As with all registrations they require maintenance. The type Seatoat wants are technological in nature and subject to the further requirement of reliable operation. I can see the scenario now, The Firearms compliance truck cruises by your house and pings it. Then they knock on your door with law enforcement powers and proclaim that their electronic survey showed an AR15 missing from the house. Seeing has no use or transfer form had been filled out you were not in compliance. May we see the weapon they ask? You bring it to them as they await with guns drawn, You carry the weapon as instructed countless times at the store where you purchased it and by public service commercials. You have the action open and are holding it in one hand with the barrel down along with your head facing the floor walking very slowly counting off a second between steps. They take the gun from your hand and instruct you to turn and face the wall while they examine it. The RFID has expired and so your signal is weak and not accessible.They inform you that your RFID has failed and confiscate your weapon, cuff and arrest you on a serious violation of the seaoat gun law. So off to jail you go no judge no jury. You bail out and spend months of compliance training not to mention hundreds of dollars to pay fines and training fees.......the states only tool is force and their greatest want is revenue,,,,the new law works very well... next violation carries time in a federal industrial production prison making RFID chips.....
Oh and of course Lucky your dog was shot dead in your front yard.....compliance officers are taught to shoot any lose dogs friendly or not..
Oh and of course Lucky your dog was shot dead in your front yard.....compliance officers are taught to shoot any lose dogs friendly or not..