knothead wrote: Chrissy wrote:As much to the dismay as some would like to think.
The republican party is not going away.
We simply can NOT have a one party society and why anyone would want that is beyond me.
One might also ask why the democrats are the party of black people, when in reality all parties should be the party of the AMERICAN people.
Perhaps the left sees themselves as the party of minorities, which they use to get power. At the end of the day this type of thinking is anti-productive to the country and has led to this nation being more devided than ever.
Political leanings should not be based on race, gender or even sexual preference. It should be based on what your individual idea is of what it takes to make this country properous and great to reside and work in.
Chrissy, no one is advocating a one party system here . . . . it is a discussion about how and why the GOP has a shrinking base and the basis for that dwindling older white voting base. The article, if you read it, did a much better job of explaining the historical evolution of the politics regarding race and the impact that is having on the political fabric of America.
I agree with you that in a Utopian societal scheme race, gender, sexual preference, etc., should not be determinants but rather based on 'ideas' to use your term. In the real world this does not materialize as you envision it. During the last election cycle, the nation witnessed state after state changing the rules regarding voting with one objective: limit minority voting or at least make it harder. This, in a nation who professes to value the right to vote as sacred. The result was a backlash against the GOP machine as people across the country stood in line for up to 10 hours or more determined to cast their vote . . . . . and cast their votes they did. This is one example but the template is cast for the GOP and they are now contemplating tinkering with the electoral college but only in strategic states to tip the scales in their favor . . . . not because their message has changed but only because it could keep them in power despite the lack of votes.
You are intelligent Chrissy but read the article and I hope you will reassess your position.
I am very intelligent. Most people who know me, know this.
I dont need to reassess my position. I am very well aware of the movment going on to anniliate the other side, the other side being republicans.
This thought of trying to anniliate the other side is not American at all. Its a hitler action really.
We need both sides and differing opinions. We need to have compromise in our governments thoughts and actions. Its that compromise that has made this country great. Without it we will fall. Simple as that.
We are so devided now that we cant even work on policies that are in the best interest of AMERICA in general. While we sit and fight about how strong our differences are, the people at the top are fucking us ALL to high heaven, no Hell actually.
Our media is controled, yes even fox news. all of it.
No one thinks for themselves anymore.
and as far as the altering of the electoriats. It needs to be done. simply because we CAN NOT have a ONE party system.
If you or anyone else does not see the negative effects from having a one party system, well, I dont know what to tell you.
You go ahead and participate in the killing off of the other side. If you do, you will regret it. It has always been the compromise that worked.
good luck