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Boundary Waters threatened

4 posters

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1Boundary Waters threatened Empty Boundary Waters threatened 3/29/2013, 4:26 pm


We need to cherish our wilderness........this is a special area in absolute need of protection.

2Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/29/2013, 8:35 pm


I recommend for everyone to consider a visit to this pristine is simply beautiful.....we need to protect our natural assets.

3Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/29/2013, 8:41 pm



I agree SO, we need to appreciate such wondrous places in our own country and they beg for protection . . . . . .

4Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/29/2013, 9:33 pm



I'm sure you know they aren't mining for iron sulfide or pyrite... it's just often tied up in the metal ore they are after. Rain and washouts can and do release it too. The mining targets are usually copper and nickle. I'm sure there can be safeguards made... or just let the epa and govt regulate the shit out of it like they do everything else. With a few progressive govt solutions I'm sure the practice can be made cost prohibitive.

I don't want water or any part of our environment ruined... and considering the epa agenda and govt control... it should be unlikely. But we all know that the govt regulators were knee deep in the bp disaster... but received no blame. That all said... progress requires product... there must be a reasonable balance.

5Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 8:33 am



Its so easy to get sucked into this environmental shit. You have to be careful not to get into the fringe crazies.

There needs to be prudent watch, regulations and laws for such but we should not go off the charts as the greenies often do and as pkr mentioned the gov agenda to make laws to please its fringe base can harm society more.

I love the out doors, wildlife and the planet so I support conservation and anti pollution philosophy within reason.

6Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 12:32 pm


Mining should not happen in the Boundary Waters Watershed. Period. I do not care what you want to label the people who desire to keep this pristine area pristine.........

7Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 6:02 pm



Chrissy wrote:Its so easy to get sucked into this environmental shit. You have to be careful not to get into the fringe crazies.

There needs to be prudent watch, regulations and laws for such but we should not go off the charts as the greenies often do and as pkr mentioned the gov agenda to make laws to please its fringe base can harm society more.

I love the out doors, wildlife and the planet so I support conservation and anti pollution philosophy within reason.

There is no mining in the Minnesota boundary water area. All the mining is done in the inland area of Hibbing and Bamiji called the Mesabi Range.

8Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 7:41 pm



That website likely belongs to a small group of people with few resources. Where they probably lack is strong knowledge of both Minnesota and USEPA regulations and permitting requirements. Much of the time, these groups tend to focus on issues that are sensationalized and blown out of proportion.

I worked in the environmental consulting field for 16 years, and came away with the notion that America has the most protective environmental regulations in the world. There is no vast conspiracy between government and business to slowly destroy the environment and poison our citizenry with environmental toxins. Businesses do not usually flaunt the regulatory environment, and many of them spend big money hiring consultants to see them through the red tape. They don't complain about it, they just do it.

9Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 8:20 pm


That website likely belongs to a small group of people with few resources.

I had heard about the boundary waters threat from Ed Schultz talking about it on his radio show. I did not see if he talked about it on MSNBC on his TV program. It has been on the national news......and I agree that we have tough environmental rules, but it sometimes takes activist to recognize the harm companies are doing......I had the privilege to meet the "Fox" who in the late 60s started plugging drain pipes at us steel and dial soap plants......he was a school teacher who taught fifth grade......he really made a difference in his life, and the way companies abuse our environment.

10Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 8:54 pm



You can pick up pyrite right on the shore of the great lakes.

11Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 10:12 pm



One of the biggest scams of all time occured here locally; aided by an unscrupulous environmental reporter at the PNJ. I am talking about the old CONOCO lawsuit, which was fostered by the Levin/Papantonio law firm back in the mid 90s.

That and the "Mount Dioxin" scam at the old Escambia Woodtreating site. Were it not for the unscrupulous lawyer and reporter, and mouthy local activists who repeatedly appeared in the paper, those sites would never have been over-sensationalized like they were.

As it was, the law firm got a cool $25 million from CONOCO, and the rich folks who have lined the shoreline of Bayou Texar with big houses got small payouts, and their consciences were assuaged that building all of those houses all over the shoreline of Bayou Texar has not done anything to affect the environmental quality of the bayou (wrong assumptions). It was all CONOCO's fault (sic).

Then with the Mount Dioxin scam, the government financed the move of 350 families, mostly lower class folks. Purely political, and aided and abetted by biased and sensationalized newspaper reporting. I have reviewed the reports and data for both that site and Agrico, and they were way blown out of proportion for the actual health dangers presented.

Not long ago, my wife and I went over to Sanders beach to see the water front and the new community center built there. It is a quiet community, with new houses being built where Hurricane Ivan destroyed others. Two blocks away sits the American Creosote Works Super Fund Site, which also underwent investigation and remediation in the 1990s. I saw that data and reviewed many of that site's reports as well, and it was far more contaminated than either of the other two sites. There actually was dioxin in surface soil out in the nearby neighborhoods, and a large plume of contaminants flowing into Pensacola Bay. No families were moved, and the PNJ paid little attention to that site.

