Wiener says he's through sending shots of his Johnson. Spitzer says he's through chasing whores. Assad says he didn't gas anybody. McCain says we need to make war on Syria and Iran and Yemen and ... Obama says the army tossing out Morsi may not be a coup, or maybe it was ... T-Partiers say America will fall if Obamacare isn't terminated at once. Chris Christy says America will fall if Sarah Palin, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz aren't terminated, at once. Daryl Issa says that Obama and his entire administration are crooked, lying, creeps. Rachel Maddow says that a putrid, rotting sea monster washed up on a beach in Spain may be Daryl Issa.
The girlfriend of the victim of the Oklahoma shooting by three bored teenagers told Anderson Cooper that her hometown was "pretty boring."
It's now been confirmed that the NSA puts as much effort into spying on non-terrorists as on terrorists -- maybe more! It turns out the NRA has built the nation's best, most accurate list of gun owners!!
The girlfriend of the victim of the Oklahoma shooting by three bored teenagers told Anderson Cooper that her hometown was "pretty boring."
It's now been confirmed that the NSA puts as much effort into spying on non-terrorists as on terrorists -- maybe more! It turns out the NRA has built the nation's best, most accurate list of gun owners!!