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Republicans can't tell fact from fiction...

4 posters

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Talk about being punked...

Republicans can’t tell fact from fiction

When it comes to failing to tell the difference between reality and fiction, it seems the Republican party has a particular problem. Take what happened over the weekend when Young Republican national policy chairman Jason Whitman took umbrage that Will McAvoy, the news anchor for top cable channel ACN, appeared to be displaying a double standard about conservative icon Sarah Palin. McAvoy had tweeted:

“When will the media stop talking about the politically irrelevant Sarah Palin at CPAC? I’m devoting the hour to that topic tonight!” — Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoy_ACN) March 16, 2013

Whitman was outraged and fired back: “It’s odd that @WillMcAvoy_ACN is dedicating an entire hour of his show to “politically irrelevant” @SarahPalinUSA”.

Of course, as any avid viewer of HBO’s The Newsroom understands neither McAvoy nor ACN exists because they are fictional creations of Aaron Sorkin’s hit television show and the Twitter account was a parody. Oops! But that mistake pales with what happened when Daily News reporter Dan Friedman joked with a Republican contact about CIA nominee Chuck Hagel. Friedman had asked his source if groups like “Friends of Hamas” or “The Junior League of Hezbollah” had been paying Hagel speaking fees. Both names were invented jokes and Friedman was being sarcastic. But later he was stunned when a story about Friends of Hamas – citing Republican sources – popped up on conservative website


Admit it...some of you Cons believed it, didn't you...?




Wingnut trolls follow me around to post personal attacks. Must be Spring Break @ KKKindergarden.



Just for you, WT:



Floridatexan wrote:
Just for you, WT:


Interesting. I've been saying much the same since the neo-cons took control in '94.

They're like kudzu.



howyadoin... wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Just for you, WT:


Interesting. I've been saying much the same since the neo-cons took control in '94.

They're like kudzu.

Republicans can't tell fact from fiction... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHYSM9bhJptxkvndJH08OP3CBvud3oGy9esnoFlw8lov6zkbcU

Ow.w..w...w... Since '94 eh? So that makes Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barrack Obama neo-cons in charge also. Which means that you and all the rest of the supposedly enlightened progressive liberals are a bunch of neo-con supporting butt-heads also.





You really are an idiot stalker.

I was referring to the GOP Revolution when they took control of USC, but you knew that, and you're doing what you do best.

Starting more shit.

Fuck you.



Republicans can't tell fact from fiction... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlJ8VQ8waHtPcFhkq8H7d6xOsnUeRjAMprpSJUhbQxdaE-v-im

You made no specification as to what anyone took control of and if we look at the four that I did mention,by name, their authorization to use military force makes them look like neo-cons to me. Therefore I stand by my last post.

From the looks of it I think you two are the ones doing all of the stalking.





Damaged Eagle wrote:Republicans can't tell fact from fiction... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlJ8VQ8waHtPcFhkq8H7d6xOsnUeRjAMprpSJUhbQxdaE-v-im

You made no specification as to what anyone took control of and if we look at the four that I did mention,by name, their authorization to use military force makes them look like neo-cons to me. Therefore I stand by my last post.

From the looks of it I think you two are the ones doing all of the stalking.



Actually, we were having a nice discussion until you showed up with your usual obtuse innuendo. Go milk a cow or could get a twofer.



@ the stalker....DE.

I don't follow you around engaging you, and I'm the OP on this thread, stalker. Did you read either of the articles...? I doubt're just trolling because it's what you do.

Do you really believe I don't notice your posting pattern...? Or should I say MO...?

It's way more appropriate.



Floridatexan wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
You made no specification as to what anyone took control of and if we look at the four that I did mention,by name, their authorization to use military force makes them look like neo-cons to me. Therefore I stand by my last post.

From the looks of it I think you two are the ones doing all of the stalking.



Actually, we were having a nice discussion until you showed up with your usual obtuse innuendo. Go milk a cow or could get a twofer.

