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IP, therefore I am....

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51IP, therefore I am.... - Page 3 Empty Re: IP, therefore I am.... 3/6/2013, 12:32 pm



Half Breed wrote:
you want him to meet you at the escambia county school district LOL you weirdo.

And you say that I am dumber than you? At least I know that ECSD means Escambia County Sheriffs Department and not Escambia County School District. So who's the dumbass now.

52IP, therefore I am.... - Page 3 Empty Re: IP, therefore I am.... 3/6/2013, 10:56 pm



Sage wrote:
Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
Bill wrote:Careful GR. She bites...LOL

Sorry Chrissy, but you digging up bones ain't gonna hurt no one. Bill and I do not argue with each other anymore. I guess you forgot the post where I apologized to him and told him that I would not respond in a condescending or cheap way to any of his post from that day forward. He replied that everything was cool and still is to this day. You are shit out of luck with your pot stirring. However, I will shoot Ghandi down every chance I get because he is more than a little imp that is scared of his own shadow. He talks a big talk but will not and cannot back it up.

Nice try though though Chrissy. Fail miserably.

I accept. PM me when and where. Keep in mind that I'm a conservative and work for a living so after working hours or weekends works best for me.
Waiting for your pm.
One on one please.

You recently said you cruise 98 near the Navy hospital four times a day(probably a lie) but that area works for me. Or Navy point. Let me know via PM.

Are you raising crickets paul? A reply would be the right thing to do. Aren't you prior military? If so, Do the right thing. You attacked. Now what? Waiting........................

For the record:
I have no PM's. Waiting on paul. I guess paul has no intention of proving his false accusations. What do you expect from a friend of thread bear, justin casey, w t m, bill...........

53IP, therefore I am.... - Page 3 Empty Re: IP, therefore I am.... 3/7/2013, 10:27 am



Sage wrote:
Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
Bill wrote:Careful GR. She bites...LOL

Sorry Chrissy, but you digging up bones ain't gonna hurt no one. Bill and I do not argue with each other anymore. I guess you forgot the post where I apologized to him and told him that I would not respond in a condescending or cheap way to any of his post from that day forward. He replied that everything was cool and still is to this day. You are shit out of luck with your pot stirring. However, I will shoot Ghandi down every chance I get because he is more than a little imp that is scared of his own shadow. He talks a big talk but will not and cannot back it up.

Nice try though though Chrissy. Fail miserably.

I accept. PM me when and where. Keep in mind that I'm a conservative and work for a living so after working hours or weekends works best for me.
Waiting for your pm.
One on one please.

You recently said you cruise 98 near the Navy hospital four times a day(probably a lie) but that area works for me. Or Navy point. Let me know via PM.

Are you raising crickets paul? A reply would be the right thing to do. Aren't you prior military? If so, Do the right thing. You attacked. Now what? Waiting........................

I cannot believe that you are that damn stupid. For your elementary education that was a metaphor(now do I need to define metaphor for you). I will shoot you down with words, not literally. You ain't worth going to jail for and that would likely happen if we met in person and believe me, it ain't got nothing to being scared, it is I am not stupid.

54IP, therefore I am.... - Page 3 Empty Re: IP, therefore I am.... 3/9/2013, 4:12 am



Quite entertaining

55IP, therefore I am.... - Page 3 Empty Re: IP, therefore I am.... 3/9/2013, 5:34 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Quite entertaining

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