Reaffirming their right to deny reality and force their whacko conservative ideas on the majority who view them as lunatics, Sen. Greg Evers, Rep. Doug Broxson and Clay Ingram push a law to outlaw all abortions in Florida.
Thanks to them for reminding us all why the majority of Americans (and most women) view these hucksters with such disdain. The truth is, poll after poll shows that most Americans disfavor abortion but don't want government to regulate or interfere in womens' reproductive rights issues.
Like there aren't enough real, meaningful issues with which these three, highly overcompensated hucksters could become involved. To these guys, the honor of truly serving the people who elected them is meaningless ...these creeps see their lives as politicos as though it's ALL theater. If you think any of these actors truly believes his actions here are aimed primarily at saving innocent fetuses, you deserve them as your elected representatives. Talk about being unqualified to vote!
Consider: The current "look at us, we're real American Christian-Patriots" crapola by Evers, Broxson and Ingram is simply a crass way to pump up support from their whacko base. Of course the three legislators know their proposed law has as much chance of defeating the constitutional challenges it will surely face, as a fly has to survive a 30-minute bout inside a crematorium oven.
No matter. The three whacko legislators who choose to ignore real legislation aimed at helping Florida's economy and infrastructure, will get a lot of publicity for their effort -- and their actions here will once again illustrate why America chooses not to elect such skanks to higher offices where they can truly damage the country.
Thanks Mr. Evers, Broxson and Ingram ... the more that cheap, hustling, buy-your-next-used-car-from-me types like you speak out for lunacy and crass exploitation, the more we learn not to listen to any of you about anything. Reality.
Thanks to them for reminding us all why the majority of Americans (and most women) view these hucksters with such disdain. The truth is, poll after poll shows that most Americans disfavor abortion but don't want government to regulate or interfere in womens' reproductive rights issues.
Like there aren't enough real, meaningful issues with which these three, highly overcompensated hucksters could become involved. To these guys, the honor of truly serving the people who elected them is meaningless ...these creeps see their lives as politicos as though it's ALL theater. If you think any of these actors truly believes his actions here are aimed primarily at saving innocent fetuses, you deserve them as your elected representatives. Talk about being unqualified to vote!
Consider: The current "look at us, we're real American Christian-Patriots" crapola by Evers, Broxson and Ingram is simply a crass way to pump up support from their whacko base. Of course the three legislators know their proposed law has as much chance of defeating the constitutional challenges it will surely face, as a fly has to survive a 30-minute bout inside a crematorium oven.
No matter. The three whacko legislators who choose to ignore real legislation aimed at helping Florida's economy and infrastructure, will get a lot of publicity for their effort -- and their actions here will once again illustrate why America chooses not to elect such skanks to higher offices where they can truly damage the country.
Thanks Mr. Evers, Broxson and Ingram ... the more that cheap, hustling, buy-your-next-used-car-from-me types like you speak out for lunacy and crass exploitation, the more we learn not to listen to any of you about anything. Reality.
Last edited by Wordslinger on 3/7/2013, 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)