Republicans can't tell fact from fiction... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkirlFH1j9PO09cLIX6hlAzanl7GYMCo90yGAL3IrB3bO-XHAfYQ

Yes it's very apparent how you are...





howyadoin... wrote:@ the stalker....DE.

I don't follow you around engaging you, and I'm the OP on this thread, stalker. Did you read either of the articles...? I doubt're just trolling because it's what you do.

Do you really believe I don't notice your posting pattern...? Or should I say MO...?

It's way more appropriate.

Republicans can't tell fact from fiction... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRj2d2oQ9bIjIGTj_lZrh6yyH_vBSoXkPHLYrjd7fNP8Sb-ubNn9w

So your MO towards other posters is such a shining example?

I notice you've stopped suggesting that you want to shoot other people in the head. Is there a reason for that?

Oh by the way... I've brought you a gift...



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 3/24/2013, 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total



‘Office’ Actor and Michael Moore Cite Fake Onion Article About NRA as Fact

Wealthy filmmaker Michael Moore and Rainn Wilson, an actor best known for his role in the American version of “The Office,” referenced a parody article at The Onion in tweets on Wednesday, duping a number of their followers, Twitchy reported.

“NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything,” Wilson tweeted, without mentioning the source of the article. He did provide a link to it, however.

Twitchy said that if Wilson knows The Onion is a parody site, he’s not admitting it.

“[W]ow, just wow. I don’t know what else to say. One THOUSAND precious lives need to be wasted first??” one person asked.

“[W]ay to dare America #NRA #really?” added another follower.

“Wow. Guess 900 is just fine,” said “Andy C.”

“Hard to finish reading it,” another person tweeted. “Makes me so angry that people can be so stupid and ignorant. Makes me grateful to be Canadian.”

The message has been re-tweeted 127 times.

Some told Wilson that The Onion is a parody site, but to no avail.

Unlike Wilson, Moore referenced The Onion, but, Twitchy said, he failed to tell followers the article is fake.

“Harry Reid may not have a number of how many dead kids it’ll take before he acts, but The Onion says the NRA has one,” he tweeted.

“Keep up the pressure Mike,” said “Chicago Sports.”

Another user called Moore a “joke” for using The Onion to advance gun control, and another person took Moore to task for not being concerned about children aborted by Planned Parenthood.

“National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre said Monday that somewhere around 1,000 kids would have to die in a school shooting in order for the organization to reconsider their longstanding opposition to gun control,” The Onion said in an article from May 2012.

Read more:

I'm sure you didn't think liberal progressives, like the disgustingly obese Michael Moore, could be fooled into believing fiction. Stupid doesn't have party lines.



VectorMan wrote:‘Office’ Actor and Michael Moore Cite Fake Onion Article About NRA as Fact

Wealthy filmmaker Michael Moore and Rainn Wilson, an actor best known for his role in the American version of “The Office,” referenced a parody article at The Onion in tweets on Wednesday, duping a number of their followers, Twitchy reported.

“NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything,” Wilson tweeted, without mentioning the source of the article. He did provide a link to it, however.

Twitchy said that if Wilson knows The Onion is a parody site, he’s not admitting it.

“[W]ow, just wow. I don’t know what else to say. One THOUSAND precious lives need to be wasted first??” one person asked.

“[W]ay to dare America #NRA #really?” added another follower.

“Wow. Guess 900 is just fine,” said “Andy C.”

“Hard to finish reading it,” another person tweeted. “Makes me so angry that people can be so stupid and ignorant. Makes me grateful to be Canadian.”

The message has been re-tweeted 127 times.

Some told Wilson that The Onion is a parody site, but to no avail.

Unlike Wilson, Moore referenced The Onion, but, Twitchy said, he failed to tell followers the article is fake.

“Harry Reid may not have a number of how many dead kids it’ll take before he acts, but The Onion says the NRA has one,” he tweeted.

“Keep up the pressure Mike,” said “Chicago Sports.”

