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The police are not your friends

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Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Glad I trust the police and very glad they are out there protecting my family and my city.

Glad too they got that woman off the road even if she did part of it herself by being on painkillers and drunk.

She slipped the handcuffs and was trying to escape.  All she had to do was sit in the squad car and shut up.  But could she do that?

Never surprising that the Progressives are always defending the criminals.
You are an authoritarian bootlicker..I hope that serves you well. Police are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner. They are getting bolder in their brutal treatment of women and even children and you side with them I guess that makes you a thug also...enjoy thinking you are on the winning side. Bullies always get what's coming to them.
Grow up.
You are the one with the Daddy authoritarian issues.  Grow up into what ? A totalitarian Nazi police state, no that's your problem my little Hitler youth.
Awwww...isn't that cute. You must be so proud!

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates

Grow up.



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Glad I trust the police and very glad they are out there protecting my family and my city.

Glad too they got that woman off the road even if she did part of it herself by being on painkillers and drunk.

She slipped the handcuffs and was trying to escape.  All she had to do was sit in the squad car and shut up.  But could she do that?

Never surprising that the Progressives are always defending the criminals.
You are an authoritarian bootlicker..I hope that serves you well. Police are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner. They are getting bolder in their brutal treatment of women and even children and you side with them I guess that makes you a thug also...enjoy thinking you are on the winning side. Bullies always get what's coming to them.
Grow up.
You are the one with the Daddy authoritarian issues.  Grow up into what ? A totalitarian Nazi police state, no that's your problem my little Hitler youth.
Awwww...isn't that cute.  You must be so proud!

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates

Grow up.
I have noticed when you run out of brains you borrow from Socrates...telling someone to grow up is a slander so you got what you gave...boohoo little fella.



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Glad I trust the police and very glad they are out there protecting my family and my city.

Glad too they got that woman off the road even if she did part of it herself by being on painkillers and drunk.

She slipped the handcuffs and was trying to escape.  All she had to do was sit in the squad car and shut up.  But could she do that?

Never surprising that the Progressives are always defending the criminals.
You are an authoritarian bootlicker..I hope that serves you well. Police are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner. They are getting bolder in their brutal treatment of women and even children and you side with them I guess that makes you a thug also...enjoy thinking you are on the winning side. Bullies always get what's coming to them.
Grow up.
You are the one with the Daddy authoritarian issues.  Grow up into what ? A totalitarian Nazi police state, no that's your problem my little Hitler youth.
Awwww...isn't that cute.  You must be so proud!

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates

Grow up.
I have noticed when you run out of brains you borrow from Socrates...telling someone to grow up is a slander so you got what you gave...boohoo little fella.
For some it might be a slander, for you it is practical advice.



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:Glad I trust the police and very glad they are out there protecting my family and my city.

Glad too they got that woman off the road even if she did part of it herself by being on painkillers and drunk.

She slipped the handcuffs and was trying to escape.  All she had to do was sit in the squad car and shut up.  But could she do that?

Never surprising that the Progressives are always defending the criminals.
You are an authoritarian bootlicker..I hope that serves you well. Police are not supposed to be judge jury and executioner. They are getting bolder in their brutal treatment of women and even children and you side with them I guess that makes you a thug also...enjoy thinking you are on the winning side. Bullies always get what's coming to them.
Grow up.
You are the one with the Daddy authoritarian issues.  Grow up into what ? A totalitarian Nazi police state, no that's your problem my little Hitler youth.
Awwww...isn't that cute.  You must be so proud!

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates

Grow up.
I have noticed when you run out of brains you borrow from Socrates...telling someone to grow up is a slander so you got what you gave...boohoo little fella.
For some it might be a slander, for you it is practical advice.
Well coming from a neocon, war worshipping, baby killing drone lover, I take it with a tiny grain of salt.



cool1 wrote:Ive ran across some whom think they are above the law !   Those kind of cops I don't like -- once many years ago I grabbed one by the shirt told him I should whip up on him then I turned him in !  He pushed a disabled person who couldn't walk onto the floor ---New Orleans cop for ya!

normally I wouldn't be that brave but I had a few-at the time.
Awesome...but you're lucky you weren't hurt.



So true !

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