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The least liked and most polarizing Congressional Leader Award goes to: Nancy Pelosi

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Willie wrote:Vector....homey....don't fucking take it too fucking seriously.

Too fucking much...?

Ahhh, fuckit.


Well shuckeroo . . .



You can always tell a neo-con, but you can't tell them much.....





No, she doesn't. She does her know, like she's been elected to do by the folk who keep voting her into office.

What part of that do you not understand...?

Remind me again who she represents; who are her constituents...?


I understand what you're saying, but that bitch does a horrible job in her position. I also know I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw her sorry old ass.

I could care less who she represents. Not important to me. Maybe to you, since you probably want to make some silly fag reference to SanFransisco. Have at it. That BS doesn't phase me in the least. I might be gay, but never ever mistake me for some sort of sissy. Just sayin! Homey!



VectorMan wrote:


No, she doesn't. She does her know, like she's been elected to do by the folk who keep voting her into office.

What part of that do you not understand...?

Remind me again who she represents; who are her constituents...?


I understand what you're saying, but that bitch does a horrible job in her position. I also know I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw her sorry old ass.

I could care less who she represents. Not important to me. Maybe to you, since you probably want to make some silly fag reference to SanFransisco. Have at it. That BS doesn't phase me in the least. I might be gay, but never ever mistake me for some sort of sissy. Just sayin! Homey!


Are you wearing your cowboy outfit...?

I never thought of you as a sissy. It takes balls to serve and stay closeted while doing so.

You care a great deal about who Pelosi represents....a loyal voter base that leans to the left, who continue to vote for her, and advance her senior status.

"I might be gay".........Really...?

Relax homey. Ted Cruz is gonna run for POTUS in '16, and all your dreams will come true.



newswatcher wrote:
nochain wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:No, the Dems and Pelosi didn't have control of the house for several years. Why don't you verify your info. before you post? Oh , I forgot. Making up stuff and passing along false info. is your MO. Sorry.

You are dumber than a box of hammers.....

The least liked and most polarizing Congressional Leader Award goes to: Nancy Pelosi - Page 2 37267696

'nightmare' strikes again....did like the "why don't you verify your info before you post" that's PRICELESS!....

Really? Checkout Politifact or factcheck and see when how long the Dems had control of the house. You really should post facts before you make a fool out of yourself. Posting rumors and misinformation only confirms the idiot you are.



newswatcher wrote:
nochain wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:No, the Dems and Pelosi didn't have control of the house for several years. Why don't you verify your info. before you post? Oh , I forgot. Making up stuff and passing along false info. is your MO. Sorry.

You are dumber than a box of hammers.....

The least liked and most polarizing Congressional Leader Award goes to: Nancy Pelosi - Page 2 37267696

'nightmare' strikes again....did like the "why don't you verify your info before you post" that's PRICELESS!....




Dreamsglore wrote:
newswatcher wrote:
nochain wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:No, the Dems and Pelosi didn't have control of the house for several years. Why don't you verify your info. before you post? Oh , I forgot. Making up stuff and passing along false info. is your MO. Sorry.

You are dumber than a box of hammers.....

'nightmare' strikes again....did like the "why don't you verify your info before you post" that's PRICELESS!....

Really? Checkout Politifact or factcheck and see when how long the Dems had control of the house. You really should post facts before you make a fool out of yourself. Posting rumors and misinformation only confirms the idiot you are.

Are you really this stupid or just taking another opportunity to make an absolute fool out of yourself, AGAIN? Take your own advice you brain dead moron.

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