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This nice lady has 2 children and only 1 car seat. Let's beat her up.

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I don't have to have a quote and you know full well what you were saying on page one, so does anyone with a second grader's reading comprehension. You don't have to say "I'm defending someone" to be defending them.

You're not really as smart as you think you are by demanding a direct quote and thinking you've made some big points.  Because when you do that, it makes it clearer to anyone who can read that you're not an honest person- that you are unwilling to back up what you were so obviously (to a child) saying.

Alcoholism is a sad disease. It's a condition that results when people drink to assuage their fear of death, or to  try and handle some situation that has them so stressed out that they can't handle it sober.  And I said "can't", not won't.  Everyone doesn't have the ability to turn to God or to the church with their fears and problems, or the money to turn to a  psychiatrist. A lot of people don't have the ability to accept some sort of religious faith, they're just born doubters and questioners and it is as impossible for them as it is for pigs to fly. And yet, we are the only species on the planet that knows we'll die one day, that what we're enjoying is terminal at best. So people in South America chew on their own herbal medications, young people in this country smoke their herbal medication, and a lot of middle aged and older people find some solace in dulling their brains with alcohol. It's not a sin, regardless of what some of you think.  It's a necessity of life that some people just can't make it without.
Then religious people condemn them because they're not like them. Supposedly they're weak somehow, when people who embrace religion are just as frightened and panicked as they are, but they just have the ability to accept what they're told   easier than the drinkers or the druggies.

Then if a drinker has something else in his life that's bothering him and he goes to a bar and drinks too much, he probably doesn't realize it because HE'S DRANK TOO MUCH. so he gets into his car and on the way home, he hits somebody. He may even think it's a tree or a log, so he continues on home.
I'm not defending driving drunk, no, but I do understand it happens. I understand WHY it happens. And the only difference in that driver and somebody that made it home is that he had an accident.
I don't know anything about this woman's life, but I do know the reason that people drink. And if they have the wrong brain chemistry, they drink too much. And if they're drunk, they don't know they're too drunk to drive. Some people can take one drink and be too drunk to drive, that's a medical fact.
Nobody deserves to be brutally smashed into the pavement because they failed a sobriety test. Those officers had no reason to do that.

At least I'm admitting I was saying that on page one and not trying to deny what I said like you do.



Now let's not be calling someone else dishonest when you are denying being who you are. That's a little too much.



I've never denied who I am. I've never posted my real name on this forum and neither have you.
No one is required to do that in order to post on here.

If you'd like to post your name, go ahead.  I'm bluemoon.  That's all I need to say.
That's all I need to be. And for damn sure, it's all you need to know.

If I knew who you were, I might want to discuss some personal issue with you on the forum, and I  don't think that's what it's here for.
Now is it?

By the way Mrs Kravitz, I'm sure you were supporting the woman when you called her a Drunk Bitch.
I'm not the only person who can read, Gladys.

Last edited by bluemoon on 9/20/2013, 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total



bluemoon wrote:I don't have to have a quote and you know full well what you were saying on page one, so does anyone with a second grader's reading comprehension. You don't have to say "I'm defending someone" to be defending them.

You're not really as smart as you think you are by demanding a direct quote and thinking you've made some big points.  Because when you do that, it makes it clearer to anyone who can read that you're not an honest person- that you are unwilling to back up what you were so obviously (to a child) saying. You seem to be the one that can not back up your erroneous claims.

Alcoholism is a sad disease. It's a condition that results when people drink to assuage their fear of death, or to  try and handle some situation that has them so stressed out that they can't handle it sober.  And I said "can't", not won't.  Everyone doesn't have the ability to turn to God or to the church with their fears and problems, or the money to turn to a  psychiatrist. A lot of people don't have the ability to accept some sort of religious faith, they're just born doubters and questioners and it is as impossible for them as it is for pigs to fly. And yet, we are the only species on the planet that knows we'll die one day, that what we're enjoying is terminal at best. So people in South America chew on their own herbal medications, young people in this country smoke their herbal medication, and a lot of middle aged and older people find some solace in dulling their brains with alcohol. It's not a sin, regardless of what some of you think.  It's a necessity of life that some people just can't make it without.  Your comments ( in bold print) are nothing but total Bull Shit.
Then religious people condemn them because they're not like them. Supposedly they're weak somehow, when people who embrace religion are just as frightened and panicked as they are, but they just have the ability to accept what they're told   easier than the drinkers or the druggies.
I don't know anything about this woman's life, but I do understand the reason that people drink. And if they have the wrong brain chemistry, they drink too much. And if they're drunk, they don't know they're too drunk to drive. Some people can take one drink and be too drunk to drive, that's a medical fact.
Nobody deserves to be brutally smashed into the pavement because they failed a sobriety test. Those officers had no reason to do that.

