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Can we ban WTM?

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1Can we ban WTM? Empty Can we ban WTM? 2/2/2013, 5:13 pm



He's out of control and makes it a point to threaten members including myself on more than one occasion. You can look at the latest posts he makes and all are full of vitriol/hate and he's really taking this place a bit too serious.

2Can we ban WTM? Empty Re: Can we ban WTM? 2/2/2013, 6:17 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:He's out of control and makes it a point to threaten members including myself on more than one occasion. You can look at the latest posts he makes and all are full of vitriol/hate and he's really taking this place a bit too serious.


What a pathetic whiner.

I didn't threaten you, but you feel threatened. Why....?

Have you done or said things that could be detrimental to your situation....?

Have a nice day.

3Can we ban WTM? Empty Re: Can we ban WTM? 2/4/2013, 6:28 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:He's out of control and makes it a point to threaten members including myself on more than one occasion. You can look at the latest posts he makes and all are full of vitriol/hate and he's really taking this place a bit too serious.

I think they need to look at banning you too. You're not quite right in the head.

4Can we ban WTM? Empty Re: Can we ban WTM? 2/5/2013, 4:56 am



Must be WTM's butt buddy'

Ban me...whup te doo...

5Can we ban WTM? Empty Re: Can we ban WTM? 2/5/2013, 1:27 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Must be WTM's butt buddy'

Ban me...whup te doo...


The cock sucking POS traitor and faux christian strikes again.

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