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Greg McElroy...

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1Greg McElroy... Empty Greg McElroy... 12/21/2012, 1:09 pm



It has finally come to fruition, granted it's by default...but nonetheless, Greg McElroy will be the starting QB for the hapless Jets for the final two games of this season.

It has completely evaded me why this has taken so damned long. He looked good in pre-season, and has performed well off of the the limited action he has seen.

He may not be as strong armed as Sanchez, or as good a runner as Tebow, but he brings some valuable skills to the game, and most of all...he's a winner. He always has been, from the time he started playing football as a youth to his outstanding stats at the helm of the Alabama Crimson Tide, up to and including the somewhat mythical National Championship.

His intelligence and ability to "manage" the game is well known, almost to his detriment. He's flat out smart (big-time), and some coaches don't equate that with being teachable, and let's face it, Rex Ryan is a total control freak, and just as stubborn as a wine stain in a silk dress.

We know about Greg's outspoken nature...his remarks about team cohesion and locker room angst were less than welcomed by the Jets. But let's hope the offensive line will set aside any resentments, suck it up, and make an extra effort to give him the protection he needs to use his knowledge and calm leadership so his team can hang a couple of W's on the locker room wall before this forgettable season expires.

And if he does shine and they win, will it matter to Coach Ryan...?

I doubt it.

2Greg McElroy... Empty Re: Greg McElroy... 12/21/2012, 1:32 pm



W_T_M wrote:It has finally come to fruition, granted it's by default...but nonetheless, Greg McElroy will be the starting QB for the hapless Jets for the final two games of this season.

It has completely evaded me why this has taken so damned long. He looked good in pre-season, and has performed well off of the the limited action he has seen.

He may not be as strong armed as Sanchez, or as good a runner as Tebow, but he brings some valuable skills to the game, and most of all...he's a winner. He always has been, from the time he started playing football as a youth to his outstanding stats at the helm of the Alabama Crimson Tide, up to and including the somewhat mythical National Championship.

His intelligence and ability to "manage" the game is well known, almost to his detriment. He's flat out smart (big-time), and some coaches don't equate that with being teachable, and let's face it, Rex Ryan is a total control freak, and just as stubborn as a wine stain in a silk dress.

We know about Greg's outspoken nature...his remarks about team cohesion and locker room angst were less than welcomed by the Jets. But let's hope the offensive line will set aside any resentments, suck it up, and make an extra effort to give him the protection he needs to use his knowledge and calm leadership so his team can hang a couple of W's on the locker room wall before this forgettable season expires.

And if he does shine and they win, will it matter to Coach Ryan...?

I doubt it.

I was also reading today that the Jets want Michael Vick. One thing is for sure though, McElroy has to be head and shoulders above the disaster called Sanchez.

3Greg McElroy... Empty Re: Greg McElroy... 12/21/2012, 3:32 pm



The Jets suck.

4Greg McElroy... Empty Re: Greg McElroy... 12/21/2012, 3:41 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

The Jets are basically a dumpster fire at this point. Their coaching staff is probably the worst in the NFL and they have no real direction. A few days ago they wanted Alex Smith. Now they want Vick.

I would personally fire the coaching staff and go after someone like Gruden. Maybe develop the o-line in the next draft which is a fairly weak QB draft and then hope to draft a solid QB the next year. They could possibly acquire someone like Larry Fitzgerald, MJD, or Chris Johnson. I don't know. They just suck.

Last edited by boards of FL on 12/21/2012, 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

I approve this message.

5Greg McElroy... Empty Re: Greg McElroy... 12/21/2012, 3:43 pm



I don't think the owner cares one bit about winning. He is making a profit without winning and that is his bottom line.

6Greg McElroy... Empty Re: Greg McElroy... 12/23/2012, 12:58 pm



Argue all ya want. McElroy has a GUN for an arm.

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