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Operation Pillar of Defense from an unusual perspective- I dare the libs to read it from start to finish

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I am certain she means well, and I believe every word she wrote. However, the premise of her article is the maintenance of the status quo with as few causalties.......a clean dominance of a once free people. People have been conquered throughout history. Israel has been remarkably fair in the same....but they have conquered a free people, and the status quo frankly cannot be the starting point of this discussion....therefore as sincere as her words are, they mean very little in solving the problem. If your argument is that might is right, and compassionate might is better......your argument makes sense to me....but if your desire is to find peace where might does not determine right....I would suggest that much work has to be done....and her paradigm will not bring peace to the region.



2seaoat wrote:I am certain she means well, and I believe every word she wrote. However, the premise of her article is the maintenance of the status quo with as few causalties.......a clean dominance of a once free people. People have been conquered throughout history. Israel has been remarkably fair in the same....but they have conquered a free people, and the status quo frankly cannot be the starting point of this discussion....therefore as sincere as her words are, they mean very little in solving the problem. If your argument is that might is right, and compassionate might is better......your argument makes sense to me....but if your desire is to find peace where might does not determine right....I would suggest that much work has to be done....and her paradigm will not bring peace to the region.

...and you fail to point out that her grandparents turned down the land offered to them back in 1948...only to turn to war over and over again. Peace will be had when these people who oppose Israel stop desiring to eliminate the Jews off the face of the Earth. Ask the Arabs who live in Israel if they have it so bad...most are happy to be living within the confines of an area where they are not intimidated by their very neighbors who subjugate their daughters to honor killings, mutilate female genitalia, and pretty much are more intolerant than even the liberals in our own nation.



Me. I am just waiting for Obama to start arresting the people in our government and military who have been giving Israel free unfettered access to our top secrets. He doesn't face re-election, so he can go after these traitors unabashedly. His memo of 11/21/12 sets the tone:



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Me. I am just waiting for Obama to start arresting the people in our government and military who have been giving Israel free unfettered access to our top secrets. He doesn't face re-election, so he can go after these traitors unabashedly. His memo of 11/21/12 sets the tone:


No I didn't read the link. It's just your comment. Anyway........................

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