Another user called Moore a “joke” for using The Onion to advance gun control, and another person took Moore to task for not being concerned about children aborted by Planned Parenthood.

“National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre said Monday that somewhere around 1,000 kids would have to die in a school shooting in order for the organization to reconsider their longstanding opposition to gun control,” The Onion said in an article from May 2012.

Read more:

I'm sure you didn't think liberal progressives, like the disgustingly obese Michael Moore, could be fooled into believing fiction. Stupid doesn't have party lines.

Compared to Chris Christie-Moore is slim.



Floridatexan wrote:
Just for you, WT:

Interesting article about Dean's book research. The last paragraph isn't very instructive, however, because many are aware of the authoritarian personality disorder plaguing the followers of Palin and Limbaugh but Dean gives us no clue as to how to change it. I think it is a matter of things having to get worse for individuals who are in that 23% camp before they might take a look at what the other 77% of the country consider to be objective reality?
There is a core that is not worth putting in the energy on though. Their minds snap shut at the slightest whiff of anything that challenges their belief system.

DEAN: The lead researcher in this field told me, he said, "I look at the numbers of the United States and I see about 23% of the population who are pure right-wing authoritarian followers." They're not going to change. They're going to march over the cliff. The best thing to deal with them -- and they're growing, and they have a tremendous influence on Republican politics -- The best defense is understanding them, to realize what they are doing, how they're doing it and how they operate. Then it can be kept in perspective and they can be seen for what they are.



binac wrote:Wingnut trolls follow me around to post personal attacks. Must be Spring Break @ KKKindergarden.

So you know about the KKKindergarten?



KarlRove wrote:
binac wrote:Wingnut trolls follow me around to post personal attacks. Must be Spring Break @ KKKindergarden.

So you know about the KKKindergarten?


Oh yeah. They produced quite a crop of little nazis like you and PD. I believe they're even listed as a Hate Group by the SPLC.



Dreamsglore wrote:
VectorMan wrote:‘Office’ Actor and Michael Moore Cite Fake Onion Article About NRA as Fact

Wealthy filmmaker Michael Moore and Rainn Wilson, an actor best known for his role in the American version of “The Office,” referenced a parody article at The Onion in tweets on Wednesday, duping a number of their followers, Twitchy reported.

“NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything,” Wilson tweeted, without mentioning the source of the article. He did provide a link to it, however.

Twitchy said that if Wilson knows The Onion is a parody site, he’s not admitting it.

“[W]ow, just wow. I don’t know what else to say. One THOUSAND precious lives need to be wasted first??” one person asked.

“[W]ay to dare America #NRA #really?” added another follower.

“Wow. Guess 900 is just fine,” said “Andy C.”

“Hard to finish reading it,” another person tweeted. “Makes me so angry that people can be so stupid and ignorant. Makes me grateful to be Canadian.”

The message has been re-tweeted 127 times.

Some told Wilson that The Onion is a parody site, but to no avail.

Unlike Wilson, Moore referenced The Onion, but, Twitchy said, he failed to tell followers the article is fake.

“Harry Reid may not have a number of how many dead kids it’ll take before he acts, but The Onion says the NRA has one,” he tweeted.

“Keep up the pressure Mike,” said “Chicago Sports.”

Another user called Moore a “joke” for using The Onion to advance gun control, and another person took Moore to task for not being concerned about children aborted by Planned Parenthood.

“National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre said Monday that somewhere around 1,000 kids would have to die in a school shooting in order for the organization to reconsider their longstanding opposition to gun control,” The Onion said in an article from May 2012.

Read more:

I'm sure you didn't think liberal progressives, like the disgustingly obese Michael Moore, could be fooled into believing fiction. Stupid doesn't have party lines.

Compared to Chris Christie-Moore is slim.

You need to see your eye doctor. Your rose colored shades need adjusting.

I doubt anyone would vote for Moore. It would be fun to see the slob run for office. LOL

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