:07 am



My favorite app on my Android phone is called "The Night Sky." It's the app to have for stargazers.  Very Happy 

14Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 4:33 pm


After a three hour commute to the Hospital, I do not think I am going to put any app on my phone which could interfere with my attention. If I had been slightly distracted today, I would have had 8 accidents. People just cut in front of you in Chicago. The cabs, the buses, and everybody else. I thought maybe I was in their blind spot, but after the fourth lane cut, I realized in a traffic jam the responsibility to avoid a collision is on the car rules I need to learn, and certainly I cannot be distracted in those driving conditions.

15Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:03 pm



Doctor/shot business go ok?

16Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:11 pm



Driving in Chicago has always been an adventure.

I remember driving through downtown in the late 80s, and I was amazed that at every traffic signal people would lay on their horns regardless of whether traffic began moving immediately or not.

It was like an involuntary reaction.

Light turns green - lay on the horn.

It was irritating at first, but then got to be downright comical.

17Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:18 pm


This was my 29th shot. The average number of shots after metastasis of the liver is 38 for the mean death rate. That means if I can go 9 more months I made the average. The double dose however may be skewing the historical data. At Northwestern they have the record holder on his 108th shot, and there are some people who do not make 12. I am blessed that I have gotten an extra year because before the double dose of Sando, the tumors were growing a cm a quarter, or close to an inch and a half tumor growth on each of my three tumors a year. I am one of only 17% of endocrine cancer patients with metastasis of the liver which has a year with little or no growth or disease stability just from the double dosage of Sando. They will be measuring the tumors with Cat scans in the next three months, and I kind of dred the same. Ignorance is bliss, but I am having trouble walking, and my strength is quickly saying goodbye. On the John Deere commercial mower there is a foot pedal which lifts the mower deck and a dial which sets the height.......I am really straining now to make cutting height changes. I also am losing my reaction time, so driving now takes 100% concentration and focus. Those 8 near accidents would have been accidents if I was driving like I used to........I double check all mirrors, and turn and look over my shoulder to make sure things are clear the end, I have never been happier, and feel totally blessed because before the double shots I should have been dead a year and a half ago.

18Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:26 pm


It was like an involuntary reaction.

Light turns green - lay on the horn.

It was irritating at first, but then got to be downright comical.

It happened to me today on Michigan Ave. A guy in a Mercedes makes a left turn on the red, and the guy in front of him had to wait for the pedestrians. The entire southbound Michigan was blocked by the two cars waiting for the pedestrians in the crosswalk.......this dick behind me just lays on the my younger days I would put the car in Park and calmly walk back and ask him did I do something wrong......take my time and let the light cycle change so I delayed him for another signal sequence. It used to be fun. Now as I approach to ask in a very non threatening way is there something I did wrong.....I would probably get I simply glare and figure that dumb asz school must have just let out. By the way.....I want to kidnap that white husky.....I got get me one.

19Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:36 pm



Good news. Take care of your self. The up side to losing your strength is that it will give you more time argue with us here on the forum.

20Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:47 pm


Good news. Take care of your self. The up side to losing your strength is that it will give you more time argue with us here on the forum.

It will get ugly in the end, and you will know quickly when I am not posting as much, but in the meantime......I work very hard to be a dick, and have people let me know I am a cannot believe how refreshing that is after two years of people treating you like you are on your death bed, only to come here and have somebody call me a douche bag.....priceless.

21Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 6:52 pm



you cannot believe how refreshing that is after two years of people treating you like you are on your death bed, only to come here and have somebody call me a douche bag.....priceless

The truth is obvious............ LOL

22Android phone apps Empty Re: Android phone apps 6/2/2014, 10:41 pm



2seaoat wrote: By the way.....I want to kidnap that white husky.....I got get me one.

She is a rescue, and OMG I can't even begin to describe her personality. 

I've never had a dog with such a bizarre personality, but I wouldn't give her up for anything. 

The people who returned her don't know what they're missing. 

What a joy. 

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