At least I'm admitting I was saying that on page one and not trying to deny what I said like you do.

You are really getting wordy. I never defended the cops behaviour. 

My comment was in reference to a settlement for her to "own the capital building", while dismissing her actions.

I posted her story back when it happened I hope she reams Tallahassee a new butt hole. I hope she owns the capital building when she gets done suing them !!

This nice lady has 2 children and only 1 car seat.  Let's beat her up. - Page 2 Bilde11

I hope she buys a rehab center and checks herself in. The drunk bitch drove from Panama City to Tallahassee and hit a house. She is lucky she didn't kill the 3 students in her vehicle or kill someone else on her way home.



NO. You just called her a drunk bitch.

I guess that meant you liked her and sided with her against the cops.

It's called reading comprehension, Mrs Kravitz.  Most people have it. I'm not the only person who knew what you were saying.
You're trying to change boats in the middle of the stream.
Sometimes that involves a drowning.
With you it would be a suicide.

I'm having too much fun. I need to go away. LOL



bluemoon wrote:NO. You just called her a drunk bitch.

I guess that meant you liked her and sided with her against the cops.

It's called reading comprehension, Mrs Kravitz.  Most people have it. I'm not the only person who knew what you were saying.
You're trying to change boats in the middle of the stream.
Sometimes that involves a drowning.
With you it would be a suicide.

I'm having too much fun. I need to go away.   LOL
Thank God we have you to tell us what we think.

Calling the woman a drunk bitch means I' m siding with the cops?  Never once did not say I condoned the actions of the cops.....never.

The drunk bitch is lucky she didn't kill herself, the kids in the car,  people in the house, or some other person during her drunk driving adventure from Panama City to Tallahassee. 

This discussion is not about alcoholism it's about a drunk driver. Now if you have information regarding  this particular woman, information she suffers from the disease of alcoholism, perhaps you will share it with the class. No where did I read she is an alcoholic...I guess that is just something else you know.



No actually it's about POLICE BRUTALITY you know where our protect and serve cops get away with beating someone half to death...or often to death...



Cops routinely brutalize people.

We've had no less than three threads regarding this specific incident.

What makes this so fascinating?



Mrs Kravitz, I don't know how stupid you think everyone else on this thread is, and it doesn't really matter. You expressed yourself clearly enough on the first page.

As for Dreams,  If you honestly think this forum is full of truth-tellers, you've entered some planet in a distant galaxy far, far away.
It takes an extremely naive person to trust some of the characters on here that you seem to believe in.

You're on an internet forum.  That's something you should never forget. And if you ever do, just think about BP.
That should bring you back to reality.



What makes this so interesting is that it is a huge contrast in power. It is 2 huge cops and a very tiny woman. It shows the mindset of cops that they are inconsiderate bastards making no discernment between citizens.



bluemoon wrote: Mrs Kravitz, I don't know how stupid you think everyone else on this thread is, and it doesn't really matter. You expressed yourself clearly enough on the first page.

As for Dreams,  If you honestly think this forum is full of truth-tellers, you've entered some planet in a distant galaxy far, far away.
It takes an extremely naive person to trust some of the characters on here that you seem to believe in.

You're on an internet forum.  That's something you should never forget. And if you ever do, just think about BP.
That should bring you back to reality.

Thank God Cat is here to translate posts to fit her argument.



I thought it was about the cops too but then I realized the subject had changed to whether drinking makes a woman a bitch or not and if it's okay for her to be beaten silly over it.

Subject reversal tends to happen when spin is introduced into a thread.



bluemoon wrote: I thought it was about the cops too but then I realized the subject had changed to whether drinking makes a woman a bitch or not and if it's okay for her to be beaten silly over it.

Subject reversal tends to happen when spin is introduced into a thread. your spin regarding alcoholics and why they drink?



I don't actually know why there's so many threads about this one incident either, because it's such obvious police brutality.

I guess Teo wants to make it clear to some people that don't understand that it's police brutality, so he keeps posting the video.
Of course, it shouldn't be necessary anymore.
After all, everybody sees it the same way now.cheers 

Or they claim they do anyway.



Police have a responsibility to use only necessary force when someone is resisting. Responsibility also falls on citizens to obey the law and to cooperate with legal police orders.  I don't see either side here as being innocent.  I'd  hate to see those cops get away with brutality.   No matter what they face, cops have to deal with drunks and druggies and everyone else with appropriate force.  They have to remain professional.  But I'd also hate to see the woman get a large reward or settlement and then go out and buy a new car and kill someone with it. To suggest that she could not help herself from drinking and driving is to say that she cannot help herself from driving drunk, again, if she is able and allowed to.



