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101 reasons you need an assault rifle....

3 posters

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You need an assault weapon—

1. to help continue the American tradition of citizen/soldier.
2. for recreation.
3. to collect military small arms.
4. to get quick extra shots at more game while hunting.
5. to get quick extra shots at the same game while hunting.
6. for more fun plinking.
7. to defend yourself against a street gang.
8. to defend yourself against mob violence.
9. to defend yourself against looters.
10. to shoot in a Civilian Marksmanship Program competition.
11. to shoot in an “Action Rifle” or “Practical Rifle” target match.
12. to assist the police in an emergency (e.g. 1966 Texas Tower Sniper incident, citizens assisted with M1′s).
13. to help defend the country from a foreign invasion.
14. to help defend the country from an internal takeover.
15. to help the firearms industry remain economically strong.
16. to pay the federal tax on guns that goes to aid wildlife.
17. to encourage further research into new firearm technology.
18. to save time while shooting.
19. to have increased reliability in functioning.
20. to have a longer lasting firearm.
21. to have a less costly/ more affordable firearm.
22. to have an easier to manufacture firearm.
23. to have an easier to repair firearm.
24. to have an easier to take apart and clean firearm.
25. to have a more versatile firearm.
26. to own a highly weather resistant firearm.
27. to appreciate the evolution of firearm technology.
28. to defend your business.
29. to defend your home.
30. to defend your boat.
31. to defend your camp.
32. to defend your ranch.
33. to defend your farm.
34. to defend your family.
35. to have reduced recoil when shooting.
36. as an investment.
37. as a military souvenir.
38. as a hedge against inflation.
39. because criminals statistically prefer revolvers over all other firearms.
40. to have a more psychologically intimidating firearm. (often the mere presence of a firearm will stop a crime)
41. to own a firearm least likely to be used in a crime. (less than 1% are assault firearms.)
42. to own a firearm which purposely functions slower than other firearms thereby reducing recoil. (e.g. Remington 1100.)
43. to own a firearm used in Olympic competition.
44. to appreciate the mechanical genius of firearm designers.
45. to have a firearm which uses external magazines.
46. to shoot at the National Matches at Camp Perry.
47. to reject anti-gun bias.
48. to challenge “Big Brotherism”.
49. to protect yourself against a pack of feral dogs.
50. to own a firearm better for the physically handicapped.
51. to save all firearms by not giving in to “salami” tactics.
52. to do trick shooting (e.g. multiple aerial targets).
53. to shoot military ammunition. (Inexpensive surplus)
54. to be part of an armed populous, creating a tactical disadvantage for any potential enemies.
55. to familiarize yourself with your country’s military rifle.
56. to familiarize yourself with a foreign country’s military rifle.
57. because they are interesting.
58. to hang on your wall.
59. to shoot clay targets.
60. to shoot paper targets.
61. to shoot Metallic Silhouettes.
62. to exercise your constitutional rights.
63. to exercise a natural right.
64. to exercise a civil right.
65. to exercise a fundamental right.
66. to exercise an inalienable right.
67. to exercise a human right.
68. to defend yourself after a New York City-type blackout.
69. to defend yourself against a Miami-type riot.
70. to defend yourself after a St. Croix-type hurricane in which both officers and escaped prisoners have run amok.
71. to avoid a “Tiananmen Square” in the U.S.
72. to own a firearm in common use and therefore protected under the Heller decision.
73. to protect livestock from predators.
74. to show support for political ideals of the founding fathers.
75. to own a firearm designed to wound rather than kill (according to the Dir. Of the Wound Ballistics Laboratory).
76. to own a firearm not readily convertible to full automatic.
77. to own a firearm with that “shoulder thingy that goes up.”
78. to own a “state-of-the-art” firearm (e.g. FN SCAR).
79. to own a “turn-of-the-century” firearm (e.g. Borchardt).
80. which is more pleasant to shoot (lighter and less recoil).
81. because all of your other firearms will be banned next.
82. to own a firearm which is difficult to conceal.
83. to own a firearm which the media glamorizes.
84. to own a firearm which might be banned.
85. to own a firearm which is banned.
86. to own a firearm that is no frills and practical in design.
87. to own on of the most mechanically-safe firearms. (e.g. Uzi).
88. to own a firearm that is a “work of art”.
89. to own a Valmet M-76 which the BATF says has no sporting use.
90. to own a Valmet Hunter which the BATF says has sporting use.
91. to own a firearm that made history (e.g. M-1 Carbine).
92. to shoot a firearm that made history.
93. to own a firearm that can be dropped and still function.
94. to own a firearm that can be coated in mud and still function.
95. to own a firearm that can be dunked in water and function.
96. to own a firearm that can be frozen solid and still function.
97. to own a firearm that can be buried in sand and still function.
98. to be a prepared member of the unorganized militia as defined in the US Code (10 US Code Sect. 311 (a)).
99. to distinguish between an object and its misuse.
100.because you believe in freedom.
101.if YOU say you need one. In America, an individual’s need should not be determined by the state. There are approximately 100 million firearm owners in the country. That’s 100 million more reasons for owning any firearm.




102. To massacre six-year-olds efficiently.



103. To protect children from crazed criminals.



To slaughter commie invaders...



PkrBum wrote:103. To protect children from crazed criminals.

Yeah, that worked.

Massive fail.




Well I know for sure it's killed a lot of would be commie invaders.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well I know for sure it's killed a lot of would be commie invaders.


Did you miss the November election results?

There's gonna be an inauguration in January.

Don't miss it.

Very Happy

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

104. To sell for a profit when the price goes up after they're banned.



The upcoming zombie apocalypse



To make you feel like your dick is huge.

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