If you go to the new community center, out front to its left and right are rows of groundwater monitoring wells (they are painted yellow) used to sample the plume of contaminants flowing into the bay--the community center was built smack over the plume. I saw some men catching mullet off the dock--there are no signs preventing folks from fishing there. I have never been able to get my arms around why one area was so dangerous that it was labeled "Mount Dioxin" (I never saw dioxin in any of the data I reviewed); while the other site was of little concern.

12Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/30/2013, 10:21 pm



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:That website likely belongs to a small group of people with few resources. Where they probably lack is strong knowledge of both Minnesota and USEPA regulations and permitting requirements. Much of the time, these groups tend to focus on issues that are sensationalized and blown out of proportion.

I worked in the environmental consulting field for 16 years, and came away with the notion that America has the most protective environmental regulations in the world. There is no vast conspiracy between government and business to slowly destroy the environment and poison our citizenry with environmental toxins. Businesses do not usually flaunt the regulatory environment, and many of them spend big money hiring consultants to see them through the red tape. They don't complain about it, they just do it.

Z, I think its interesting of what you've done for a living. You can tell you are good at it from many of your post regarding subjects like this one.

Im vey interested in earth sciences but im too old to change my profession. I like it when we learn stuff from each other here. Smile

13Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/31/2013, 1:06 am



Chrissy wrote:
ZVUGKTUBM wrote:That website likely belongs to a small group of people with few resources. Where they probably lack is strong knowledge of both Minnesota and USEPA regulations and permitting requirements. Much of the time, these groups tend to focus on issues that are sensationalized and blown out of proportion.

I worked in the environmental consulting field for 16 years, and came away with the notion that America has the most protective environmental regulations in the world. There is no vast conspiracy between government and business to slowly destroy the environment and poison our citizenry with environmental toxins. Businesses do not usually flaunt the regulatory environment, and many of them spend big money hiring consultants to see them through the red tape. They don't complain about it, they just do it.

Z, I think its interesting of what you've done for a living. You can tell you are good at it from many of your post regarding subjects like this one.

Im vey interested in earth sciences but im too old to change my profession. I like it when we learn stuff from each other here. Smile

Thank you, Chrissy. I was appalled that nobody in my profession stood up to fight against the craziness concerning those sites. There was one elderly man, the late Mr. Pompellio Ucci, who woluld write letters to the editor lambasting the PNJ and their unscrupulous reporter, who had no background to even understand what he was reporting. I got to know Ucci a bit by telephone and he and I did email tag-team thumping on PNJ executive editor Randy Hammer. I also had an article of my own published under my real name in the Independent, blasting the PNJ and their environmental reporting. I told their reporter that there were dozens of highly qualified environmental professionals in Pensacola, who might provide him better information than the loose-cannon activists in town. Eventually both Hammer and the reporter moved on, and things calmed down. Said reporter now writes for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and he writes the same crappola.

14Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/31/2013, 3:07 am


Part of the explanation is always who has the deep pockets. A local bankrupt firm who pollutes is hardly a target for the big score. Who is going to represent the little guy when there is no pay day? We really do have a sick environment in some areas, and it would be nice if all areas and citizens were protected.

15Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/31/2013, 12:59 pm



Before Randy Hammer left the PNJ, I had plans to turn the tables on the newspaper. Mr. Ucci provided me information showing how the PNJ was violating its pre-treatment permit on discharges from their former printing operation to the ECUA sewer system. I also found out that the PNJ had two or three leaking underground storage tanks awaiting remediation under the FDEP UST program. Those tanks had been awaiting funding for almost 20 years. I was going to submit a sensationalist article to the Independent concerning how the PNJ was pointing fingers at environmental problems all over the county, while ignoring its own responsibility to protect the environment and clean-up its own environmental issues.

Hammer left the PNJ, so my plans faded away.

16Boundary Waters threatened Empty Re: Boundary Waters threatened 3/31/2013, 1:13 pm


I actually saw the "Fox" stuff some smoke stacks at a foundry where on Friday they would pour chlorine onto their molds and this white belching poison would spew out and kill all the trees, and a Chrysler Dealership had to spray all their chrome because it would simply eat the chrome right off a new car. The Fox about 9pm dressed in camouflage with a companion climbed on the foundry roof and stuffed their smokestack. He went on to block a sewer at a Dial soap plant, and his big achievement was taking on US Steel. He was a science teacher and had taught grade school.

Mike Royko the author of Boss had a daily column which was carried in the Chicago Daily News and was carried in papers all over the country popularized the "Fox" as some type of Robin Hood character who was taking on the Polluters. I knew who he was, and they had warrants out for his arrest as he caused tens of thousands of dollars of damage to these factories. I think each of us owe so much to this man who was a simple individual who had seen ducks dying in streams and said enough......this was a time where the eagles were all but could not find a hawk......the rivers had algae bloom from raw sewage and other oxygen depriving substances being dumped into our streams.......nope.......there was a time that some environmental crazies were far from crazy.....they were true American heroes........and I will go to my grave with the image of the first Fox event when he stuffed a foundary's smokestack.......I give my thanks everyday to his courage.

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