It used to be the law that if anyone threatened your life or severe bodily harm you could use appropriate force to stop them. That meant even against cops. That law was amended and all hell broke lose. You give a gang special protection under the law and they will abuse it and they have in deadly ways.

no stress

no stress

Not surprised. I work with cops and conservatively estimate that 70 % of them are dickheads.



bluemoon wrote: Mrs Kravitz, I don't know how stupid you think everyone else on this thread is, and it doesn't really matter. You expressed yourself clearly enough on the first page.

As for Dreams,  If you honestly think this forum is full of truth-tellers, you've entered some planet in a distant galaxy far, far away.
It takes an extremely naive person to trust some of the characters on here that you seem to believe in.

You're on an internet forum.  That's something you should never forget. And if you ever do, just think about BP.
That should bring you back to reality.
I never intimated this forum is full of truth tellers. I was just stating the irony of calling someone dishonest when you've been parading as someone other than we know you to be. Come out of the closet ,Cat. It won't be any worse.



As soon as you post your identity on this forum, you'll have the right to tell me or anyone else to "come out of the closet."

So long as you call yourself Dreamsglore, don't get so worked up about the name someone else picked for themselves.  At least mine is spelled correctly.

By the way, what do you mean "it won't be any worse?"Just that statement implies that if anyone posted on here as Cat, other posters would jump on them like a herd of buffalo.  I'm not interested in your stupid ass vendetta.
Do you understand that?

You don't make rules for me.



Joanimaroni wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:I posted her story back when it happened I hope she reams Tallahassee a new butt hole. I hope she owns the capital building when she gets done suing them !!

This nice lady has 2 children and only 1 car seat.  Let's beat her up. - Page 2 Bilde11
I hope she buys a rehab center and checks herself in. The drunk bitch drove from Panama City to Tallahassee and hit a house. She is lucky she didn't kill the 3 students in her vehicle or kill someone else on her way home.
My guess is that she doesn't even remember leaving Panama City and had plenty to drink on the way to keep the blackout.

As you probably know, the route from PC to Tallahassee is a very dark, long 2 lane highway. We have had numerous head on collisions on that very road. They...whoever "they" are, have done about as much as possible to improve the safety of the road. It's still a dark, two lane road.

She crashed, head on, into a brick house with her car! Somehow, if I crashed my car, head on into a brick wall, I would anticipate some injuries.

Rightfully she was handcuffed and put in the back of a cruiser where she slipped out of the handcuffs and attacked the police trying to escape.

If you attempt to escape from your handcuffs, from the back of a police cruiser and then attack them, you deserve whatever happens.

The cruiser was parked next to a concrete curb which is about 8" high. Given the small space between the cruiser and the curb, a altercation between two people could easily lead to someone slipping off the curb or tripping over it causing everyone to fall.

Vividly displayed here, we have folks who insist on make accusations, in effect trying and convicting people before they have even MOST of the FACTS.



That's a good point.  Did the crash cause any of her injuries?



I disagree. First she wasn't trying to escape... she is very small and the cuffs couldn't clasp her wrist. I don't want a person that would slam a woman (or any citizen for that matter) unless there is justifiable cause... in a position of authority. They're cowards.



I think they were rough with her but I would like to know if the crash caused any of her injuries.



bluemoon wrote:As soon as you post your identity on this forum, you'll have the right to tell me or anyone else to "come out of the closet."

So long as you call yourself Dreamsglore, don't get so worked up about the name someone else picked for themselves.  At least mine is spelled correctly.

By the way, what do you mean "it won't be any worse?"Just that statement implies that if anyone posted on here as Cat, other posters would jump on them like a herd of buffalo.  I'm not interested in your stupid ass vendetta.
Do you understand that?

You don't make rules for me.
How does one misspell their own name? If you chose "BluMoon" as your screen name, would that be spelled wrong? Of course not.

If that's the best you have, you would have been better served to follow Abraham Lincoln's advice.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”



Joanimaroni wrote:
bluemoon wrote:You don't know that she was drunk.
And if you've ever driven even once after drinking anything alcoholic, you have no right to moralize. Because you don't have any way to know if you were under the influence or not. Women can become under the influence more quickly than men. And nobody is in their proper mind when alcohol is in their system.

You also have no moral compass when you think beating a woman nearly to the point of non-recognition because she took a drink is acceptable behavior by cops.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for saying so, but you don't have any shame button to push.
Care to show me a quote where I made that statement?

Please stop misinterpreting my are always incorrect. For the sake of honesty copy paste the quote. Very simple to do.

BTW...she failed her field sobriety test...but I'm sure you will defend her.
Are you defending the actions of the cops here in bashing her face in? Because I think you suck. Not only here but all around. I think you're a stone cold....

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