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Ollies on 9 mile

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1Ollies on 9 mile Empty Ollies on 9 mile 1/1/2013, 10:49 pm

no stress

no stress

Anybody been yet. Good or bad?

2Ollies on 9 mile Empty Re: Ollies on 9 mile 1/27/2013, 10:16 pm



I haven't been there yet, but I live right around the corner from it. Every time I pass by, the place seems to be packed.
One day, when I actually have the time to sit and enjoy a meal, I'll have to give that place a try.

3Ollies on 9 mile Empty Re: Ollies on 9 mile 1/27/2013, 10:23 pm



Gunz wrote:Anybody been yet. Good or bad?

What is their specialty?

4Ollies on 9 mile Empty Re: Ollies on 9 mile 2/8/2013, 1:01 pm



I haven't eaten there but have talked to several who have. I guess they had a little bit of a rough start staff wise but seems to have settled down. Food about what you would expect, not bad, not fantastic.

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