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So did you ever "rabbit" from a cop ?

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But, the balance is tipping.

When the lion-cop just takes a small bite, it is bearable. Which makes it worth not running. But what happens when the antelope-driver knows that to not run (to “pull over”) entails the certainty of a judicial mauling – as in the case of Virginia’s “reckless” driving statute?

There is every incentive to run.




But, the balance is tipping.

When the lion-cop just takes a small bite, it is bearable. Which makes it worth not running. But what happens when the antelope-driver knows that to not run (to “pull over”) entails the certainty of a judicial mauling – as in the case of Virginia’s “reckless” driving statute?

There is every incentive to run.

The lions want you to run.

They have guns.



I did once when I was a teenager on the highway in the late seventies. I was speeding (55 speed limit and I was doing about 85). The cop was driving some piece of shit they were producing back then with all the emission regulations and shit... He was way back when I saw the lights and I knew he was coming for me. I floored it for a couple of exits and then jumped off... stopped for lunch... went on my way after. I didn't like the feeling tho... so I never did it again.

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