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Rand Paul can create a budget and find a way to get to a balanced budget in 5 years without tax increases

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So why can't Obama do this? He has had 4.25 years of practice and has yet to get it right.

Budget Accomplishments
 Balanced Budget Amendment Framework:
o Balances the budget in five years, without relying on revenue increases;
o Eliminates four departments: Departments of Commerce, Housing and Urban
Development, Education, and Energy;
o Returns discretionary spending to FY2008 levels;
o Block grants welfare programs, e.g. Medicaid, SCHIP, food stamps, and child
nutrition; and
o Prioritizes additional funding to national defense
 Repeals Obama Care and Dodd-Frank
 Tax Reform:
o A low flat tax for individuals and corporations;
o Pro-growth territorial tax system; and
o Eliminates capital gains, dividends, estates, gift and other savings taxes
 Entitlement Reform:
o Social Security reform, including increasing the age for beneficiaries, means testing
benefits, private accounts, and opt-out; and
o Medicare reform, including Congressional Health Care for Seniors ? a plan identical
to that provided to Members of Congress
 Comprehensive Regulatory Reform
 Energy Independence



I hope you know that Rand Paul is against giving foreign aid to Israel.

That should put him on your personal "untouchables" list.

Here he is talking about it:



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I hope you know that Rand Paul is against giving foreign aid to Israel.

That should put him on your personal "untouchables" list.

Here he is talking about it:


He's all over the bored (sic).

She concluded her round-up of Republican flip-flops by observing that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) had introduced legislation to outlaw abortion without exception, only to say less than a week later that he believed there should be “thousands” of exceptions.




I just can't believe that PaceDog is promoting the ideas of a Senator, who, as soon as he was sworn into office, started publicly talking about cutting foreign aid to both Israel and Egypt. He may have softened his talk a bit to avoid controversy, but a zebra cannot change his stripes.

One would think that PeeDog would be raving against Senator Paul for being such an anti-Semite.

....wink, wink... I like Senator Paul's position concerning foreign aid....

boards of FL

boards of FL

Here is the difference between the democratic versus republican plans to balance the budget. It can best be described by an analogy: Democrats are like people who want to lose weight by drinking diet soda with their fast food, super sized combo meal. Republicans want to lose weight by sawing off an arm or leg. Most rational folk find themselves somewhere in the middle of these extremes. Consume a balanced diet and exercise. But here we are.



The cricket's are chirping on PaceDog's/KarlRove's thread on Senator Paul's budget proposal....

What I cannot understand is why Dog/Rove is showing support for the most anti-Semitic senator in the United States Senate. I mean, the man has gone public with his plans to cut foreign aid to Israel; something the Dog certainly would not cotton to. Unless, of course, PD tolerates anti-Semitic Republicans....

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