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Now Easter Bunnies are religious icons and violate the separation of church and state according to Muslims

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So, the Easter Bunny is now in the Bible? Really?



I think the pastor of the church says it best:

Pastor Neeta Nichols of Cherry Hill Presbyterian noted that the event has absolutely nothing to do with religion.

“It’s designed to be an opportunity to invite the community to come for a day of activity,” she told the Free Press. “There is not a religious component to this event.”

And this seems odd. I've never associated an egg with Christianity. Maybe I wasn't paying attention in Sunday School.

"Easter eggs are a symbol many Christians use to celebrate the Christian holiday of Easter. In pagan religions, eggs represented fertility, birth and rebirth. More generally, they symbolize springtime. Kids typically tend to associate Easter eggs with candy and people in rabbit costumes.'

Even the Christian community does not care for the commercialization of Easter. Sure, many churches do the egg hunt thing but it's just an activity for kids to have fun. What's wrong with that?

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